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Powerful. Isn't it Veeky Forums?

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Gave me a good chuckle

But we are one race.
The variations in genotype is greater within the different "races" than between them. In other words we're the same.

Sure biological taxonomy is usually concerned about qualitative differences in phenotypes, but Humans are different so it makes sense that we use quantitative differences in genotype for just the Human race.

but what about jews though

lizards and humans are pretty different

>science is a conspiracy! The liberals and/or jews are covering up the truth on race! All the scientists are lying and only I, a Veeky Forums shitposter, am smart enough to uncover the truth about race!

It's not a conspiracy, it's just really obvious liberal propaganda. This doesn't have much of anything to do with science. He's an entertainer, not a scientist.

And meanwhile, try telling an actual forensic scientist there's no such thing as race.

So someone heard the phrase "race is only skin deep" and thought it was literally denying other physical differences like facial structure and made this image just to "correct" people? That's probably a sign of actual autism.

>thought it was literally denying other physical differences
That's exactly what "race is only skin deep" means.

Only very small distinguishing features can sometimes be used to identify race. For example, a small part of the nasal cavity on the skull, and a small area where the jaw attaches to the skull. That's about it. Even in that case, it's not that accurate. Craniometry is not a real science, and all those fake pictures you see on /pol/ with tons of skulls are forensic science.

What about actual scientists working in genetics?

Then why is it that africans are the only race that do not have Neanderthal DNA in their genes?

>The variations in genotype is greater within the different "races" than between them. In other words we're the same.
this is a misquoted fact it's total nonsense

Only absolute brainlets fall for pseudo-science and anti-intellectual rhetoric. Go back to .

Most Africans do have Neaderthal DNA. Only a portion of the population in central eastern africa doesn't.

The Neaderthal DNA also have almost no affect on us as humans.

>inb4 retards think neanderthals were super smart and "better" than modern humans

It's not nonsense. It's observable fact. Take DNA samples from around the world, and measure how much variation there is between any groups, and within those groups.

It's a repeatable experiment.

Do you also believe climate change is a hoax, and the world is flat?

I'm sick of this Veeky Forums.

Some groups of people are clearly different and have different features than other groups of people. There is nothing socially constructed about it, I can see the differences with my own eyes.

If we can't call those racial differences what are we supposed to call them?

>test for one allele, one loci
>ehmagurd, everyone is same

You are implying that visuals differences are all that matter? Are YOU saying race is only skin deep? Is that why /pol/ is always arguing about "who is really white" based on skin color?

Are you claiming that you can sequence someone's entire genome by looking at them with your eyes?

We can sequence an entire person's genome is less than two days and tests all alleles for entire populations

Do you really think you are smarter than the entire body of geneticists today?

Basically this.

If we're trying to talk intelligence, I'd wager there's no specific bias towards one race that is more intelligent than the other, but more focused around the culture and identity built around an environment. But that's not Veeky Forums that's more Veeky Forums.

Regardless Bill Nye needs to hang himself ASAP

Do you seriously think that the processes that diversified European magpies in span of ten millennia into two new species wouldn't affect hoomins separated for like quadruple this time?

Do you really believe that different populations undergoing evolution under completely different environmental and societal pressures would not be divergent?

Why it is that many seemingly sane people chimp out the second you dare to apply evolution to any human younger than Lucy?

Different populations of people also have different brain sizes, so no, the differences aren't only cosmetic.

What is the PC way to refer to differences between groups of people?

I believe observable evidence.

You are not just offering up a hypothetical situation with zero evidence. You are posing a question to which you are claiming you already know the answer, without making any observations.


The differences in average brain size between population is very small, and almost entirely due to differences in diet and total body size.

The actual size of a human brain does not have significant correlation with things like IQ scores.

There's no chimping out being done here, though. Hes just explaining that if one were to take (and this test has been done) samples of populations from around the world, there is more variation between two people in terms of total # of genes that are different within a population, than necessarily between populations.

Human populations are incredibly homogeneous genetically, and there's no scientific way to determine the cut-off point for different 'races', so race isn't an issue of science- it's a cultural and sociological thing. People just mistake that the genetic differences across populations are visually distinct means that there must be a large variation of genes, when in fact that's just not the case.

yeah, like can you make the genetic distinction between the genetic properties of a lime and a lemon? just by looking? coz I'm a liberal and I can't.

>I'm a liberal
No you're not and you people just making yourself look like buffoons when you say things like "I'm black/liberal and I believe in racism!"

>What is the PC way to refer to differences between groups of people?

Opressions. An african skeleton may be found to have a smaller brain but that is transphobic. You should instead say that the african skeleton has more opression.

