What is the function of common core and what will it do to the next generation of Americans?

What is the function of common core and what will it do to the next generation of Americans?

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It will abolish PEMDAS and PEDMAS and all the other nonsensical abbreviations people need to remember conventions of mathmatical notation. There, I said something good about Common Core. Now it is your turn.

Well the idea behind common core is to have one set of standards that can be used everywhere in america. This way we can actually determine which schools are underperforming. Teachers hate this

Why would you want to get rid of BEDMAS/PEDMAS? I find it to be very simpl

>Well the idea behind common core is to have one set of standards that can be used everywhere in america. This way we can actually determine which schools are underperforming.
Interesting. I never thought of that although I think that the whole standardized testing stuff is bullshit.

>There, I said something good about Common Core.
What thing?

The people behind the standards need to be competent and the standards need to be almost indirect.
Chances are it will turn out just like standardized tests; teachers trying desperately to cram into kids heads only that which will be on the test, rather than actually teaching them a subject and testing their understanding of the subject.

There will always be many kids who are too stupid to do well on a standardized test whether or not the teacher is effective, and you can't really enforce a standardized curriculum without data from those kinds of tests.

what board did that thread go down on? How could people be so dumb? Or were they trolling?

common core standards are perfectly fine

it's the textbooks written to meet the standards that suck

>What is the function of common core
Teach kids to question authority.
>what will it do to the next generation of Americans?
Ask /pol/

Someone in the thread explained their result with "PEMDAS", not PEDMAS. It makes people confuse a problem of convention with a problem of arithmetics, as OPs pic shows. People don't think that divsion and multiplication have the same priority because PEMDAS. What do you say to them, that your mnemonic is simple, so it is right? I saw variations for 5 years and I doubt it hasn't been around for much, much longer. Maybe it just is beyond me why you need help with memorising the order of operations when they are inherently ordered by how they are defined in primary school and highschool.

The thread was active around the same time this one was made. At the the time I write this, it is just below this one.

Instead of using dumb mnemonic devices how about you be unambiguous about how you write the problem.

was taught PEMDAS
t. Texas public HS class of 200X

>t. easily confused american

BOMDAS master race

Mass literacy was a mistake.

this, if you're so lazy that you can't just add some parenthesis to an expression you should just kys

Answer is 4.5
The division symbol is the equivalent of a huge dividing line.
This is is a case of bad formatting. The division symbol is never used in PEDMAS maths. A horizontal line should always be used to make the writing unambiguous.


Why don't ask the creators themselves.

Common core is designed around giving children reference tools that they can employ to rapidly preform more complicated arithmetic calculations. Children in Europe, India, and East Asia are all usually better at mental math then American kids. Common core was designed with the idea of elevating the mental math abilities of our children to the level of other children around the world.

>t. American

>American kids
White American kids outperform all other countries. In fact the US spends more money per capita on education than any other country. It's the niggers that bring your country down in academic standing.