If you can't afford the tip, don't eat out...

If you can't afford the tip, don't eat out. Sick of getting stiffed--I work as a waiter at a very fancy restaurant and receipts like this are more common than you think, ESPECIALLY if they're black.

If you work at a fancy restaurant you should be getting paid well. Stop relying on charity.

you posted this on /pol/ earlier. Fuck off.

>a person working an entry level job feels entitled to money for performing easy tasks

Just means you suck as a waiter. Gotta hustle better.


check the table, sometimes they pay the bill like that and leave cash on the table

I don't like tipping so fuck you

Shut your fucking mouth you entitled prick.

>I refilled your water on a $20 tab. I deserve $5.
>I refilled your water on a $100 tab. I deserve $25.
>Carrying plates is very hard, especially if the food is expensive.
>I can follow the McDonald's directions so I don't fuck up the food. I deserve $15 an hour.
>Gee I hope I don't write this tables orders down wrong. WoooooOOOOOOOPS! Oh darn!
>Life is so hard in the food service industry. We are SO underappreciated.

I can't fucking wait to order a fucking hamburger from a fucking robot.

but that receipt is clearly white

>inb4 merch copy

Waiting tables isn't entry level.

Tips are earned, not deserved.

i'm surprised that the sjw's haven't starting chimping out about how tipping is racist b/c black folks can't afford to tip and it beez dey culcha not to tip, cause dey didn't tip in da muddaland gnomesayin, muhfugga?


I tip all the time and don't really care much about it

The thing is there is only one time that is okay for me to tip, If I sit down and eat at your restaurant and someone is catering/helping me out yea I tip

However If I'm picking up an order there is no tip involved, and I wouldn't understand why you would tip if you are only picking up a large order

I'll wait, tell me why its needed when you are only picking up an order

>We are SO underappreciated.

Sorry, every industry the person doing the job is always underappreciated, what makes you think you are special? You can't be serious with this, every industry is like this

I tip but I refuse to write it on the ticket. Server's not allowed to either.

I would really like someone to tell me why the standard tip went from 15 to 20 percent because it happened in the last ten years and everyone acts like it's always been that way.

Nearly a quarter of the cost of something is not a reasonable gratuity for its delivery

>"i don't understand sarcasm," the post

It's literally the fault of bitchboys trying to impress their dates.

I can afford to tip. I don't because I do not live in the US, and waiters/delivery people around here are paid an actual wage, instead of repeatedly relying on a third party's mood/goodwill/generosity and, when those fail, on the restaurant/bar's owner willingness to pony up and pay what he owes you.

Tips should be reserved for exceptional service, not for any shitfaced teenager that can write down an order correctly and bring a plate to a table.

I wasn't born in America

Many people tell me I don't understand American humor


waiting tables is not an industry

>ESPECIALLY if they're black.
I too know the pain. Anyone who doubts this has never met a black person. I worked at a Chili's in college and blacks would walk in with a single $50 bill and order $49.92 of food.

>on vacation
>go to fancy restaurants that I'll only go to once
>leave no tip


People who consistently don't tip:
>nigger women especially
>old people
>teenagers who never had a job

People who consistently tip well:
>people with families
>businessmen in suits
>white men eating out as a friend group

Who would you rather be grouped together with?
If you don't believe in tipping, don't patronize places that rely on it.

for extremely large orders it can mess up a whole service for the kitchen and front of house, if they have to package it etc. But it depends on the place and the infrastructure of that particular restaurant. If you use common sense you will be able to tell when to tip.


Is tipping 15% ok? 25% just seems like too much to me and frankly I'd rather tip 10% if anything at all.

I purchased food for $50-$65 bucks

Picked it up after an hour wait

I only tip if I sit and eat, picking up an order doesn't equal = tip

People who say tipping is an issue are morons

The agreement we have is actually pretty interesting, I would love to know the history of it

Also, anyone working for TIPS can be making more than you at your shitty salary job

I'll go anywhere that has good food and won't let some entitled loser working a teenage girls job prevent me from doing so. If you don't think you make enough money without additional generosities, find a job.

tipping is for somebody else to do. Not me though but somebody else

Same thing you did when concluding a fifth is nearly a fourth : a 5% lie.

>don't patronize places that rely on it.
Is there no-tip restaurants in the US, beside fast food?

>I would love to know the history of it

They clearly can afford a tip but they don't want to leave one and I don't blame them. You don't like your job get a new one fag.

Works every time so can you really blame them?

I tip 15% and then add cents to get to the next whole dollar.

