Do you have one of these? I respect my books. Do you?

Do you have one of these? I respect my books. Do you?

I don't want to be invited to bible-studies by illiterates.

it's not only for bible m8

no. i want my books to suffer.

that's not what they think
i live in georgia
there are people carry camouflage ones everywhere

Allahu Akbar

>camouflage ones
There's such a cognitive fucking dissonance between fanatic theists and their religion of choice that I get cramps when I think about it. What the fuck?

you are not welcome here

Fuck off libshit. Explain in your cucked rationale why camoflauge and Christianity are morally opposed.

because religion is all about pride and expansion

>Tfw no Muslim gf

I had one for a while but that stuff really doesn't work out when you're a hardcore individualist, the hijab was hot though.



why the fuck would you ever date a muslim? thats like dating a conservative christian bitch, it doesnt work unless you have very similar beliefs.
I am also pretty sure that dating kaffir is not okay for them

Depends on what kind of muslim. You really don't have to be this triggered.

I don't know, I guess I was just horny, she wasn't too brown either since she's a Berber so she looked pretty European.

She wasn't just a con, she's a right-winged extremist, she owns Mein Kampf in Arabic because she wants to eradicate all Arabs from Morocco because they conquered it.

>unironically using the word cuck
because being proud of the fact that you shoot things for fun is directly opposed to the moral doctrine of christianity you alt-right faggot.

Which interpretation was correct folks?

>depends on what kind of muslim
so what you really mean is that it depends on far they are willing to stretch the arabic in the quran/hadith. didnt intend to sound triggered though, oops.

i would be okay with removing arabs from the earth.
hopefully the pussy was good user

It's the fact that it feels like something you shouldn't be doing that made it good.

>depends on far they are willing to stretch the arabic in the quran
Yes, because Christianity doesn't prohibit extramarital sex and abortions.

I carry my books in pockets. If a book is too big to fit in a pocket and I'm not carrying a backpack, then I generally leave it home. I had this one HUGE Charles Dickens book; 3 books in 1. I took it to work with me, and I work a pretty dirty job. Kept it in a plastic bag. It was a pretty tough hard-cover edition so I don't think it really needed padding. I read 'Hard Life' or something like that, as I recall.


No, I don't own one, and don't really have any interest in owning one. If I ever own a book that's so valuable that I couldn't bare to have it get wet or damaged, I'll restrict it to home-reading only.

I don't respect my books due to a curious lack of worldliness.

No because I don't want some nigger mugging me thinking it's an iPad then shooting me in disappointment when he realizes it's an object so foreign to him that he doesn't know what to do with it

>I had this one HUGE Charles Dickens book; 3 books in 1

you sound like Carli Claire

That's some anxiety... whatever. When he kills you - there is a big chance that he will read your book and become smarter

You've gotten attention now fuck off back to pol or wherever

I am well aware of how retarded christians can be as well faggot

i want this feeling desu

How do people not find this funny

I m

Who is Carli Claire? I am

No, I don't hold books in a particular place, they have no value for me once I don't feel like I'm gonna read them anymore. I don't care the state they're in unless they're unreadable, when I'm done with them, I give them.

>I give them
Whomst'd to?

>Two lines is too much reading for Veeky Forums, we need a one line summary

>physical books

get with the times grandpa

I've dated a Muslim qt.
there wasn't even really a conflict of religious beliefs so much as a conflict of personal stuff. she was super sheltered and naive and that went from cute to nauseating pretty quick

>so what you really mean is that it depends on far they are willing to stretch the arabic in the quran/hadith.
non-westerns don't often "subscribe" to their beliefs like Americans do. most of what they believe is reversed from how Westerners believe. It's not "I am X, therefore I believe this", it's "I believe this, therefore I am this", so you meet a lot of people with multiple beliefs and huge amounts of leniency in doctrine. Especially Hinduism.
anyways that's a huge generalization but I hope you get the point

some pseud

fuck you nigger she is my princess

I burned mine.

>cognitive fucking dissonance

How does a camouflage book protector contradict theism?


I'll say this. I have nothing against hunting per se. It's even necessary, at times. There are a lot of people with a healthy relationship to hunting. There are even people who do it for sport, that have a healthy relationship to it. There are people who are even proud of how well they hunt, in a sane and well adjusted manner. Sometimes, these people even have camouflage hats, or vests or whatever. They probably have a framed picture of themselves squatting over a dead 12 pointer buck.

Those are not the kind of people who buy camouflage bible covers. The kind of people who buy camouflage bible covers are a) obsessed with hunting to a very unsettling degree- if you're buying camouflage bible covers, you're buying camouflage everything- further assumptions can be made based on that and b) are fanatical (most likely conservative) christians and further assumptions can be made based on that too. If you carry a camouflage bible cover around, you're saying two things: I like guns and I'm a fanatic christian.

So yes. I don't have anything against hunting, but I think there's something inherently perverse about camouflage bible covers. It's like those pink, child sized rifles you can (or could) buy.

Look. I'm sure there are perfectly normal people who bought a camouflage bible cover, but I wouldn't chance it.

These cases are not for camouflage, if you see a priest with it - it makes no sense. It's just for exterior respect and protection.


Sometimes I wonder if religious people are coming here and pretending to be atheists and saying stupid shit so everybody would think they're retarded. I really do want to respect atheism but this is the type of shit that I regularly see.

What for?

warmth I guess

>there wasn't even really a conflict of religious beliefs so much as a conflict of personal stuff. she was super sheltered and naive and that went from cute to nauseating pretty quick