Can I get a rate on my bean, rice and lentil burgers? Please be nice this time

Can I get a rate on my bean, rice and lentil burgers? Please be nice this time.

those look like shit
are toasted buns non vegan? or are you looking for the blandest possible outcome?

Looks like shit, kill yourself immediately

Looks bretty gud

the sesame seeds are proly the most flavorful thing in those sandwiches

The mix is pretty good, smells amazing when done.

Looks like it needs meat

Just more proof vegans simply have no taste. Physically unable to enjoy food they are filled with bitterness, resentment and sometimes even hate towards anyone they see savoring real, good, tasty food. That's why they start all these threads, if they can't have it you shouldn't either.

I was trying to find something nice to say about this but the fact that there are whole grains of rice just sticking out of the patty horrifies me. I don't care how well you seasoned it-though I don't know that you actually seasoned it at all-that texture is going to be foul.
Switch recipes.

You could have at least put some better toppings. Did you even try?

I'll bet your balls are shaped funny

Shut up you whiny bitch

I pur mushrooms, caramelized onions, shredded cabbage, and stir-fired carrots on my vegan burgers.

Looks tasty af


If it tastes good to you, then whatever

>whole grains of rice just sticking out of the patty horrifies me
>all-that texture is going to be foul
Does your mom know that you're a fag?


No malliard reaction on the "patty." Rice not incorporated and looks like a maggot infestation. Given the ingredients and method, undoubtedly tastes like a 10 dollar whore's ass. Way to waste great vegen ingredients trying to copy a hamburger. Idiot.


Looks like it's a shitty "burger". The buns aren't toasted, the patty looks unappetizing, the toppings look like crap, you fell for the "lettuce on the bottom" meme, and presentation looks bad in general.

Throw some meat on there, unless you're suffering from a health issue that keeps you from eating meat.

I bet you have a man bun.

Looks sloppy but fine. Put smoked paprika vegenaise on it to help it stay moist and id eat it

Vegan food aren't very photogenic

What is that surface thing with the numbers?

it looks pretty good, stay mad meatcucks. enjoy your estrogen and colon cancer

careful throwing around the word free in thought police country. they might think you're about to call me something besides my preferred pronoun.

I would eat them all right now I am so hungry.

Kinda looks how fast food sandwiches do in reality instead of the dressed up ones you see in ads.

Buns look sad. They could be toasted.

Patties don't have a pan-seared crust. That's a lot of missing flavor points. Since I have no idea what the mixture tastes like, I can only go by looks here. Tentative 4/10.

Probably tastes okay, never really had a veggie burger that didn't taste good. My only problem with them is that they aren't as filling, I always end up having to eat like 50% more than I would with beef burgers.

Fuck off vegan. This is a carnivore board.

no meat/10


>untoasted, sad looking buns
>no sear on the burger; they look like dog food
>half assed, confused presentation and construction; no love
Do you even give a shit? Fucking pathetic. Do it again.

They look and sound bretty gud. Mind sharing the recipe?