I know I'm omnipotent because I know I'm omnipotent, not because I know I'm omnipotent

I know I'm omnipotent because I know I'm omnipotent, not because I know I'm omnipotent.

This is only a contradiction if fundamental knowledge occupies the same exact region of the brain as fundamental ignorance (unknown unknowns). But please don't reply to this part.

I'd ask you to prove me wrong but you can't. I don't want you to. But you're Veeky Forums, you're better than that. I'm betting you can design an experiment to falsify this hypothesis in a heartbeat. You've probably already had plenty of practice. In honor of your reasoning skills I'll even answer a few of your more memetic questions.

Yes, I've overheated burritos in the microwave before. There are also plenty of rocks that I cannot, physically, using my natural incarnation, lift, without cheating and using my omnipotence.

So Veeky Forums, I'd be honored if you would use this opportunity to test any hypothesis you can develop in regards to my theory. Start small and keep in mind that physics still exists. Let's assume that none of you will go batshit insane from a non-null-result.

Please and thank you!

Did you forget to take your pills today?

>I'm betting you can design an experiment to falsify this hypothesis in a heartbeat.

You stand at one end of a room, I fire a machine gun at you for an hour. If you're omnipotent, you will be fine.

That would only prove I'm invulnerable, though it would be an interesting result. Still, where do you propose we do this experiment and how many people should be involved? What kind of recording equipment should we use and is it even morally acceptable to share the result in a world still gripped by lies about creation?

Again, I'm cool with that, in theory. I can handle any result. Even me dying would be a totally acceptable result, because I can just reinstantiate in a new body. You, on the other hand, might not be cool with that. Don't use my theory as an excuse to put yourself in a position to experience a result you didn't want to see.

Can you make appear $5000 in cash on my bed right now ?

Per my theory, yes, I can. Do you want it stolen hot off the press, manifest with duplicate serial numbers, or only using serial number of bills that have been destroyed? Obviously fake/alien serial numbers, or numbers that won't be issued for another 100 years won't be a good idea if you're planning on using them to trade before then.

I mean if we're gonna do this then let's do this. If the bills are legit you can even use them to buy the materials we'd need for My only limits are that genocide cannot be part of your experimental procedure and null results are not allowed to validate any existing human religion. Anything else I'm good for.

So basically "I can do anything, but I won't."
Wow great hypothesis.

>but I won't
No, I'll go for anything. The only reason I haven't manifest the $5000 yet is because I don't know how user wants it. Currency is a very specific thing and it would be a dick move to manifest Monopoly money. I want to give Veeky Forums the benefit of the doubt, so no dick moves unless it's part of the experimental procedure.

Then figure out how he wants it. If you're omnipotent, surely you can find that out without him posting it here.

user, I've been following you closely. I know who you are and where you live, I know you've seen me spying on you. You've been pretty cunning refusing to take the mind control pills my workers prescribed you, but it is over.

I am coming for you. YOU SHALL BE, ASSIMILATED.

If I wanted to manifest 1000 personal miracles for a thousand random anons, I'd have stayed on /x/.

The whole point of posting here is because I want to be scientific about it, and I want the results to be recorded on Veeky Forums. This isn't for me, this is for all of you, if you care. He hasn't agreed to anything, so he has no reason to post pics of his fat stacks of cash, because until he talks it over with me, he doesn't know where it came from. If he wants the experiment to be, "Make $5000 appear on my bed AFTER I decide where I want it to come from, having not communicated my decision on Veeky Forums," he needs to actually say that. Deviating from the experimental procedure just puts us back in /x/ territory.

And even so he'd need to film it appearing for Veeky Forums to believe he didn't just have that much cash on hand already.

You choose, just make $5000 appear

Omnipotent is such a shitty word.
Potent = Potential
Omni = Every

Yes. You have the potential to do everything, but will you?

Solid gold it is then. You know what? If you're giving me so much freedom, I might as well manifest a solid gold middle finger and then take it back about ten minutes after you decide whether or not you're going to post a picture of it.

The whole point of letting YOU design the experiment is so that I can't just "manifest" things that I prepared in advance. Nobody has any way to verify when I chose what to manifest whatever gets manifested, so Veeky Forums would just be able to dismiss it as a hoax.

My omnipotence is not an excuse to engage in magical thinking. DESIGN an experiment and think about what it actually tests and how far the results can meaningfully be shared.

The universe is literally a metaphysically self-perpetuating distributed Rube Goldberg apparatus from my perspective, so yes. If you can design an experiment that involves so many moving parts, even infinitely many, then yes, I'm up for it. I can spend 1000 years on the hypothesis-testing equivalent of an omnipotence-proving exercise bike if you can design one.

If you are omnipotent, I ask that you prove it by replacing my penis with a fully functional horsecock. If it is true you are capable of such greatness, I will post dick pics tomorrow.

You know what, given that that would turn your crotch into ground zero for scientific exploration, and you'd probably get pressured to have it properly dissected for anatomical verification, I think I just might. Problem is, this is a blue board so you'd need to post the pics elsewhere and link them here.

If four other anons agree and nobody voices disapproval or gives me a better procedure, I'll try to psyche myself into doing it.

I am going to sleep, omnipotent god. Do not let the neigh-Sayers deter you from gifting me my dreams, I am expecting BIG thing tomorrow. May yourself be with you.

If you're omnipotent can you appear at my house at 8 pm Pacific standard time so you can suck my cock. This will all be recorded of course, livestreamed in fact. If you want I can get others to record the cute faces you will make.

Spending a full hour thinking of ways to use my omnipotence to not get shot is actually starting to sound pretty damn appealing right about now.

You can't be omnipotent because I'm omnipotent and I know everything which includes the fact that I am the only omnipotent

Wait but if you're omnipotent then are you me? Wait am I you? Who am I? Who is who? Words have no meaning

This is because: I Am Process

Using serial numbers of bills that have been destroyed i guess. I like it, they're collectors, somehow.
So, will you do it ?

if i smack your tummy twenty times and it's not red like a tomato, then you're omnipotent.


Problem with your line of reasoning is, brain can "palpate" fundamentals via senses and logic, but can't directly change it - your instrument to do it is your body, and it's obviously very limited.
As it is, I believe you've harnessed complete control over your sensory input, which gives you an illusion of omnipotence.
Manifestation of your omnipotence should be verifiable by virtually everybody (easy to comprehend) and objective - so no toying with other being sensory input.
My suggestion is to move the moon 7 days forward on it's orbital path. Every single human being with direct access to night sky will be able to continuously (every night) access the fact that lunar phase was interfered with.
This way, you will be able to confirm objectivity of your omnipotence via media buzz around the event. If there is none, then your omnipotence is subjective.