You will never leave Earth, even for a few days

>You will never leave Earth, even for a few days

How does this make you feel?


at least I have rick and morty to keep me satisfied with mind bending science based humour and outrageously intellectual script writing

>it's another "space hating luddite wants to show off how ignorant he is of everything regarding space" episode
every fucking day
at this point, I think it's a bot


My soul will when I die, as will all of us. So put your mind at ease for the Lord is with you.


there is nothing but emptiness and few dead rocks floating around, who cares
though I'd like to try weightlessness but that can be done here too

actually I think that human beans shouldn't be allowed to get out of earth because I like the idea of every single life form in the universe existing in a single blue ball

>life is unique to a single planet

I don't count the angels that move the celestial spheres as life you autistic fuck

Why not?

Sure I will.
And I'm taking all of you fuckers to space with me whether you want to go or not.

There's nothing better than Earth for humans and our space tech sucks so that it's uncomfortable as hell.

>There's nothing better than Earth for humans that we know of



Aren't we technically in space already? Everything is in space.

What's the problem? Can't ask people the same question on different boards?



OP didn't say "enter space" he said "leave Earth"

But he can do that every time he jumps?

Earth's atmosphere is considered part of Earth, shit-for-brains

Not necessarily. "Earth," as a word, has a connotative and denotative meaning. Stop being a pessimism troll.

>Not necessarily

Go tell anyone that Earth's (NOTE THE APOSTROPHE-S) Atmosphere isn't a part of Earth.

See how they react.

>muh appeal to popularity

>muh retardation

Hope you enjoy being a laughing stock whose brain isn't large enough to conceive of the entirety of a planet's system.

You probably think the water on Earth is a whole 'nother planet, don't you, shit-for-brains?

>Quick insult him!
How does it feel being autistic? Do you also line up all your Hotwheels according to size?

Quick, everyone, watch! If you jump around him he'll die from shock!

He'll scream "Stop! All of you are going to die! You can't keep going to space like that!"

Ha ha ha ha!

>wants super strict "denotative" definitions only
>gets mad and throws it out the window
Did you also REEEEEE and throw your legos on the floor?

Here's a joke I'm sure you tell all the time!

How do they get satellites in orbit?

They climb to the top of a skyscraper and throw!


>didn't read the post
>connotative v denotative
I thought Veeky Forums was smart?

>connotative definitions
>on Veeky Forums
What did you get your degree in?

>You need a degree to look up something you can google.
Is this the power of Autism?

>"No Johnson, I didn't mean literally 30ml of hydrochloric acid! You've doomed us all!"
Clearly not a STEM degree it seems.

>This is a strict science thread.
Yeah, totally. Check out OP. Glad you joined us so now the two fags won't be lonely.

Jesus, my dude, is your pride really so fragile that you feel the need to defend "Jumping is like an Astronaut conducting EVA"

It was a stupid post, accept it and move on.

>It was stupid! Dummy!
Yeah, it was a high brow thread to begin with. You're "that guy" that demands the highest quality out of a mud pie.

Not really, I'm just shocked that someone who says something stupid is angry when people point out how stupid it is.

>Not really
>Not really
Could you be any more of a weak deflecting pussy?

Right after you stop being an idiotic English-major who thinks he's clever. Tell me, which crackerjack box did you get the "Jumping to leave Earth" joke from?

>repeating himself
What's the matter? Run out of material? If you're going to shitpost like you're some sort of sophisticated snob you might as well make an effort to be creative.

Well, you know what they say, "If the joke fits the crackerjack box"

You're such a queer

Holy shit kek, best post

It sounds like an interesting idea but the reality of it would probably be disappointing.

I still have at least 30 years of usable life for that (would be 53), medical advancements notwithstanding.
CRISPR has the potential to be the transistor of genetic engineering, so probably even 50.
And look at the last 20 years of advancement in IT, as well. By 2070 we'll know how to interface with our brains.
If any of us manage to live to 2070 we probably have a decent shot at being immortal.

define interface
control computers and machines with thoughts? we have that right now, plenty of universities have and use them for classes, and you can buy one yourself for pretty low cost
full uploading? not quite

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volyaliterature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and SonsI'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.