Is lsd really physically harmless or is that a druggie meme?

Is lsd really physically harmless or is that a druggie meme?

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it's healthy for you, actually. people who take lsd responsibly live up to 20 years longer than those who don't take any drugs or only smoke weed. not to mention the improvement in quality of life from IQ boosts, increased creativity, charisma, sexual appeal, etc.

thats bullshit but i believe it

Eh. It's probably not _good_ for you, but unless your family has a history of schizophrenia or depression or whatever you'll be fine. It's worth trying at least once.

There's a small chance of HPPD, but that usually goes away on its own in a few weeks/months and it's not a big deal even when you do have it.

>LSD can cause pupil dilation, reduced appetite, and wakefulness. Other physical reactions to LSD are highly variable and nonspecific, some of which may be secondary to the psychological effects of LSD. Among the reported symptoms are numbness, weakness, nausea, hypothermia or hyperthermia, elevated blood sugar, goose bumps, heart rate increase, jaw clenching, perspiration, saliva production, mucus production, hyperreflexia, and tremors.

as with many drugs, one regular done taken within 1 hour of eating and while well hydrated will not cause lasting damage, but repeated use over long periods of time will cause side effects depending on the drug
for LSD, there's various depression-related psychological effects that will last for up to a year in the worst cases, but nothing extremely debilitating that I know of
You should do your own research desu, there's a lot of literature on the side effects of many recreational drugs

This, everything is worth trying at least once.

What are you? Scared?

ive probably done 20,000 ugs of lsd in my life, with single trips dosing up to 2500 ug, ive recently swore off all drugs including weed and alcohol but i believe there may be a place in my life for mushrooms and maybe lsd as long as they arent physically harmful

Also on that 2500 ug trip i got in a fight with cops, im not finna be afraid of anything faggot

>swore off all drugs including weed and alcohol
Clearly afraid. Weak shit.

You wont realize how much you've hurt yourself until it's too late

ive dropped 15 or so times, and in a good PhD program. Many people around me also in program have also done LSD, and all are brilliant people. If it has affected us, it's nothing indicative of failure. everyone smokes weed here too

Well with acid you never realize how much you've hurt yourself, it's that potent.

TIL that a police officer in San Fransisco accidentally took 1000 hits of LSD simultaneously and suffers from lasting brain damage [16:09]

Why do researchers in imperial vollege use it as a depression treatment?

Sounds like bullshit desu

go to any druggy festival and have a chat with a longtime acid user and you'll have all the proof you need about the permanent brain damage.

As with all drugs; DONT fucking make a habbit out of it. just do it in moderation and with irregular intervals, else it will fuck you up if you're not careful.

you should be very careful around lsd, know plenty of stories of people who had psychosis for weeks on end or permanent.

Ever seen a woman go full feral and attack everyone? My dealer buddy has. Ever seen a chick get bitten by a german shephard because she thought it was a good idea to jump it and ride the doggie? I have.

Wanna feel like a fucking orange and revert to a plantlike state for 2 months? Drop a lot of acid!

thought this board was for smart people. Guess Ill go back to Veeky Forums

>have a chat with a longtime acid user and you'll have all the proof you need about the permanent brain damage
Thats bias. They also drink alot. It couldve come from drinking

Ehm, nope, just acid users. Real acid addicts swear off the alcohol and like to pretend they know shit.

If you want to see brain damage up close, talk to acid/speed/keta addicts.

In the correct dosage, it is safe.
Unless your dealer, or shaman is trying to kill you, you'll be fine.

Really it depends on your definition of harmful. Are acute instances of elevated heart rate, pupil dilation, and some hallucinations really detrimental to the body? Of course not. You metabolize the drug and return to homeostasis. This is true with everything you take. Things like schizophrenia or that flashback bullshit are likely due to underlying conditions and get unfairly tied to the drugs reputation. It's like steroids and heart attacks. It just aggravates an underlying condition. I consumed over a gram of a psilocin analog called 4-ho-met back in 2012 (average dose is around 15-30mg) and I just turned into a singularity for about 12 hours before slowly coming back to reality, the process which took almost 40 hours, but I just took a xanax at the end and fell asleep fine. Felt weird for a day or two after but that's about it.

problem is that not everyone can take that kind of mental stress it might cause. I am absolutely fine by having a fake near death experience when I'm deep into a k-hole, or being stuck in an escher painting or seeing a gigantic eyeball in the sky, or realizing I might have permanent brain damage when I can't even add 1 and 2 in a trip, but for some people that's a horrifying experience and it can fuck them up.

So yeah maybe not for you, but that doesn't mean the mental stuff is without risk.

And we aren'te ven discussing the actual physical brain damage shit like lsd can cause. If you turn away from that kind of information you are basically a fool or an addict already.

The cops could have easily beaten you up and given you brain damage while on LSD, be careful.

I drop pigs left and right with the right and left just for steppin' too close!
Pop, pop, pop, bang!
You feel me, mans?