Biologically illiterate idiot here. Three questions regarding balding

Biologically illiterate idiot here. Three questions regarding balding.

One, is there anything that helps against genetically determined balding i.e. is there a promising study of a drug/therapy method?

Second, can balding be a result of bad nutrition?

Third, how can someone determine what causes hair loss?

Pls be nice, don't bully the bald guy

Other urls found in this thread:

Take Propecia or Rogaine, it won't regrow hair but can stop more hairloss, Side-effects suck though.

if there was a really good answer someone would probably be making billions off of it by now

Laser hair therapy reverses it. You can buy your own hat for $900

It can be what accelerates hair loss, but isn't the 'key' factor causing baldness overall

Through comparing lifestyles and genes

rogaine barely works, propecia has dangerous and permanent side effects

Dermarolling is 5 times more effective then Rogaine and doesn't cost anything. It's a dirty little secret nobody wants you to know about.
They even created this new procedure called the "vampire face lift." The idea is to extract plasma from your blood, spread the plasma on your skin and use a dermaroller so your skin can absorb the plasma. They advertise it also works on hairloss and have proven results. Except the plasma is superfluous and just an excuse for an expensive procedure. Same results can be achieved with dermarolling alone. Except dermarollers only cost $10 and they'd never make money selling that. Seriously, everyone needs to know about this.

Dutasteride + Cyproterone Acetate + 6mg Estrofem

Enjoy your hair.

Sounds interesting. Are there any studies and what kind of Dermaroller i.e. what needle size should I buy if I decide to use it? Also, does it hurt?

very funny


Needle size and frequency is very important. You want to damage the scalp enough to induce a healing reaction, but not enough to do any real damage. You also don't want to do it too often or you will end up doing real damage and you're skin won't be healing fast enough. I don't have the charts but off the top my head ....

0.25mm Safe to use every day. Does not stimulate hair growth but aids in absorption of topical ointments.

0.5mm Safe to use only 2-3 times a week. Will stimulate hair growth. (Note-This is what I use twice a week. It's somewhat uncomfortable but not too painful so long I don't press down. I've noticed lots new growth along the hairline since I started a month ago. So long as you still have vellus hair you should be able to get them to turn into actual hair again)

1.0mm Safe to use only one time a week. Also good for stimulating hair growth.

>1.0 Only safe to use once a month. Will cause bleeding. Very painful. Does not help hairless but can reduce appearance of scars.

Some warnings/disclaimers. Remember to disinfect after each use and don't share dermarollers. I use a spray bottle with alcohol. Again, using it more often will not help more. Kinda like lifting weights too often will just make muscles damaged and weaker. Don't press down too hard. The 0.5mm shouldn't cause any bleeding at all. If it is, stop pressing down.

Found two studies on my own but anyway at this point I'm desperate enough to stick needles in my head either way. Thanks for the info so far! Probably last question, does it bleed? I don't want to go to uni with a red head.

I used 0.5mm and never had blood except 1 time when it slipped from my hand. It leaves redness/pink skin that lasts a short while. Hurts a little while doing it but not too much. After my scalp felt very weird. Kinda itchy/tingly. If you're worried about appearances, use it at night and wash up in the morning.

Do not listen to this guy dermarollers are chinese medicine tier psuedoscience
Either take Finasteride or Dutasteride or accept it

t. pharma shill
>In the Microneedling group, 41 (82%) patients reported more than 50% improvement versus only 2 (4.5%) patients in the Minoxidil group.
You can shove those proprietary patented prostate pills up your ass.


>propecia has dangerous and permanent side effects
Oh look it's this retard again

If anybody wants information that isn't biased: negative effects of propecia are completely reversible and regarding the horror stories of people exhibiting extremely vague symptoms, the incidence of those on placebos were about the same as the actual drug

Can you recommend a brand? Also, have you tried it on your face for improving the skin?

been on finasteride for 5 years.
hair is great with slight temple thinning, i'm 29 years old today.
grampa bald, dad bald, two younger brothers bald.
no fucking side-effects whatsoever and I always took generic that i bought off the internet.

>The mean age of the population was 28.6 years. Patients had hair loss for a mean average of 4.5 years (range: 3-10 years).
This is wird, why did they take so young probands?

Medfag here, Finasterid (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Regain) are the way to go. Your hair follicles are overly sensible to DHT, therefore the hair loss. A more permanent solution wuld be to cut off your balls. Nutrition can also cause hair loss, but it's very unlikely unless you only drink beer as nutrition or are some starving african nigger. For placebo you can take a biotine+zink pill a day, I do and apply my Minox once to twice a day. The girl cutting my hair already noticed that it's getting thicker, so I assume it works for me.

Does fapping worsen or improve male pattern?
Being related to dht and all...

Why would you need a placebo, and how can you call it that if you know it's not real.

I don't need it but it's no harm so why not. I call it that because the effects of biotine in mono use are minuscule.

Semen juice

And I'm not even joking

hair transplant

do you have an extra-strength placebo?
mine doesn't seem to be working

although it could be cause of the anti-placebo meds a friend of mine convinced me to try. I'm still not convinced they're working.