Fuck off.

man dey don't get it, kangz didn't need to tip, we wuz kangz n sheeit

Therefore we don't need to tip muhfugga

you must be a shitty waiter my dude

if you know the menu and have more knowledge than an average applebees waiter, then i'll probably tip you more. but otherwise, why should i? if you can't pair me a wine, tell me where you source your ingredients, how something is made, tell me what's in season, bring me good suggestions when i can't make up my mind, or sample me things, you're not worth tipping more than 10$

ate at a shitty buffet yesterday and the dumb chinese waiter never came to the table to ask if i needed more water. didnt tip and he followed me to the register and gave me shitty looks. get fucked entitled cunts

>chinese waiter never came to the table to ask if i needed more water.
That is common
They don't ask if you need water after they brought all your food out
Is this a real Chinese restaurant?
Thats good service in my opinion
But yea, don't tip at Chinese restaurants

>If you can't afford the tip, don't eat out.

Kinda like...

>If you're too dumb, lazy, or self-destructive to get a real job don't complain about the people who make your shitty job possible.

I usually just tip in cash. credit tips are taxed.

I make plenty of money, even when my nightly haul is gutted because I had to wait on some horrible nigger trash. I make between 15-25 hourly in tips on top of the (negligible) hourly wage I am paid. I make a lot of money because I'm a great server, I'm thoughtful and knowledgeable and I run more tables at one time than anyone else on the floor.

But to complain about tipping, saying you're morally opposed to it and this and that and whatever bullshit excuse you come up with, and then to still go to a restaurant where you are expected to tip and then not do it, is just immoral and borderline retardation. It's like saying you don't support government tax bailouts for large corporations and then shopping at Walmart. Get a spine and a moral compass, or just admit that you're too poor to afford to tip and can't figure out how to stop eating food that is too expensive for your hourly wageslave doesn't-get-tips budget.

There are some tipless restaurants, mostly in bigger cities and no, they are not widespread - are you too stupid to cook for yourself, then? Please read my above response.

It makes so much better sense everywhere else just to build the servers wage into the price of the meal. But no, America thinks servers must have their wages decided by the whims of probable retards. Plus I'll highly expect if the food's bad the server isn't going to get much of a tip no matter how good they were (but the chef gets a free pass because he isn't paid by order)

Eh, as someone working as a waiter I don't really care if someone doesn't tip.

I just spit in their food the next time they arrive

if you're a fucking entitled little bitch millenial cuck you deserve to be stiffed, ESPECIALLY if you're black.

One user explained this in another thread, I'll try my hardest to recreate what he said:

If a restaurant incorporates the cost of the server's wage into your meal, you end up paying more than just paying a tip, because the restaurant pays taxes on wages it distributes. For a server to get $10/hour in tips, the customer pays $10. For a server to get $10/hour in wages, the customer pays $13 or so because the cost of the taxes from the wages paid out must also be included.

It was something along those lines. Also, I think a lot fewer people would like to eat out very much if wages were incorporated, because if they were, then servers would have no incentive to go above and beyond. It would be doing the minimum to not get fired, and they'd still be getting paid.

Neither system is perfect, and I can't say one or the other is objectively right, but one system is currently in effect and if you're going to eat out you need to follow the rules. That's all I have to say about it.

>waiting tables isn't entry level

No, welding isn't entry level, walking around holding food and writing things down is entry level.

My first job at 17 out of High School was as a waiter in a Steakhouse. You can train someone to be a waiter in two or three days. It's as entry level as it gets in the services industry.

fuck off grandpa, no one carries cash except drug dealers and construction workers

if can't afford to not be tipped, then don't take a job where you rely on voluntary tips

And servers :^)
(and strippers)

yeah he isn't serious

This is such bullshit - being a server is a stressfull job, but literally ANYONE can do it. There is no special knowledge beyond basic manners required.

Good for you for making the big bucks, but why do you feel like you deserve it?

Why do you feel the need to call those who decide not to tip (which they are allowed to do, by the way) immoral or retarded?

At my job I don't get paid until someone buys a car from me. You are 100% in the right to use me to help you select a vehicle, spend 6 hours of my day pulling cars out and presenting different scenarios to make a deal work, and then go buy a car somewhere else. If I am not the one who ends up selling you the car, you know how much I get paid for those 6 hours? Exactly $0.

Shut the fuck up and be grateful that you have an easy job that you are paid well to do.

I'll add to that list
People who consistently tip more than required
>people who used to work as waiters

I hate going out with any woman who used to wait tables because they expect me to tip >25% for run of the mill service. With a large percentage of the young population having some history in the service industry this is getting way too common.

