Anybody else hate people that utilize their large vocabulary so much?

I feel like if you need so many words to convey an idea, than you're not talented. I like simply, plain language. Big words come off as dishonest and make authors who use them a lot look stupid.

u not talent if use much words. simple good. big words stupid.

what did this fucking brainlet just say?

go shoot yourself again ernest

I find your lack of appreciation incomprehensible and nettlesome.

what's wrong with 'use' you ornate dimwit?

>Stop doing things I don't like

So, you don't encourage people to stop doing things that you think are bad? If someone murders your dog, you don't scorn that person for doing something you consider bad?

Can you stop having a stupid opinion?
I think it's bad.

Request denied.

Fuck, well I give up.

You were supposed to say yes.

Sometimes it's all I can summon to explain what's on my mind.

Also the word utilize emphasizes a thing being used effectively, rather than just used, and obviously the OP doesn't think these people are using their vocabulary effectively

Embarrassing really

They work well if you're writing a character that you want to come off as a conceited prick

autists will be triggered by this. Pynchon perfected prose by writing about academic ideas in conversational tone of a stoner. where can we go from here?

You post your shitty thread while using a picture of Salinger, who had an extensive vocabulary. Honestly, OP, fuck off. You don't know shit. Stick to reading Heminway and other YA-fiction, you fucking casual.


I think you mean fibby, user? You're tots prets.

yes OP we heard you the first time

When will this fucking meme die. It's "use" you pretentious twat. Unless of course you meant to use "utilize" appropriately to mean "make use of effectively", in which case your statement reads as "anbody else hate people that make effective use of their large vocabulary so much?". Dunce.

It's called pseudo intellectualism and a case of neurosis.

I deign to, even tacitly countenance such a flagrant display of buffoonery and therefore will deviate from my usually taciturn and milquetoast comportment to lay bare your blithe ignorance. To leverage invective at the great lexical masters for their skill in the formation of delicate and balanced prose smacks of such an indolent and petulant slave-morality that its worthy of tremendous prejudice up to and including the very dispatching of your soul from its corporeal relation. I bid thee despair and die.