Oh come on, East Asian people are manlets yet they have the biggest brains, on average, of all.

no I'm a liberal. I don't believe in evolution and the supposed genetical differences between these "races". Any liberal out there is smart enough to see through that evolution is just a nasty propaganda carried out by aristocracy obsessed racist white people.

Then show me this test and its results, because I can't wrap my head around how it is possible.

There's no meaningful difference between "races" you brainlet.
Shifting the burden of proof doesn't put a lot of confidence in your argument.

Races don't even exist. since evolution is a lie propagated by white supremacists, people are just different colors and have the same genetic identity. These are just basic scientific facts.

Explain this TV show.

Thats a brilliant way to make use of the blackface.






You just don't understand how evolution works, and you do not understand the nuance of human genetics and human evolution.

Racial divisions were determined in a time when people knew jack shit about evolution or biology.

If there is no such thing as race, why do we still have affirmative action policy base on race?

>trying to propagate the evolution meme
racists belong on

Because race is a social phenomenon and not a biological phenomenon. If you want to know more, go to .

Science denial doesn't belong on Veeky Forums

You are being willfully ignorant. I understand the truth doesn't align with your political and emotional beliefs. For people that claim to be superior because they are white, you sure are a bunch of idiots that do nothing but waste your time raiding Veeky Forums.

You seem to be very confused. I'm not white, and I totally understand your hatred towards white people. World would be much better without them.

It means that superficial physical differences are irrelevant to what makes us human. I'm sorry you've been confused.

Just stop pretending... it's making it appear that you have mental issues. When you people come here and raid this board, it's 100% obvious that you are morons spreading propaganda. You are not fooling anyone.

>Implying people of color want white people extinct
For people that complain about people of color complaining about suffering real oppression, you sure complain a lot about suffering made-up oppression.

If they didn't mean it literally they wouldn't have TV shows where they just paint a white guy black and have him "live as a black man." Don't dodge the question, how do you explain those TV shows if it's not literal?

OK, what scientist would take the enormous risk of analysing genetic racial relationships?? They sure couldn't publish any of it.

Scientists have already map out the genetic identity of different races of people.

I am reading now the first article.
And I see that in the very first table circles representing shared and private variant sites.
Does this image imply that native populaces have at least 1/8th of variant sites specific to the continent, and up to 1/4th?

Isn't that quite diverse?

>stop pretending
>you people
>spread propaganda
Pretending about what exactly? Can you back up your claims with some evidence next time you post anything?
I'll just attribute these bigoted prejudicial assumptions to your anger issues.

It has been done in the past and is still being done. Just because you pretend research that doesn't align with your worldview doesn't exist doesn't mean it isn't out there.

That's not how science works. No one is stopping anyone from studying anything. People are studying human genetics all the time.

As far as trying to divide humans into race, it doesn't work. Here's a studying out of STANFORD published in SCIENCE that tried to divide humans based on genetics. Guess what? It doesn't work. It doesn't produce what you call race.


No one stopped them from publishing this. There is no conspiracy against you. You are just wrong, and you are not smarter than all the people working in genetics today.

>(((Noah A. Rosenberg)))


>Science is a Jewish conspiracy!

b-b-but my gender studies professor said science can't be racist D':



Do you know this isn't a conclusion he reached in a research paper? Do you know his assumptions have since then been proven wrong?



I read about it on my favorite right wing conspiracy website so I know the the REAL truth!

So you're saying that all races have identical intelligence? Oh boy this must be proven very recently, can you post the evidence for it?

I knew it! Anyone who deals with genetics and evolution is a right winger white supremacist. I'm glad I don't buy into that whole evolution garbage.

Don't shift the burden of proof. You're the one claiming your conception of race is scientific and there's actual difference in cognitive ability between your supposedly non-arbitrary categories.

The people that deal with genetics and evolution don't buy into your pseudo-science.

>How do you explain that reality TV is made for brainlets and has no qualms with profiting off race-baiting and fabricated social issues

If intelligence is so important, why judge people solely based on IQ? Why does an irrelevant factor like skin color matter?

Oh that's right. You are an idiot who refuses to educate yourself and you're insecure.

>Do you know his assumptions have since been proven wrong
>Don't shift the burden of proof.
You made this claim not me, and everyone is waiting for your supposed evidence that proves how all races have the same intelligence.

No, it means race is purely superficial, ie it only causes cosmetic differences. Not that I agree with that, but you're just wrong about what it means

Nice b8

Learn to spell you moronic larper

The "races" might have evolved with slight differences depending on their geographic origins, but our capacity for knowledge is the same.

Well, there hasn't been a lot of investigation but many psychologists still accept at least that the data that black americans have in general lower IQ than white Americans. Obviously there's a lot of controversy in the results and interpreting them as well as factoring all environmental causes, but the data is still there. However, most psychologists agree that this shouldn't be taken as something to support racist policy in the sense that it doesn't justify in any way supremacist ideology

tldr The bell curve has been horribly misinterpreted by both sides.