The worst is when I pay for the food + 15% tip and they put in something extra from their side. Hey, if you wanna look like a hero to these dropouts pay for the food and I'll get the tip. Hell I'll pay 30%. Don't undermine me when I've paid $50 by putting in a $5 bill.

Fuck off you're already getting paid you don't need tips for fucking up my orders.

>>people who used to work as waiters

My brother does this

He is used to working and he does some odd shit when we are out

>He begins/helps to clean up
>nigga you dont work there
>put down the mop

I would pay 20% more to eat at a restaurant where you ordered on a touchscreen and the food was delivered by a robot.

I'll just leave this here.

Any guy working tables, pulling in $25/hr and feeling superior to their young customers who have actual careers just because they happen to make more money than them, is the definition of conceited. Dude, they have careers where they'll be growing, both in terms of money and responsibility, never mind skill. You're a dude doing a woman's job that's supposed to pay the bills between the time you move out of your parent's house and when you dupe some poor sod into marrying you. Take pride in your job, sure but don't act like a hotshot.

I show up an hour before my shift and make 75-90 bowls each of soup and salad, prep the soda machine, make tea, get out drink mixes, portion salad toppings, make salad dressing, polish forks and stock where the night shift forgot. On holidays I come in more than an hour early to do this and am paid $2 hourly.

I work at my restaurant 50-55 hours every week. I'm the "head server" and no one can seem to do my job except me, not a single one of the other 12 or so servers can remember how long cherry tomatoes stay good for, where do we keep the paper for the backup printer in case the first one goes down, who can be scheduled when. I deserve what I make because I make it happen by working hard, being amiable, and balancing heavy trays stacked with 20+ full glasses of water or beer on it while stepping over people's unruly children (who will leave a mess I have to clean later).

If you come to a place where you are expected to behave a certain way, and you don't, then you're being an asshole and you deserve to be called out, like going into a movie theater and texting or talking.

Most restaurants also have a tip-out policy where the tips are passed from the servers to other members of staff, including bartender, busser, host, and sometimes even chefs. I tip chefs where I work. I tip 9% of my food sales to the chefs even if I am not tipped. If someone at my table orders the $40 twin lobster tails meal and does not leave me anything, I still owe $4 to the chef and busser, and that comes out of my other tips. Every restaurant I've ever worked at has a tip out system of some form, so if you eat and don't tip, you are dipping your filthy hand into the pocket of your server. If everyone quit waiting tables because tips were unreliable, there would be no restaurants. If you like restaurants existing, you should behave as you are supposed to, or don't visit them.

And maybe if you can't handle a job where your pay relies on commissions, you should get a real job. Fag.

>ordered on a touchscreen and the food was delivered by a robot.

We're working on that in the tech industry actually

They also factor that with those tables we roll out the profits increase for the food/beverage industries....

It's shitty to not tip on such a large bill, but waiters shouldnt have any expectations. I usually do 10%, depending on the service. There have been times I haven't tipped, but more often than not they know why.

People who consistently don't tip:
>People who aren't from shit hole countries where people are dumb enough to do work for a business without expecting their employers to pay them.

I sympathize with the predicament of servers. Depending on other people's generosity after doing your work is draining. But what you said here
>If everyone quit waiting tables because tips were unreliable, there would be no restaurants
is completely baseless. If people stopped tipping en masse and servers quit en masse (though lets be real, people would still be willing to do the job, just not young, white people) restaurants would not shut down. They would just be forced to pay you a higher base-rate by making the menu more expensive.

An illiterate, "serry no englas" Mexican do everything you wrote.

You're the "head" server because your manager or owner gives you a couple bucks more an hour and then can hire shit teengers/retards to staff the other positions knowing you'll babysit everyone. Practically every single restaurant is staffed this way, with one competent person making a tiny amount more but having to babysit the rest of the low-pay retards. Maybe one day you'll take over for the Manger? I bet that's been whispered to you for how many years now?

Provide better service then

This. I also work in a restaurant, and have never been tipped zero. I've been shorted, but not zero.

If someone went out of their way to write zero, it's because they wanted you to know they went out of their way to write it---your service was shit.

If you were anywhere near as good as you thought you were, you wouldn't be making minimum wage. I ain't tipping you shit you tax evading little bitch.

I have to ask

What if you are picking up a food order?

Why would anyone tip when you are picking up food ?

I've eaten out at tons of different types restaurants all over the country and nowhere was it ever made clear that the tips were shared with anyone. I know that tipping out happens, but if it isn't clearly stated then how am I supposed to be motivated to tip a shitty waiter in order to compensate the rest of the staff?

