So i'm going to do a 30 days vegan to see how it goes because i'm a fat fuck and i just saw this

So i'm going to do a 30 days vegan to see how it goes because i'm a fat fuck and i just saw this
Any vegans here who could recommend so basic things to buy and recipes?

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I'm a "junk food vegan" myself, but I do have some healthier vegan tips as well.

I really like pea, rice, and hemp protein powder. Soy is good too. Chia seeds are perfect in oatmeal and give you extra nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, protein.

Try tofu saag - it's delicious.

Also banana and oatmeal (and you can add whatever other ingredients you want, like raisins, cocoa, or cinnamon..) mixed together and shaped into discs make good (high calorie but healthy) cookies.

Sweet potatoes sliced into discs and topped with Tony's Creole seasoning are freaking bomb.

Be aware of sugar content in things like pasta sauce, ketchup, baked beans, even things like canned corn.

Try zucchini pasta. It can be pretty delicious.

Cashews make great sauces and cheeses. Many recipes on the internet for these.

My favorite way to eat tofu is to coat it in soy sauce, rice vinegar, black pepper, and garlic powder and microwave it (so I don't have to use oil).

Avoid oil - it's high in calories and not good for you.

Will probably add more tips as I think of them. Good luck!

Just remember that a vegan diet isn't inherently healthier than a non-vegan diet, and you will have to supplement B12 if you don't want to die.

legumes rice spinach broccoli sweet potatoes spices. those are your staple foods


Also stevia is good to have to sweeten things.
A B12 supplement or nutritional yeast would be good to get, but not really necessary if you're only doing it for 30 days, but would be good to have even if you stop eating plant based. Lots of people are deficient and don't even know it.

It is kind of inherently better though. Even if you eat junk food as a vegan, it's still better than animal based junk food.

Also most people should be supplementing with B12. And for the record, the animals you eat are supplemented with B12. So you're getting a supplement either way. Makes more sense to get it straight from the source without causing yourself cancer and abusing animals while you're at it.

>I just watched literal propaganda, so I'm gunna do what it says

Cancer isnt one of the bad things eating meat can do to you

that's a way of seeing it, the way i see it is i try one month if it doesn't go well, i change the diet again
no harm in trying

Zucchini/Squash pasta always comes out overly soggy whenever Ive had it/try to make it. Any recipes/recommendations?

But user look! I have several tabloid headlines playing very fast and loose with the interpretation of some studies that haven't been widely replicated! I don't know what the studies themselves actually say, but I'm gunna agree with the tabloid !

lol okay I'll just ignore the countless studies on the subject that I've read and all the health professionals and take your word for it user. Thanks for educating me.

beans are pretty filling so maybe try bean burgers or something.

I've read hundreds of studies on the subject. I read studies as a hobby. And many of them have been replicated.

Nothing more annoying than retards who assume that other people are as ignorant as they are and decide to pretend they have knowledge in a subject.

>Avoid oil - it's high in calories and not good for you.
what about extra virgin olive oil?

I'd recommend checking out Dr. Michael Gregor's Daily Dozen. It's a checklist of foods and servings you should be eating to get all your vitamins and nutrients as a vegan.

As long as you're getting out in the sun some everyday, the only supplement you'll want to take it B12.

You're a complete fucktard.

Eating highly processed junk food is bad for you regardless of the source.

There are entire tribes of people living on this planet RIGHT NOW that consume almost nothing but animal products. They have much much lower incidences of every "disease of civilization" (cancer, obesity, diabetes, etc).

The human body can adapt to a wide range of diets but the western diet isn't one of them.

The best thing you can do for your health is eat a diet comprised of whole foods, not "edible food like products" to quote Michael Pollan.

I eat like a vegan 85%-90% of the time. (Allows me to still drink like a fish and not have the doctor put me on cholesterol meds). Good vegan dishes come from South Asia and anywhere they have a tradition of Buddhist temple cooking. Sikh temple cooking is great, too. Orthodox Christian Lenten dishes are good, too. Just shy away from lots of pasta and bread unless you're very active. Also: get more active.

>Dr. Michael Gregor's Daily Dozen
that looks great, thanks
>going out in the sun everyday
i'm kind of a reclusive person sadly

Gregor goes into the Daily Dozen extensively in his book "How Not To Die" (it's easy to find copies online).

If you don't get out much I'd recommend a vitamin D supplement in addition to the B12 one. Some mushrooms are treated with UV which have vitamin D, but I'm not sure it's enough (or if you don't like mushrooms).


They have lower incidences of every "disease of civilization" because THEY DIE IN THEIR FUCKING 20's AND 30's. You fuckwit. Also, the Inuits have special adaptations to survive on a meat based diet. Most people do not.

Every tiem I see a vegan telling me about how unhealthy eating meat is, they are a 30 year old who looks 50, wrinkled to shit, no muscle mass, loose skin everywhere, can't lift a paperweight, can't digest anything... Vegans aren't setting a good example for veganism.

>inb4 someone posts that roided to the gills bodybuilder who "claims" to eat nothing but faggotshit


supersize me the sequel
more lies edition

This one? He won the Mr. Natural competition which tests for steroids...

Or maybe you mean this one?


Stupidity comes from your family? Don't you know both of them supplement 'vegan' brotein powder in their diet.

Sounds more like you're spending too much time with meth heads. Just because they consume nothing but alcohol doesn't mean they're vegan.

Met hundreds of vegans and have yet to meet one who fits your description so this is the only logical conclusion. Get new friends and lay off the drugs, bud.

All body builders use protein powder you absolute fuckwit.

Wow, a weightlifter uses protein powder?

Absolutely insane, dude. Never heard of that happening before.

Guess that's also way too expensive for the average person.

I eat meat on the regular, but you are just a fucking mong, bud.

Not the OP but thanks for this. Good information.

>So i'm going to do a 30 days vegan to see how it goes because i'm a fat fuck and i just saw this
I can already tell you are going to stay fat your entire life

you're absolutely up to the top full of shit
but this is Veeky Forums after all

I'm assuming that you're taking the raw squash and then cooking the noodles in boiling water.
Personally, I would bake or boil the whole squash, let it cool off, turn it into noodles, and then sauté in some oil or pesto.

Technically, if they consume nothing but alcohol they are vegan.


brocoli>anything else

Not by the original definition of vegan, no. Also some alcohol isn't vegan.

I meant just alcohol. Not beer or liquor, just alcohol.

>they die in their 30
Veeky Forums is laughing at you

>Some guy is not a vegan their entire career
>after retirement goes vegan to lose weight
>Vegans: This guy got to where he was by being vegan!

They've both gained muscle on vegan diets and improved their performances, and have been vegan for many years.

Keep trying.

Oh NO! I might get cancer one day and ruin my chances of living to a shriveled husk of a man whose only purpose is to drain the vitality and goodwill of my grandchildren! (I will outlive my children).

prove it