Is Optimistic Nihilism the only true answer?

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This channel is pure reddit cringe. Stop posting.

It's just existentialism in fun play-doh colors. Also something was a bit "off" about the video, and it was actually identified by a commentor (one of the smarter youtube comments I've read): the video assumes that you're in a socioeconomic/cultural/geographic position to "choose your own philosophy" and approach life as you wish. This is only even halfway tenable in less-unfree societies such as the United States. A person with the misfortune to live in Saudi, or NK, or Somalia, has more immediate problems and is most assuredly not free to make any meaningful outward expression of a deviant philosophy or worldview.

>third worlders
>relevant or deserving of sympathy

How so? Their videos are fun and informative, one of my fav YouTube channels.

Reddit has shifted away from the r/atheism of 2012, towards a form of ironic pseudo-Christianity that thinks murdering racists is moral but opposing abortion is evil.

You are responsible for your choice of philosophy and you are responsible for your freedom, and not the state, arrangement of geographical features of where you live in or the culture you are surrounded with.

Oh god, lol!! Soo funny. And the pickle image too lmao!!

>Is [expunged] Nihilism the only true answer?
>everyone I don't like is wrong because I don't like them
their circumstances don't alter the objective state of reality, it only inhibits their available knowledge and ability to understand it

While I don't think the channel itself is that valueable, I would consider myself a optimistic nihilist which often leads to confusion for others about how happy I am and how little I care. It is like I am always happy no matter what, so in my opinion it is the true answer to whatever the question was.

Don't I deserve sympathy? user kun :(

If one finds happiness in ruining the life of others, why should he not do it?
We will of course try to stop him, but we can't say that he is mislead or wrong, for he is just doing what everyone should do.

Aka asshole

Not true at all.

>you are responsible for your freedom, and not the state
do people unironically believe this?

Whats your problem with that?

Yes. All the people here will say its not but at the end of the day who's happier; a party girl who spends every weekend drunk and fucked up on drugs or a 'stoic' who cucks himself from happiness, a catholic who spends his weekend agonizingly studying the bible, or anyone who believes in honor, respect, hard work, mercy, dignity, strength and so on.

Your either born happy and stay happy, have a contradicting belief system or give up on trying to be happy at all.

>party girl who spends every weekend drunk and fucked up on drugs
what if I don't enjoy to be fucked by chad unlike you do
> or a 'stoic' who cucks himself from happiness
a stoic doesn't cuck himself from happiness, he cucks himself from being fucked by chad
but oh wait in this sentence you already predefined being happy as being fucked by chad so I can't really argue against that :((((((((((((((

You don't sound like a happy person.

no tesla had it right.

>the only true answer

>truth values

>only people who do the kind of things I say will give happiness are happy

People are not wired to be happy for a sustained period of time. We all experience it, what happens is that you accept your new reality as normal and therefore interpret every following event in the assumption that you will stay equally happy or hopefully even become more happy.

What I'm trying to say is that consciousnesses is pain. My point in case is that all the things that you list as making someone happier (alcohol, sex, drugs) are ways to escape it.

What you can do now is either accept that and go stoic or try escaping it. Fun thing is that it doesn't matter.

And this ladies and gentlemen is the reason why Stoicism is the philosophy to follow

this, it's stoicism lite, literally shut off your brain shit cuz having will and being a moral person is hard, just do this kiddie shit and you'll be happy

Pretty accurate tbqhqh

What in the Reddit did I just watch?

>reddit tier normie channel with nice animations and voice to appear intelligent
I'm almost certain that 80% of the people who watch this channel are pseudo intellectuals "with a nerdy/geeky side xD"

Totally. It's too bad that they're almost always correct, so our "lel reddit xD" humor doesn't mean much :(

Philosophy & Psychology = don't replicate = Pseudosciences = Bull shit




Demagogic as fuck.

i think literally nobody argues against this
the answer is trivially yes and thinking you're smart for feeling this way is bottom of the barrel pseudophilosophy

first post best post

It wasn't that funny really

>just do what makes you feel good
But this is the default human behavior given the opportunities. There is nothing special in following this "philosophy". It's the reason why divorces are skyrocketing in wealthy countries - marriage becomes less about co-op survival and more about butterflies in your stomach which disappear after a while.

A much more interesting philosophy is that of constant self-improvement and strict discipline despite suffering that it brings and being pointless in the end.

free will is merely a meme

Why call it "optimistic nihilism" when it's really just "if it feels good do it" hedonism?


Atheism and Nihilism is for the emotionally retarded. You can't prove God doesn't exist. Read the bible, it's a good philosophy and the greatest story ever told. Your piddly skepticism is holding you back, brainlets.


*Tips pope hat*

*Tips pedophilia*

*Tips homophobia*

Stephen Hawkins, British.
RPG stats points all in INT but zero in everything else.
In top 3 Smartest man on Earth
(Jewish Edward Witten & East Asian Terrence Tao are contenders)
Yet He can't cure himself.

*Tips creationism classes for at school*

*Tips belief that earth is 6000 years old*

>He still hasn't passed the atheism phase

kek, it's okay anons, you'll grow up soon

*Tips belief that satan planted dinosaur bones to deceive us*

That definition of atheism is wrong because.
Atheism = You believe nothing, as in you do not hold any believes. Not that you believe "in" nothing, as in some physical nothingness.

And I am agnostic.

*Tips having no dictionaries at home because we only read bibles*

ironically this... Science and religion go hand in hand. Evolution is proof of God rather than against it

*Tips believing that 6 out of 7 human beings alive today will go to hell by default because they were born in regions with other religions*

*Tips believing that 99.9% of people today will go to hell because even christians are divided in thousands of sect and only mine is the correct one so only me, my family, my pastor and the locals will go to heaven*

The pope himself says that you don't need to be a christian to go to heaven.

Talk to God and save yourself you ungrateful nigger. He sacrificed His Son so you could live forever, yet you wont accept it.

*Tips having a moral boss that chooses who does and doesn't go to heaven, even though he is just a human being like you*

*Tips being retarded*

Oh, I forgot about that.

*Tips racism*

The pope is a old pedophile faggot.
90% of Catholic beliefs & practices aren't found in Bible.
These Corrupt & Gay pedophile Priests should be arrested.

What's wrong with racism?

If there was no God then there would be no need for atheism to disprove it.

Atheism doesn't disprove god.

>implying looking before crossing the road isn't predetermined

If that quote is real and it was an actual serious argument for indeterminism, hot wheelz is as retarded as he looks.

prove that there aren't more than 1 God
protip: you can't

I can.

>reading the Bible as a literal interpretation

*tips Jordan Peterson

we are waiting

Jews saw God at Sinai. God said they were "stiff necked stubborn" fucks, and not the best followers. A whole nation saw and affirmed that it happened, and the written and oral traditions survive to this day.

If you deny that, then you have to deny anything else in history which has less evidence than that event.

Also, it is scientifically proven that prayer actually works.

do you have any idea how much false doctrine you just stated?

>Jews saw god

Ok. Fair. Jews also saw climate change so I take it you accept that too?

*Tips thinking that your own subjective interpretation of the bible has any value."


>Reddit has shifted away from the r/atheism of 2012
I fucking wished

He's not wrong.

that title made me laugh, fucking kek

Of course he wouldn't get thanked, he's an agent of Satan.