I'm fairly certain most places don't tip out to the chefs, (i.e. the only fucking people who should get a tip). Maybe it's a very high-end thing idk

I hope you mean by your employer.

>Only eat out with other people
>Want to tip 0-5% for expected service.
>Everyone else thinks 17-20% for doing what they're paid to do is normal.
>Even after knowing tipping minimum wage is guaranteed minimum wage no matter what, they can't move on to tipping less.

I just try to go out less often now. I don't understand why people try to support tax evasion.

Tipping chefs is retarded. The reputation of any restaurant is built on consistent quality of food. Service is a bonus. Tipping for service makes sense because that can vary. Tipping the food itself means you need to incentivise the

Actually buddy, I am just fine living on 'just commissions' because I am good at my job and get paid well, consistently. Yeah, sometimes I lose out, but that is part of the job.

That is my point. Not getting tipped sometimes is part of the job, suck it up and grow up.

I used to cook in restaurants and servers are the whiniest, most entitled bunch. Don't get me wrong, like I said above it is a stressfull job.

Just like every single other job where you are making real money. On top of that, there is ZERO barrier for entry.

Grow a fucking pair.

People who are used to serving wouldn't do it for the wage a restaurant could afford to pay them, since they're used to making much more. This leaves you to niggers and immigrants. I hope to god you don't go out to eat with any food allergy and get a no hablo as your server, because you might die. We have one server who is Indonesian and management has been trying to figure out for a while now whether or not they can fire her. The language barrier makes her service awful and she gets multiple complaints every day. She's a nice person, but she just can't understand when someone says they want the teriyaki chicken, but no sesame seeds, and no sesame oil in the fried rice either, and can they have two soups instead of a soup and a salad, etc. If restaurants go to wages, you're going to get worse service and you will be obligated to pay for it anyway because the price will be included in your meal.

I've only worked here four months lmao
I'm sticking with this restaurant, even though my coworkers are really incompetent, because the GM is retiring in less than six months and I know both of the assistant managers don't want the position, and the district manager likes me. So I'm next in line because I have college education in culinary management. I work a handful of years managing this place, and I can transfer anywhere this place has a chain location and have my move paid for by the company - plus free food up to $100 daily, company car and phone, and decent salary with vacations.

I need experience managing someone else's restaurant so when I open my own, I will have a better advantage. That's why I work this job. It's not to get through college - already did that - it's not because I'm stupid, uneducated, unmotivated or anything else. I've done hosting, bussing, bartending, line and prep cook, even management - and serving makes the most money, but also has the most pressure, because you're the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong.

Already paying for the food, now I have to pay the guy that is earning wages already too?

If you can't afford your bills, get a better job. I hear pan handling makes a lot of money and you're pretty good at begging for money from strangers already, so you'd be perfect.

buy the ingredients and cook it yourself

If I pay $200 for a meal, that restaurant is making enough money to give you a real wage.

I personally don't tip when I pick up to-go orders from restaurants because I know the to-go people are usually the hosts, and hosts are usually paid $9 hourly.

You don't have to. When you tip, you're paying for service. Some people leave $2-3 when they pick up a big food order because the hosts do have to box and bag everything, collect all your items, silverware, sauces, napkins, all that stuff, on top of seating tables. If I was ordering a really large to-go order, I'd tip a few bucks.

I don't make minimum wage. I make a lot, lot more than minimum wage. I probably make more than you.

For the tipping chefs thing, let me clear this up - I work at a high-end hibachi restaurant. The chef provides a service in this way and so I share roughly 50% of my tips with him even though he is also paid hourly. The only reason I don't do the hibachi chef thing is because you have to work full time at minimum wage for over a year in training before they let you start taking tables. I also don't want to waste that time on a very very specific skill.

You'll notice that I said I make plenty of money even when I have to wait on niggers who don't tip. Just because I still make money, doesn't make the niggers any less niggery. And if you don't tip when you are expected to, even if your server still makes enough money to pay bills, you're a piece of garbage because you are taking advantage of other people when you could very easily avoid it.

You choose to do something you know is wrong, and you try to defend yourself. I know that there will always be shitty people who don't tip, that's part of my job like it is part of yours. It being part of my job doesn't make the person less shitty, just like you probably talk shit about customers who waste your day and then buy from the guy next door.

You keep trying to sound like you aren't mad, but then you keep sounding mad.

By paying for the food the customer incurs the cost, perhaps I should call ahead and have my order already prepared prior to my arrival, then walk to the kitchen and bring it to my table myself.

