Why do young white American males in particular, or any "neckbeards" in general (to use a meme term)...

Why do young white American males in particular, or any "neckbeards" in general (to use a meme term), fail to grasp modern art?

These people seem to be stuck at a high school-level of cultural understanding. They feel smug about realizing that modern art is just "nonsense paint splashing", and they're satisfied with that analysis and never contemplate it again. Yet they have no actual insight into modern art (aside from the lewd controversial pieces that draw media attention), no especial knowledge of art in general (other than being able to name Da Vinci and Michelangelo) and simply do no realize that there's more to art than it being "pretty and difficult to make".

How did this phenomenon come about? Why do young men of today not grasp abstract concepts? How do we fix them?

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oh shit i meant to post this to Veeky Forums

>modern art
pic is referring to contemporary art (which is mostly shit) you dumb fuck

I think it's within the paradigm that these people see religion and tradition, both of which they usually reject as well. On the surface, it's the desire to be sort of a "no-nosense" kind of guy, but deeper there does seem to be a massive issue here, of which they're just a symptom, but I can't place my finger on it.

I guess realizing their reign is ending. A last revolt for a lost privilege.

The pic you posted is not modern art. It's contemporary/minimalist art. And yes it's garbage. If you want to know why it sucks, read some Michael Fried.

I think if we're talking about the alt-right (which is a little bit of a meme, but you know who) then that's probably it, but you also see materialists in general who feel this way. Materialism has taken such root in our society, from bottom to top, that any splitting from this world view is seen as frivolous and generally masturbatory.

People who go to see contemporary art dont "grasp" anything. They just go because that's what all the cool people in the city do. Confront them and you will get the most banal answers imaginable.

You don't mean "materialism," you mean commodity worship. A materialist looks at the art solely for what it is as an object and doesn't throw "private" prejudices into the assessment. That is, aside from their typical Christian prejudice against subjects.

The commodity worshipers, on the other hand, view "modern art" as worthless because it cannot be marketed to the "great mass of people." Or, "the people do not want it." They are prejudiced against the object, rather than the subject


>I guess realizing their reign is ending. A last revolt for a lost privilege.
guys I found a pic of OP

Mostly because all they see of it is shit like that. They don't consume art much at all anyway, so when what little they know comes in the form of pretentious wankery, they just write all of it off.

Partially though it's because they're ADD. They appreciate paintings of scenery or people because it's objective, easily recognizable, and pretty. When you get more obscure, they don't feel like taking the time to sit down and really observe the art, to take it in and admire it.

Art and other creative expressions like music and literature are viewed by some as a cultural luxury, and are therefore immaterial. Art that challenges these viewer's political or religious beliefs is discarded as a creative surplus, meaning the artists could have put their effort into something that was subjectively more worthwhile to the viewer. It exists on both sides of the political spectrum and has little to do with the art itself, and much more to do with the artist's political affiliation or sentiment.

Insecurity. People don't get it, so they reject it rather than try to assimilate or expand their views. ego defense.

It's critical to understand that these types of reactions predate modern art. They are linked to Art itself. That's what makes modern art important; it's self reflexive.

Art has good an bad periods. We are in a bad one. Since the surrealists, the abstractions and this whole 'deep by the subconcious mind' concept is misunderstood by the artists. Why? Because they dont fucking think. They see the old masters, they see picasso and say 'that is modern, that is deep i will do the same but in my own way'. They convince themselfes and theyr fellow plebs, that art is good when it looks unkonventional and misunderstood.
Look there was made a whole lot of good art, very good art, you can spend your lifetime looking at this art of the past (until 1945) and you will be an happy and smart person. Why should you even try to like contemporary art. It is ruled by kitsch, bad taste and the modern destruction of deep thoughts.

Good contribution.

This is linked to the ongoing self-infantilization of young men today. The alt right is a good example, as brings up.
These men literally made politics into memes. It grew into more than a laugh at the internet, and they don't even attempt to in ANY situation/matter be serious. They are emasculating themselves by this - isn't it ironic?

>No, no, no, "word" doesn't mean this "highly used but broad meaning", it means this "extremely specific meaning that only you use"!

