I know this is more of a math board but I have a biology question

I know this is more of a math board but I have a biology question.
What food gets digested 100%?

Basically I don't want to poop anymore and am looking to alter my diet to foods that will 100% absorb.


Sugar is one.

You will however need a balanced diet and unless you eat enough roughage you will one day excrete a total brick, complete with sharp corners.

is pic. related what you have in mind? Your pic does hint about a few things.

Pure macro nutrients, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

You really need to should re-consider your perspective about taking shit. Its for reason, at some level your body needs to take those method to work safely and healthy

>Basically I don't want to poop anymore and am looking to alter my diet to foods that will 100% absorb.
You can't. Food has to go through the whole digestive tract in order to absorb every nutrients. The peristaltic movement of the bowels depends on the mass of stuff inside. If there's not enough indigestible material (dietary fiber) in your food, it will stuck in, say, the beginning of the small intestine, and will never arrive to the colon where it would get absorbed.
You can't live on small tablets of pure nutrients.

I forgot, there is one possible solution: not eating at all. Use intravenous infusion.

What if I tried to live on v8 juice and milk?

The juice will most likely contain dietary fibre you will have to excrete. Also vitamin K is absorbed in the intestines so you will want the guts to stay active.

What is really the reason for the question?

I wouldn't recommend that.
It think it would fuck up your intestinal microbiote.

No. Even if you dont eat anything you still have to poop cause the bacteria in your gut proliferate and they will become too much if you dont poop

Poop is about 50% dead bacteria (by weight i think). There is no way around it

No. If you don't eat, you don't feed the gut flora, and they will die off. Which is a problem on its own, of course.

No way to do reasonably do this by eating, but you could go for total parenteral nutrition, i.e. an IV-only "diet", with no actual food or the digestive tract involved.

Thousands of (usually extremely ill, with severe digestive tract problems) people do it.

Sorry, user. You need to shit to keep your microslaves in your intestines in check and prevent a beta uprising.

t. Microbiologist

Read Eudemonia? That one takes a new turn on the problem of elimination.

I was going to put up a picture from that one but turns out none are suitable for a blue board.

Poop is mostly dead blood cells. Even if you dont eat it would still be created over time, just much slower, and more compact.

Speaking as someone with ulcerative colitis who's spent plenty of time in the past not eating solid food to try to reduce the amount of painful blood filled diarrhea bowel movements, I can safely say it won't work. Your bowel movements actually get worse when you don't eat. The best thing you can do is adhere to a "low residue" diet e.g. noodles or plain slices of turkey. You'll still shit but at least then the shit will be less painful and less frequent.

>Poop is mostly dead blood cells.

Unless you bleed directly into your digestive system the only contribution is bile which is extracted from dead red blood cells and converted in the liver. And much of the iron in the bile is recovered in the intestines.

So: cite?

Sugar, protein powder, multivitamin and Omega supplement is the closest you can get

Yeah man. Not him but it's not being digested, your body just continuously makes new blood cells and shits the rest.

The real question is what biomedical engineering body mod you can make and implant in yourself to never poop again

You don't want to just minimize the amount of physical substance you're consuming. If you're only taking in liquid and powder your intestines won't react well to the lack of content and you'll end up shitting out a bunch of bile and liquid diarrhea and will also probably start a vicious cycle of inflammation making it harder to eat normally making more inflammation.
Just look into low residue diet, you'll need something of substance for your intestines to work with, although you'll also want to avoid the high fiber meme that gets pushed as "healthy" because that'll give you way more substance than you actually need.