>ITT: spoiled teens who think they know better

I tip 20% because that is what is expected in society, I worked in restaurants and realize it is not an easy job, and tipping is how they earn their wage.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't go out very often and it doesn't effect my bottom line to make sure the person who took care of my service is well-compensated.

I have a problem not with you thinking you should get tipped because it is a societal expectation and more with you calling your customers immoral, retarded, and, niggers.

That is a stupid attitude that reeks entitlement and I am sure you will land your GM position with your free $100 of food, car, and cellphone.

My clients are my lifeblood and although they occasionally act irrationally (as do all humans) they are certainly not retarded, immoral, or, niggers.

I am not mad I am drunk and feel like arguing with people on the internet.

You fck off back to pol yourself fag

Waitress take these pictures because they think they are making costumers look bad
I just picture her with this angry expression taking the picture while the curb your enthusiasm song plays

then work harder you fucking loser

Not all of my customers are retarded, immoral, or niggers. I get a lot of really great repeat customers who I love to wait on and who make my night great.
Not even all of the black ones are niggers. But we do have a big problem with ghetto trash coming in, twerking on other customers, running through the place, and then stiffing or dine and dashing, they don't adhere to the dress policy and play the race card when they're asked to leave, etc. Some people get bad service and don't tip, I've been guilty of it time and again, lots of people have - it's unavoidable when you're in a busy rush and the kitchen is out of everything. But if you get good service and stiff, you're either retarded or a greedy nigger. Don't go out to eat if you don't want to be expected to tip.

I had a man slap a salad out of my hand last Saturday because he "doesn't eat rabbit food," even though he ordered it, and it landed on the next table and made a massive mess, then he tried to say I threw it at him when the manager came to see what the deal was. He did not tip, obviously, and later wrote a complaint to corporate about the "attitudes of the staff and management" because he was asked to leave.

Some people are retarded, immoral, or niggers. I calls 'em as I sees 'em. The customer isn't always right.

>People who are used to serving wouldn't do it for the wage a restaurant could afford to pay them, since they're used to making much more
Where's that money coming from? Ultimately the customers. Figure out what the average % of tip on a bill is and add that to the bill. That way, the customer doesn't need to evaluate your performance and you don't need to suffer if the chef fucked up. People work much better without pressure.

Apart from tax evasion there's no way people make more through tipping than through direct payment.

So when someone slaps a plate out of your hand how do you not hit them or at least throw something at them?


I don't go on Chevrolet Camaro forums, or Veeky Forums and complain about the people who love what I provide for them wasting my time by not buying it the 'right' way.

All I hear is WAH WAH WAH like a baby because you get 'stiffed' when somebody doesn't tip you. The entire system that allows them to short you is a (self-admitted, you said you make a lot of money) net benefit in the long term.

So what is the issue? You have to deal with dissapointment at work in return for a fat stack of cash? Boo hoo.

Its fine to call people niggers idiots retards whateverthefuck amoungst friends or even on Veeky Forums / the internet.

Let that attitude seep into your profession and see how far you make it.

I put 0 because i give cash so you don't have to wait for payday you ungrateful fuck

>go out to eat
>food was mediocre
>tip 100% anyway

who here /absolutemadman/

You're acting so high and mighty like you know better, but I know that you shit talk shitty customers to your coworkers just like EVERY person in EVERY customer service industry does. My career is doing just fine, thanks.

I didn't say that I think tipping should be abolished, I sure as hell won't be waiting tables if it ever is. I just said people who go into a restaurant and don't tip knowing that their server depends on it are shitty people, and they are. Some nights, you get a big party that doesn't tip, and since you tip out chefs/bar/busser/sushi on that large party, it eats all your other tips. Once on a lunch I made $9 over four hours. On mother's day I made $350 over 11 hours, plus a $50 bonus on my check from my employer. The good usually balances out the bad, but that doesn't make non-tippers any less shitty as people.

It's basically like those little candy displays where you're supposed to take one and leave a quarter, profits go to children's cancer research or whatever, yeah? Except you take the tootsie pop and don't leave a quarter. That's what a non-tipper is. Someone gave you the good faith option and you took it and acted like a dumb nigger.

They made an app that calculates how much of the tip should everyone pay Wich is funny since we know you have sex with strangers on tinder just because they buy you dinner so you are paying nothing anyways

OP i agree with you. There are pros and cons to being a waiter/waitress over a server; I deliver particularly great service to my customers and are often asked if i am the owner. However, i make a flat amount and tips are shared at the end of the night. If i were a waiter, i would all around be making more in tips i think than a flat amount. I always try to tip, it really depends on how my waiter takes care of me, however. Waiting 30 minutes for first rounds of refills kind of blows.