Where were you when you realized that you shouldn't just think but also think about what you should think about and...

Where were you when you realized that you shouldn't just think but also think about what you should think about and then use willpower to force yourself to pursue the goals you want to pursue by consciously exploiting the placebo effect by repeating mantras and paradigms related to determination and remembering your consciousness exists and is remembering it exists to yourself to allow your consciousness to expand and become more complex and therefore powerful?

Wow, what a pacifying oversimplification.

Get brained 'let

i was probably in kindergarden

he temporal differential we call wakefulness is the cosmic interaction of subatomic particles operating in the quantum field, the (quantum)leap represents a fundamental universal constant that we can only speculate upon in the macro scale of wave form frequencies.

congrats OP, you just rediscovered magic.

Where were you when you realized that you shouldn't just cerebrate but withal contemplate what you should cerebrate about and then use willpower to coerce yourself to pursue the goals you optate to pursue by consciously exploiting the placebo effect by reiterating mantras and paradigms cognate to tenacity and recollecting your consciousness subsists and is recollecting it subsists to yourself to sanction your consciousness to expand and become more intricate and ergo potent?

is this how to become woke

Try chaos magic. No it's not supernatural bullshit.. Just read the wiki article..

Yep. Be careful taking it too far though.


I was like 16 in my programming class

The brain does not operate at the quantum level you tard. That would require mechanisms as small or smaller than atoms. Free will is an illusion and every animal with any kind of brain (including ants) experiences consiousness and the illusion of free will. The degree to which we experience these things varies with the complexity of the brain itself.

Systems that arent quantum arent automatically deterministic.the brain is highly stochastic if anything.

You don't understand what consciousness is and how the brain functions.

>Where were you when you realized that you shouldn't just think but also think about what you should think about and then use willpower to force yourself to pursue the goals you want to pursue

can't. outta brain fuel.

OP, your post is a bit poorly phrased, but I think this relates to me. I never formed decent study habits or discipline in grade school, and then I got wrecked in college and lost most of my confidence...fast forward 9 years, I have a decent, 50k office job but the trajectory of my life is looking like shit.

So I guess I realized what you're talking about earlier this year. There was no logical reason why I couldn't live life exactly the way I wanted to (although I eliminated becoming an astronaut). So I started taking cold showers every morning, eating healthy, and quit fapping to improve my discipline. I learned to redirect my thoughts to steer away from depression and distractions and focus on optimism and productivity. Now I'm going back to school to finish what I started, knowing that if I work like a Chinese exchange student (painful but possible), I will salvage my life and achieve my childhood dreams.

A couple suggestions for people in a similar pre-woke position:
*You supposedly experience the purest form of happiness as a child. Try to remember your mindset back then, and what your mindset was during those happiest moments.
*Ask yourself, why can't you achieve said goal? Is it logically impossible or just really hard? Would you regret not achieving this goal on your deathbed? Do you actually need vidya, weed, booze, tv, etc to be happy?
*The people you surround yourself with do play a role in your direction. Consider leaving them or lessening their influence if they are not supportive.

Free will may be an illusion, but it still feels like a choice. A successful life in one's eyes depends on making as many right choices in their mind as possible.


if u were my kid, i'd be proud


Thanks, user. We're still human brothers.

Dealing with this myself. I know what I should do and why but I am having trouble doing it. I think because I get super anxious then give in to the desire to escape from it. I think I have extream anxiety but it only manifests when I try to do the things that are important to me. This is killing me. It feels like a wall I can't get past. Any suggestions?

Master race phenotype reporting

Sorry wrong thread

One thing I did was make "rules" in my head. For example, taking warm showers was no longer a choice for me. I still struggle every day to make the decision to hop in, but it gets incrementally easier, and when you're done you feel like you already accomplished something. Then, hopefully you're ready for bigger challenges.

Urgency is another big trick for me. We're all running out of time, which is a scary thought, but use that to motivate you too...it's a race against the clock.

Envision your end goal and how amazing that will be. Acknowledge that the journey will be tedious and slow, and you won't see results of your hard work immediately. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Sorry to hear about your anxiety. I've come a long way with anxiety, but I still get anxious in public. I'm not perfect with these strategies by any means, but repetition and exposure will work.

>The brain does not operate at the quantum level you tard.

So the brain is the one object in the universe exempt from quantum physics? Ok.....

mathfags will never (never) understand

Thank you