I meant materialist, buddy. And isn't a "commodity worshiper" (I have never heard this term) a materialist in it of itself? How can a commodity worshiper not be a materialist? And how can a materialist view things within a Christian paradigm? Have you thought about this at all?

I think there is this arrogance of contemporary artists thinking they can compete in the world of ideas.

They really can't; it's why those little explanations beside paintings are in every case so inane. Even the good artists I know are clueless as to what makes their work good.

They should concentrate on making good art, and less on spreading their inane political messages. Because there are a million better ways of getting across those ideas, in much more nuanced ways.

The problem with contemporary art is not formal, though its problem does bleed into the formal structures of contemporary pieces. It's historical and ideological

someone's bound to point out exceptions, but I'm only trying to paint a picture of the zeitgeist

because they're right.

Contemporary art is a reflection of the age we are in - oversexualized, spiritually empty, shocking for the sake of being shocking. People don't really put their minds and skills to their work nowadays. They create the most crude and pompous piece of art they can think of, call it avantgarde or "conceptual" (though they have no real idea of what that means) and go for a smoke outside.
Not saying that great art doesn't exist, because it does, but it's overshadowed by PoMo bullshit. The late PoMo really is the worst.

>A materialist looks at the art solely for what it is as an object and doesn't throw "private" prejudices into the assessment.
the art is not an object. the materialists never grasp that.
your defense of materialism in this context is infantile.

>Good contribution.
fuck off to reddit with your upboats

art galleries today are just money laundering factories

>This is linked to the ongoing self-infantilization of young men today.
>They are emasculating themselves by this
this is ridiculous, did you just get dumped by an Alt-Righter or something?

>The problem with contemporary art is not formal, though its problem does bleed into the formal structures of contemporary pieces. It's historical and ideological

How do you mean?

>How can a commodity worshiper not be a materialist?

Belief in capitalism, i.e. commodity worship, is not quite materialism because it hinges on belief in "the commodity," which is an idea. This is an essentially Christian idea because it denies the self in favor of "the free market," or in other words the "freedom of commodity."

Materialism exhibits the Christian self-denial as well, except it focuses on "the objective" or "freedom of objects." They are different words for the same thing, but a materialist would in some cases reject being called a capitalist (e.g. Marx)

One wears the mask of a fox, the other of a wolf

I'm not defending materialism. Did you read the statement that came after the one that you quoted?

yes my fellow gender warriors, I also agree that the "alt-right" and Drumpf (LOL his name was Drumpf??!?! LOL!) are just the last stragglers of a forgotten period.

Progress is immutable and the clock cannot be turned back. Stale Pale Males will be forcibly removed; Antifa power will see to that and toxic masculinity will finally be cured.

*raises paw*

nothin personnel

*teleports away*

Self-loating. They look at that shitty sculpture and think "Even I could make that, therefore it is shit." Whereas a contemporary artist will look at that and think "Hell, even I could do that, might as well jump on board and make a few quick bucks."

It's a shame that what could have been a fairly interesting thread became this due to OPs obvious agenda-pushing

The text in the image might be ironic.

He outright says Symbolism pisses him off, that should be a giveaway. And the argument that the value of a piece is dictated by the time and effort it took to make, this being juxtaposed with a sculpture of a guy sucking himself off as the manifestation of his archenemy, it's almost too perfect to be for real.

because they have no cultural literacy, and they have no taste.

after what i quoted you are just contradicting yourself. if a pure materialist (i assume you refer to this) have christian prejudices. you try to defend materialism like something clean of prejudices. that is what i understand.

I too agonize over the Stale Pale Male not being able to grasp abstract concepts such as "the semiotics of multiple gay fisting" and "menstruatory Tea + its genderqueer muslim influences".

Why can't they be as intellectual as our stock? Don't they have a libarts college or 2 in their neighborhood to host them for a decade or so? Pathetic. Those SPMs (Stale Pale Males) are truly the slime on the boot of humanity and obviously they would vote for Cthlumpf. Klumpf. Xulumpf. Brumpf. Paha!

Misintellectuals truly pertrub me, persay.

because they're plebs. plebs have been around forever. now we're just more exposed to their "thoughts".

Young White CIS males are uncultured boors. Simple as that.

9/10 for subtle gender trolling