Why doesn't intelligence count as a positive in the arena of sexual attraction?

Why doesn't intelligence count as a positive in the arena of sexual attraction?

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Certain forms of intelligence are actually big positives in sexual attraction. The reason that not *every* form of intelligence is of equal status is because up until now, such a sexually selective preference has not appeared or been cultivated by environmental factors.

because unless she is true waifu they think big foreheads are weird.

Because it is not in of itself beneficial
>incoming entire board of brainlets

It does. autism just counts as a negative so they tend to cancel each other out in people who pride themselves on being intelligent.

Money trumps intelligence as attractor so if you have the intelligence to go into research your disposable income plummets along with your chance of ever getting married.

It absolutely does count. Veeky Forums is just full of cynics and social rejects who failed to find a girl that wasn't shallow.

A provider is seen as attractive. This, of course, comes in many forms. Physical prowess is one of many - and the most immediately noticeable. It's not in opposition to 'intelligence', in case it seems implied. Resources are the most important factor here. Someone who has resources and the ability to gain resources is attractive, and the trait can be displayed through physical prowess. It was very necessary to be in good physical condition to gain resources through the vast entirety of human lineage (and this trait not entirely gone now - nor is there large reason to think it would be anytime soon). Intelligence in the manner you imply is another method of gaining resources. It seems to have spun into it's own (reproductively disadvantageous) niche. As says, folks who pride themselves on sole intelligence without tangible, material gain can come off as unattractive.

Point: resource gathering is the main factor of attraction. Physical fitness and intelligence are byproducts of resource gathering strategies. Intelligence alone, such as obsessive interest in mathematics, will not suffice for attractiveness quite in the same manner that physical fitness will. Intelligence is useful in this arena insofar as it gains resources. Physical fitness was/is often directly correlated to resources (after all, one needs resources as a prerequisite here).

So, if you're looking for attractiveness through your intelligence, put the intelligence to use in a tangible manner. Make money with it.

It does.

Yes but what about all the ugly rich men. No self respecting person marries someone they find unattractive.

So Is Grigori Perelman is a Chad?
He solved a Millenium Problem you know.
But rejected the $1000000 prize & Fields medal.
Now Perelman is a Hobo.

ugly rich men > smart men

What about Smart/Good Looking man on average salary?

>Money TRUMPs intelligence
>t. most powerful ugly old rich men says
when you are a star they let you do anything...
Grab them by the Pussy

Intelligence is not an indicator of reproductive fitness, therefore of no value for sexual attraction.

Another reasonable voice lost in a hurricane of cynical bias

What are indicators of reproductive fitness?

Why should it? Neither does physical strength, singing voice, appearance, money or anything else. Not by themselves. Power and influence are sexual attractors. Intelligence that is used to obtain power and influence over the world including its people is absolutely attractive.

Whatever means you have that allows you to command other people, that makes the world around you subservient to you, is attractive to women. No matter how contradictory those means might seem by themselves. Brutality and violence are extremely attractive, just like benevolence and mercy, as long as they are used in a manner which has influence over people.

There's a reason for the phrase "nice guys finish last", usually the best way to be nice is not to push. And when you don't push, you don't have influence. And when you don't have influence, you're not the one driving the world around you... it's the others who do that, while you just hang along and play it safe.

Why should it?

Health,, status, looks. That's about it.

it does you idiot. ever been to college?

>grab em by the pussy
I unironically started grabbing my girlfriend by the pussy after that video came out. I just did it two days ago.

Because skills or traits is not enough. If you want to get bitches then you need to display your skills and have a huge ego when you do it. You can be really smart but if a woman does not see your intelligence as beneficial to her personally then she won't care. That is why you need to boast about it. Mention how many prizes you have. Mention how famous you are in your community. Outright mention how much money you get as head of the department of physics or some shit. Because women like displays of power, not power itself.

To give a better example, a lot of people here are claiming that having money is better. WRONG! Having money is completely useless unless you display it to women. If you are a billionaire but you keep that money in the bank and live a moderate lifestyle then women will not see any value in you. As an example, I will share a story I read on Veeky Forums a long time ago. It was a screenshot from one of those reddit confession boards that was posted either at Veeky Forums or /r9k/. One of those boards. The story was written from the perspective of a woman who said she felt cheated because she dumped her boyfriend because she felt her boyfriend was an underachiever who would never accomplish anything. She denounced that his boyfriend would eat cheap food (some potato soup or some shit) and drive a cheap car. Why did she feel cheated? Because months after breaking up she found out that her boyfriend actually was a millionaire with tons of fucking cash, but that he simply did not like to mindlessly spend it. Then the bitch started crying about how she "deserved" some of that money that was hidden from her but that is not the point.

The point is that there you had a millionaire, a supposed pussy-magnet, getting dumped. Why did he get dumped? Because even though he had the *insert thing women like*, he did not boast about it and display it.

So display your intelligence. Belittle people for being less intelligent than you. Brag about all of your accomplishments.

It's so fucking sad how true this is. Every single relationship I've observed, every single one I've had, has always been based around exactly this.

Obviously you don't need to be a complete ass, many people aren't. But at least a little. The sadder part still, is that the only reason you can't be a complete ass is not because it wouldn't work on women. It's because most of us don't have the power to back that up. If you become a complete dick and pay for it with your job, your connections, your fame, your power... then the end result is that you actually LOSE your power, and the ability to believably display it. And THAT is the reason women leave assholes, and whine about them. Not the fact that they are assholes.

The world is filled with enough examples of some pretty amazing assholes who CAN afford to be such dicks and still hold on to their power... and boy are those people just drowning in pussy.

