Due to the laws of thermodynamics, a perpetual motion machine is impossib-

Due to the laws of thermodynamics, a perpetual motion machine is impossib-

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Nobody said impossible, they said improbable. Close though

This is of course not a perpetual motion machine. It only works as long as there is water to drink, which is slowly running out.

And if I place one next to the ocean it will only last 9 trillion years

Which is not forever.

why does the world keep spinning?
checkmate physicists!

The law of thermo dynamics.
>discredits 100% efficiency.
Explain this.
>I make a perfect vacuum.
>I use magnetic levitation to suspend a gyroscope
>I spin the gyroscope at x" rpms
When does it stop spinning?

It works due to a temperature differential between the head and the body.

I probably don't need to tell you what happens to that temperature differential during its operation without periodically cooling the beak.

The magnetic fields still produce drag

Do you think magents just appear out of nothing? They will lose energy.

>they said that energy is conserved

You can't make a perfect vacuum.
Anyway, how are you going to make this system do any work?

>What is Lenz's law

But not without adding energy to the system. It doesn't run off of its own energy, which is the critical but in defining a perpetual motion machine.

>the critical bit

Holy Fuck, when googling for an image for a post in this thread, found THIS.

Have I discovered the ancestral form of the modern Trollface???

For your amusement and edification.


>Nobody said impossible,

Yeah, somebody said "impossible."

I'll say it, as an example.

Over-unity and perpetual motion devices are not possible.

You can take energy from where it is to where it isn't, nothing more nothing less. To do this process you need a DIFFERENCE of some sort. You aren't even "using" the energy or destroying it in the process, you're just adding another "gear" in an infinite series of "gears" that a turning. A car engine does nothing but get hot and cold really fast via explosive gas, it has to cool via oil and radiator fluid and exhausting the gas for this process to continue. So really it's just making "waves" of up and down motion of the pistons and then transferring it into forward motion via rotation. But the gas is still there in the form of hydrocarbons and CO2 (a few others too), nothing has changed but the composition of it, no new matter has been generated or destroyed.
It took an abundance of energy to create the abundance of potential energy that liquid gas has, it's just a matter of setting it loose and this is the case with ALL energy forms.
When you create electricity all you're doing is moving magnetic fields back and forth really fast like a slinky springing back and fourth between your two hands. You haven't changed anything the electrons, you just moved them and all the others responded from it's magnitude. We make this more efficient by introducing conductors like gold and copper so that this force is contained withing something like a wire. The thicker the wire, the more resistance because it has to pass through more matter.

More efficiency=more coherency and smaller space. It's counter intuitive but it's true. Why do you think computers and cars are getting smaller but way more efficient?

Why would you even care about unlimited though finite rate energy unless you could do something useful with it

even if it wasn't magnetic you'd have gravimagnetic drag

If you think perpetual motion machines are possible your stupid. Especially if you think that stupid bird in your pic is proof.

Yeah, good thing the device in your pic doesn't rely on entr...

They are if you know the whereabouts of an eternal energy source.

Ha, yeah, OK.

The crucial thing about the laws of thermodynamic (w.r.t perpetuum mobile) is the term "_closed system_". No one knows if the universe is a closed system.

We could essentially build a very large version of the drinking bird and convert fresh water to electricity in places that are very dry and don't have much fresh water.


In an ideal case one could obtain as much energy per kilogram of water as a lead acid battery, but that requires a non-thermal method of energy conversion.

The earth won't even last that long, they literally explain to you why this isn't a perpetual motion machine by the 8th grade. gg kid


nah it has to be older, this is an old one tho

This is gold. Someone fill it in for this thread as we go

thicker wire -> less resistance though

Okay how about how do it



why does this include time dilation, relativity, black holes, and anti matter?

/x/ uses them as possible explanations for shit.

oh that sucks

americans don't understand umlauts, infact as far as I can tell some of the umlauted vowel sounds don't even really exist distinctly in english.

This is a vicious untruth, sir. Alaska is in America, and many of the Umlauts live up there.

Perpetual motion is toltally possible, it just won't do any work.

>Nobody said impossible
yes they did. are you retarded?

Is not a "time loop" or a "causal loop" a form of perpetual motion?
If one could virtually contain such a loop within some kind of quantum bubble or shield or sandbox environment etc so as not to entrap the macro reality within the loop, then one would have enacted or constructed a (partial(?)) perpetual motion device.

if somebody made a perpetual motion machine, would it disprove thermodynamics or proe that the universe is an open system?

Shit I meant long wire, thanks for correcting that.

>convert fresh water to electricity
>in places that don't have much fresh water
fantastic plan

>if you could use magic to create something impossible, then impossible things would be possible!

It would depend how the device works.

my drinking is in perpetuity

What's up? Can't say it...

I'll take what are human beings for 100 Alex.

after a while

it continuing to spin is just it holding kinetic energy. As soon as anything interacts with it, it will lose energy and therefore spin slower. If nothing interacts with it then it will continue spinning forever, until something does interact with it.

ok. the device is an infinite helicopter dick bot that doesn't require energy to start.

How does it work?

its a wood crafted human figure, and the dick somehow keeps spinning after you spin-start it.

perpetual motion is possible but extracting energy from the system might make it collapse.

>Time crystal
Because a time crystal is a driven (i.e., open) quantum system that is in perpetual motion, it does not violate the laws of thermodynamics.


Naw, it'll be underwater in the next 50 years.


Then it's impossible to say what law of physics it's breaking.

>perpetual motion is possible

No, it isn't. No system is perfect, it WILL grind to a halt eventually.

Time crystals oscillate with no energy losses

>simply make a perfect vacuum

get back to me on this one bud

Show me a time loop and we'll discuss it.

Perhaps the Universe has a sophomoric sense of humor more powerful than natural laws.

>literally just realized 10^2 is equal to 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3
interesting. Thanks for that pic

its not a perpetual motion machine, its an open thermodynamic cycle .
put that thing into an isentropic box and it will stop after a while .
the definition of entropy is the ln of the multiplicity of the macrostate of the system (times a constant) ,now in ergodic systems this means macrostates with more multiplicity (entropy) are most likely but on any conceivable time scale a system almost certainly pass though a state with a tiny bit less multiplicity , thus entropy fluctuates , goes up and down all the time and may even go to its minimum spontaneously (unlikely state, but equally likely to any other)

like half the stuff in there is completely legit settled science . or some speculative mathematical extrapolations .
how the fuck is relativity /x/ ? if anything you should put newtonian mechanics there .


Because it is prominent part of /x/ hand-waving and attempts to explain how impossible shit happens.

blew my mind