Hi Veeky Forums what do you think of my nonfiction selection?

Hi Veeky Forums what do you think of my nonfiction selection?
What would you recommend?

>I'm a literal assassin: the thread

Read some philosophy. Start with Plato and Aristotle and work your way up. You'll get a more encompassing look at history while you're at it instead of a list of events or incidents

What does this have to with being an assassin?

You literally have a book titled the ASSASSINATION complex





Do you have eyes?

heh heh, weiner

Yes which is why I can't see your explanation

Do you know how to read with those eyes?

Yes which is why I can't read your explanation that you haven't provided

>i've also never read anything pictured above

what does your line of questioning mean to provoke in me if not a cold bloodlust? be careful how you respond kiddo.

Why are you questioning with your eyes with which you read?

A picture of kermit is not an explanation

How's the Cockburn?

Andrew Cockburns book Kill Chain is a damning account of the drone war and the "lifestyle patterns" it uses to kill people without ever even knowing their names, exposing the technology to be anything but what it is cracked up to be, and traces the origin of the institutional thinking from the drug war and Vietnam

Leslie Cockburns book Out of Control is a nearly real time blow by blow account of the many crimes of the Raygun administration

I really should go for a trifecta and get something by Alexander and Patrick Cockburn

perhaps it is you who questions too much what you cannot see?

This is probably a bad time to mention that I am thinking of purchasing Douglas Valantines book about The Phoenix Program