So by your DNA map.
Are East Asians honorary human?
While Niggers are not Human?

Every cognitive tests such as IQ test, SAT, PISA and NAEP tests, show the same racial/ethnic patterns in test score distribution with Jews, East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans), and whites showing higher scores than Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Blacks showing lower scores.

>brainlets literally do believe race is only skin deep and that's why this TV show was made
Then you don't disagree with me.

These people are idiots who do not read the papers they cite. They see on figure and think it justifies their views. I doubt the person posting can explain what is being analyzed in the PCA.

Here is the paper and some experts from it.


Patterns of human genetic variation are influenced by mating patterns, and the latter are in turn influenced by geographic and cultural factors (e.g., mountain ranges, language, religious practices). Consequently, it is not surprising that human genetic variation, while correlated with geographic location, is not perfectly clinal [37; 38; 39]. However, between-population differences can be seriously exaggerated if human populations are sparsely sampled.

Consistent with previous studies [37; 39; 40], our analyses demonstrate that differentiation among human populations decreases substantially and genetic diversity is distributed in a more clinal pattern when more geographically intermediate populations are sampled.

We also found that Iraqi Kurds have a closer relationship to European populations than Asian populations. These results increase our understanding of human population relationships and evolutionary history.

As observed in previous studies [4; 5; 7], we find that SNP and haplotype variation is highest in African populations, and that heterozygosity in non-African populations declines with geographic distance from Africa. This decline in heterozygosity has been interpreted as evidence for a worldwide serial founder effect originating in East Africa [4; 41]. While serial founder effects may explain much of the pattern of worldwide variation, we note two interesting deviations from the prediction of a linear decline in heterozygosity.

Not to mention this paper is evidence for OoA, which most racists deny. The paper flat out says why humans have such low diversity in the section "The out of Africa (OoA) bottleneck and the peopling of Eurasia."

Are you really going to keep jerking me around like this? Prove your pseudo-science isn't a pseudo-science. Show me how a method of classifying race devised before biology was a proper science is scientific. Then show me how there is a real difference in cognitive ability between these categories.

Those tests are not the same thing. Only IQ tests are psychometric. Test like the PISA and SAT are not "cognitive tests."

Do you know how a principal component analysis works? All this picture shows is the majority of differences in genetics lay between the African population and the rest of the world. This supports a single bottleneck from humanity's origin in Africa.

Now the paper that this figure is from (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20643205) looks at a statistic called Fst, or the fixation index. Simply, this is the amount of genetic variation due to population separation. From this, the study shows that there is a global Fst of around 11%. In other words, about 11% of genetic variation is due to geographic separation. The remaining 89% is within populations.

I'm not But I don't think you understand quite how stupid reality TV audiences are. Using them as the standard to judge all normies is just silly. Most people can see that the phenotypic differences between the average Black and Asian man aren't just about skin color.

So by your DNA map.
East Asians are honorary human.
While Niggers are not Human.

Can you name one cognitive test that the darker races excel in?

What's your IQ?

Someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson is worth more to society than everyone on /pol/

Try looking at differences in attainment for blacks that aren't in America. In the UK, for example, they do fine

I never said "all normies" believed in it. I'm just saying "race is only skin deep" is in fact a literal belief held by people. You probably know people yourself who believe you could paint a white man's skin to make him pass as an actual black man. That's why those albino black people pictures aren't just autism, they serve a real purpose for the people seeing them who are under that race = skin color illusion.

Especially in Canada. I wonder what's so difference there.. hm. Really activates the almonds.

>whats your evidence
>u-ur dum >:'O

this is exactly why libtards aren't allowed on this board.

Evidence for what? I never made any claims.

I'm not the one who believes you think with your skin.

not him, but if I'd simplify that Fst into, lets say, drawing MtG cards, where each player draws 89 from standardized deck they all have, and 11 cards from much smaller and more specialized decks shared between small groups of people with limited overlap between such groups, wouldn't it be possible for those eleven cards to give significant edge?

They commit the most crimes in the UK too.

Nobody claims that retard. The claim is that people who share the sub-saharan genepool have similar traits like low IQ, dark skin tone, etc...Everyone in this thread can see your childish strawman shitposts and how you avoid posting the evidence for your "identical intelligence" claim for over 10 posts.

You should leave before embarrassing yourself any further.

same in Canada.

Crime is a fringe issue, especially violent crimes.

IQ correlates to crime.

that fucking asian white supremacist!

They live in the worst places, usually in shit tower blocks. There are lots of whites there too, but there a lot more whites in the good parts of London