The romanticized version of human nature is so much better than the real thing. And it's so very unfortunate that it is so, and that for many of us it can take a literal lifetime to understand the depths of the ugliness of the human animal nature.

Girls are attracted to intelligence, you just can't cancel that out with horrible autism

It is, severe autism just counteracts counteracts the benefits

No girls are attracted to looks. Depending on the person their standard may be lower.

I thought this was a board for scientists, not schizos, wannabe chads and johnny bravo's.

Thank you, no girls are attracted to your muscleheaded garbage body that will go bad when you age. They also can't stand your awful nasal voice.
Maybe next time learn to use a comma.

>I thought this was a board for scientists, not schizos, wannabe chads and johnny bravo's.

Well, if you are fine believing that women are the way disney movies present them have fun never getting pussy.

>The point is that there you had a millionaire, a supposed pussy-magnet, getting dumped. Why did he get dumped?

This is fucking retarded. No a millionaire doesn't get dumped, a broke ass bitch got dumped.

She had no idea of his wealth so it doesn't fucking count. It's like saying the most attractive man on the planet was dumped, but he wears a paper bag on his head 24/7

You sound like a beta orbiter

>a broke ass bitch got dumped.
No. Quite literally she dumped him. Let's not argue about semantics. Let me explain myself:

> It's like saying the most attractive man on the planet was dumped, but he wears a paper bag on his head 24/7

That is my point! OP claims to have intelligence, but does he do anything with it? I can guarantee that OP hasn't even tried. He probably just walks around university and just expects women to smell his intelligence or something. That is now how it works.

Similarly to how women cannot smell your attractiveness so having a paper bag defeats the purpose. You need to DISPLAY.

>You sound like a beta orbiter
I haven't been an orbiter for 8 years certified. I have been clean for almost a decade and I am not going back.

No retard. He didn't use his money, and didn't tell anyone, so it's effectively out of the equation, and doesn't exist.

He doesn't have to flaunt it, she literally didn't know it existed.

How are you not getting this?

>No retard. He didn't use his money, and didn't tell anyone, so it's effectively out of the equation, and doesn't exist.

Just because something is not displayed does not mean it doesn't exist. You are talking out of your ass here.

My point is again that if he had flaunted his money then he would have not gotten dumped. That is the point of display. He did not show off his millions so he got dumped. Had he showed them, he would still have her. However I would say he won because she is a gold digging piece of shit but that's a whole other thing.

Consider this alternate scenario: You tell your girlfriend that you have millions upon millions but that you wish to keep it in the bank, at least until your late 30s. And until then you will just take out enough money to pay for your cheap foods and housing.

Do you think she would have stayed? Maybe for a year or two. But eventually she would have cheated and/or moved on. The scenario is still the same, we are just changing the information.

>The scenario is completely different but it's the same
No it's not, you're fucking retarded if you think they're the same.

Obviously it is not the same but the end result is the same. Wait... wait a minute

>this low level of argumentation
>not able to understand after 3 posts of me elaborating, despite the fact that other posters like perfectly got my point

Let me ask you something. Are you a woman?

I hate people who introduce Perelman. We ALL know who he is - shut up.

Because women are just like chimps - they want a provider and a procreator. Procreation does not occur because of intelligence. Procreation is supposed to be relatively easy, but intelligent people love a challenge. So for those people, the women trick the man into believing he must make some big irrelevant accomplishments in order to procreate. This pushes intelligent people toward the provider role. And in the age where people are lead to believe they are connected via digital communications, women are able to retain many providers, as well as multiple procreators.

If you're trying at all for the pussy you're probably failing. With the exception of doing a little flirting and just doing little things for the fun of it, never try to buy your way into a woman's pants with attention or anything else. By making a john out of yourself you have almost guaranteed no self respecting woman will fuck you. As long as they don't fuck you they can accept all your gifts without being a whore.

One must be able to relate their intelligence to the woman for it to be something worth banging over. Just a bit of boastfulness.. That you know a thousand ways to make a woman cum owing to your study of the kama sutra etc. Not that I'm encouraging any NERDS to start acting like they're Casanova. But women really don't expect men to actually know their shit about women. They don't even know themselves half the time because they rely almost entirely on the empirical findings of their moronic friends and their idiot partners. Once you do get in, you'll have a totally different problem. If you know exactly how to hit the A spot and the G spot you won't be able to have any free time as women will constantly be nagging you for sex.

you seem like a considerably dumb individual

Yeah, that is what I thought first but then I realized what was actually happening:

You're a fucking idiot

You're restating exactly what he's saying in another way and simply claiming that your wording is better

Are you mentally deficient?

you're not as intelligent as you think you are

Intelligent people don't need genes to pass down information. They write books and all that.

It does, you are just a brainlet

>0 results
none of you are going to make it

Cancer thread.
You goyim just don't have the phenotype.

>He didn't use his money, and didn't tell anyone, so it's effectively out of the equation, and doesn't exist.
So money does not exist until you spend it!?

Suddenly I fully understand why the West is submerged in the worst financial crisis since the 1930's.

>Why doesn't intelligence count as a positive in the arena of sexual attraction?

Because instincts are too damn slow to figure out who has it and who doesn't.

This is the phenotype ASHKENAZI women sexually select for. Notice anything?

Not really at all. It matters how intelligent you look and sound, but true intelligence has no grounds in sexual attraction. I recommend practicing looking confident, smart, and being tactful and humorous.

I notice the cucked virgin shitposter trying to force this cancer meme for months.

it has to translate into money first

I noticed the same. We can only take comfort in the knowledge he shall never breed.

Answer is that the people who become intelligent tend to lose out on their social skills, which are necessary for success.

The fuck. By saying that I guess you weren't.