Where do ideas come from? Seriously, is nobody else scared that they are not our own...

Where do ideas come from? Seriously, is nobody else scared that they are not our own, but are brought into our minds at specific points in time for structure and order?

This is a very possible concept. But it cannot be perfectly true, if you believe in a divine creator. If you believe in evil though, you can certainly see evil in aspects of life which resents anything spiritually significant.

>Where do ideas come from?

I don't believe in spirits or explanations rooted in dogma, though. I'm more curious as to how people discover intricate facts such as special relativity or the unconscious.

I suppose what I'm trying to ask is, are ideas something we come up with, or are they simply discovered by our efficient information processing machines?

In other words, as we evolved, our technological prowess seems to match our mental ability. To me this illustrates that it is more likely we are simply discovering planes and ovens, rather than inventing them in our minds.

Define ideas

Right, well, unfortunately, there's no way that God doesn't exist. The aspect of perception, consciousness, and general psychology have to be influenced by the Spirit in some way, the aspect of us that lives on after we are dead. Any attempt to secularize these studies is asinine and mundane, and the faƧt that you are seriously considering this from a completely materialistic point of view is just sad and sophomoric.

Well, I suppose I'm refering to "new ideas" rather than just "ideas". Ideas the way I use it here, explains a result that has been achieved through unknown processes. Said result can be represented in reality either as an object, or as a subject to be used in language between two thinkers.

Sounds like dogma to me. You just threw "spirit" at me and somehow that should explain to me how ideas come to be in human beings. Sounds uninteresting and you seem to hold absolute views on this with a certainty that wouldn't allow me to be curious and perhaps find the right answer.


Exactly, so a new idea has many facets.

The ones that seem to be historically derived or obtained through knowledge of your material surroundings have a higher propensity to be from Satan or somewhere evil.

The ones that have a pure objective purpose, that are creative without deriving their creativity from repetitious groupthink, the thoughts that make a positive difference and are progressive, not regressive. These are the thoughts from your pure spirit, God.

The spirit is something you can feel. Something you can sense, perceive. You won't have any sort of objectively 'true' definition of the spirit out there. But that's exactly why it requires faith to believe in God.

Now lets go ahead and take this a step further. Sure you've heard this idea before, faith with God. But what does this have to do with the origin of thought? Well, the very basis of your brain fundamentally derives its ideas from certain areas. But there are questions neuroscience cannot answer. Like for instance, how these thoughts ar derived. If they are derived historically or in connection with your material surroundings, I'm certain scientific understanding can help you. But the thoughts that create meaning for us, in our lives. These are the things from which spring beauty. God is with the origin of these thoughts and they come from somewhere materially unexplainable by definition.

>Where do ideas come from
>Where do thoughts come from

Thoughts come when you -- think. As if somehow they have any other precursor, as if you would have to somehow think before you think a thought, as if some power outside you grants your thoughts to you by its mercy.

>are you scared that your thoughts are not your own

No. You seem to be experiencing the early stages of schizophrenia. Have you tried anti schizoid medication?

I'm all good, thanks for your worry though. You seem to be opposed to what this user is saying and you are taking a much more materialist view. But are you familiar with Benjamin Libet's experiment? It basically shows that your awareness does not come up with thoughts, something preceeds it within the brain. That is the process itself in the brain, but what I'm asking is why the ideas are the way they are. I probably shouldn't be trying to ask this with a fever and I'm sorry if it's unintelligible, but I just can't accept your first sentence. A lot of things come from my thinking that I'm not aware of or in control of. What if the same holds true for ideas? Clearly, not everyone has the same ideas and not everyone can even think of ideas past a certain threshold (gravitational waves, quantum entanglement..). Are people really coming up with such concepts by themselves? A lot of inventors say that they were having fever dreams or some kind of intuitive bias before conceiving of a great idea.

>He doesn't fear Descartes's Demon
shiggy diggy

the human unconscious, ya dip. your brain is always on, even when you're not watching it.


>your awareness does not come up with thoughts
My qualities are not my self, my "awareness" does not act or think. I "come up with thoughts," which is to say, I think.

>a lot of things come from my thinking that I'm not aware of or in control of
Such as?

>everyone cannot think of ideas past a certain threshold (gravitational waves, quantum entanglement)
I will not think like Einstein, and Einstein will not think like Feynman or Bohr. This is why it is my thought. What is the point of this statement?

>are people really coming up with such concepts themselves?
>are people really conceiving these concepts themselves?

>a lot of inventors say they have fever dreams or intuitive bias before conceiving
You mean, they use their dreams as a basis of conscious conception. But they are still their dreams and their concepts, they could not be another's.

Majority of my ideas come from the dreams. I'm an actual fucktard during the day but when I sleep I dream quite vividly, and of various narrative situations. Although I understand that dreams are constructed from your everyday experiences, I like to think that my brain complied them in a unique, different fashion

Interesting. Do u lucid dream user

>Are people really coming up with such concepts by themselves? A lot of inventors say that they were having fever dreams or some kind of intuitive bias before conceiving of a great idea.

Yeah. It's all a test of sorts.

ideas are a byproduct of the functionality your brain uses to traverse terrain. it's a complex process of brain cell recruitment that mutates previously consumed information into something that suits the needs of the current situation.

its simply applied over the conscious mind rather than your motor controls.

>your awareness does not come up with thoughts, something preceeds it within the brain
Well, of course. Awareness is but a tiny part of what "you" actually are.

>God is with the origin of these thoughts and they come from somewhere materially unexplainable by definition
Just because you don't know where it came from doesn't mean God did it. That's a cop-out.

in my opinion there are two kind of thoughts. one thought is being thought, another just comes up and its called insight. now insight is something nietzsche loved, his philosophy is based on it, not some lousy dialectics, thats why admire him. with dialectics you can get insights, of course... well, i dont really know what i want to say to be honest. it is said that you can find where thoughts come from while meditating, been meditating for half a year and well, thoughts are a tricky thing, sometimes you can think about most interesting things non stop and sometimes you cant think of anything. also, you think when you want to change your situation, so as stupid as it sounds, thinking is based on evolution, but its really a stupid concept... and you didnt asked me why we think, but where our thought come from. now ok, what is inside ourselves and what is outside of ourselves? Awareness can be about oustide world, like paranoia... But really, if you really dig whats you and what is enviroment then youre probably gonna find out where the thoughts come from. probably from both sides...

It also doesn't mean it's the result of some material phenomena. Equally a cop-out.

Ideas are neurons misfiring. You Can stimulate this which we call creativity tools. There are some Great Books about the neurology of creativoty.

There is a possibility of proving the material phenomena theory, though. No such possibility if you bring God into the equation.