Why do ALL ingredients in toothpaste and mouthwash end up being toxic? We already know about the Fluoride bullshit...

Why do ALL ingredients in toothpaste and mouthwash end up being toxic? We already know about the Fluoride bullshit, but look at everything else. Even if you buy the natural stuff, you can google them and people shit all over the ingredients in those too. I want to brush my fucking teeth, but I don't want to use toxic shit, and there is no way to wash all of it out of your mouth.

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Have you tried rinsing your mouth? Heard that gets rid of the toothpaste

Why do you think the flavor/smell stays after? It's because you can't wash it out. It goes into your gums, tongue, and teeth. It's impossible to wash it out. You swallow it.

Then don't eat the toothpaste?

Don't rinse like a retard?

Talk to your dentist like a normal fucking human being?

fluorine is the best replacement for hydroxide we know of for preventing painful tooth issues or loss of teeth in general. If we weren't lazy from birth, charcoal would be fine for those who aren't genetically predispositioned for tooth decay. Of course, fluoride in the water system is a waste, since a tube of tooth paste is $3.50 a month. However, since we are talking about anti-cavity products, it is safe to assume you could choose products that are benign if you were willing to spend a few dollars more a month, put in the effort and/or be genetically capable of taking care of your teeth without potentially harmful substances.

You drink fluoride every day. There is no need to have it in tooth paste.

I live in a county that doesn't fluoridate its water.

Try again sweetie.

>fluoridating the water is the same as brushing with fluoride paste for 3+ minutes twice a day or more

>3 minutes twice a day

people do this? lmao

Don't do it. Stay natural.

if you dont brush twice 2mins per and floss once per day you are an actual savage, if you wanted to be optimal you would brush after every meal

it sounds pointless.

i brush once a day for about 3-4 minutes. just got back to the dentist with no cavaties, very low plaque and tartar. they always tell me i do a great job. also fuck flossing

Because dentists are assholes that want to make money, take it from a medical student that knows the type of people I'm working with.

The important part of brushing is physically scraping food residue from your teeth without damaging the bones themselves. Whitening is unecessary to live but our culture has decided to link teeth whiteness with overall good hygiene, even though that's not necessarily true.

Also, afaik, there is nothing wrong with mouthwash as long as you don't swallow it like a retard. Listerine is one of the better ones out there, don't buy cheap shit that fails to get the job done.

>t. dental shill

This guy knows what's up.

Meant to link not

It has to be toxic to kill the bacteria that is munching on the sugars in your mouth.

If you had a almost zero sugar diet you could get away with just using charcoal or something.

>listerine is one of the better ones
Alcohol dries your mouth.

I too only eat food without chemicals.

I usually have chemicals in all my foods

toothpaste doesn't seem necessary at all.

What about miswak?

niggas be doing cocaine and all kinds of drugs but then complain about "toxic toothpaste" lmao hold this L desu baka senpai

Do you know how toxic chemicals you ingest everyday? I can understand the argument against putting fluoride in water, because that's a waste of money, but this is just retarded.

I definitely do not ingest toxic chemicals every day.

flossing does literally nothing

you do. every single chemical you ingest is lethal in a high enough dose

Technically correct.

How many chemicals that he ingests are toxic in the doses involved ?


so what kind of toothpaste you use?

Toothpaste also isn't toxic in the doses involved iirc

except heavy metal toxins accumulate in the body and calcify in the brain, correct?

How come all of the ingredients in soap end up being toxic?

You don't eat it, artard.

You guys seriously aren't aware of sublingual and buccal absorption of drugs? Saying 'don't eat it' is a complete non-argument. If you honestly believe toxic things are fine in your mouth as long as you don't swallow then go try holding some bleach under your tongue and see what happens.

I'm not really sure why toothpaste needs to contain so much crap, and why theres no real basic alternative available. Seems completely unnecessary

wtf how come my phone is toxic

You guy seriously aren't aware of the epidermal absorption of drugs? Saying 'don't eat it' is a complete non-argument. If you honestly believe toxic things are fine in your mouth as long as you don't swallow then go try holding some bleach under your tongue and see what happens.

Instead of saying "studies show if you drink 10 gallons of fluoride makes you sick, there's fluoride in toothpaste, ergo toothpaste must make you sick!" Why don't you actually demonstrate it. Oh right, because you can't. Because it doesn't.

Some Chemicals are turning Pepe Frogs
[math]{\Huge \mathcal{GAY !}}[/math]

lushusa.com/face/teeth/atomic/06345.html close enuff?

best pepe i've ever seen, and i'm no fan of the shitty meme myself. I like efg better, see, i failed so hard i didn't even post his jpg

Just use baking soda if you're that concerned.

who are you

You shouldn't eat anything with molecules in it.

just because those routes exist doesn't mean all chemicals take them

Ever eaten fish?

>theres no real basic alternative available
Bull fucking shit. There are loads of fluoride free toothpastes, organic toothpastes, natural toothpastes. There's baking soda. There are recipes to make your own toothpastes or tooth powder.

Find something with ingredients only you approve of, or make your own.

You don't need toothpaste to brush your teeth. A brush and water are enough to clean your mouth.
And of course, be smart, don't eat sugar, acid (coca cola and co) and be positive.

Why do conspiracy tards always misuse the term calcify

>don't eat sugar, acid (coca cola and co)
Yeah but where is the fun in that

i eat only vegan food nowadays, but yes, when i was into necrophagia, i did indeed consume the rotting corpses of slaughted and or butchered lifeforms. I was a sinner for sure.

Do you understand the concept of a question?

I am robotron, i think. My real name is super seekret

Except remove stinky shit from between your teeth. You know how you never get laid? It's because anyone who gets within 3 feet of you knows you don't floss, because they can smell your fucking mouth.


"Toxicity is the degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism. **A central concept of toxicology is that the effects of a toxin are dose-dependent**; even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in too high a dose, whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. "

so, the right question to ask is - how much of a substance can you intake before unwanted effects rise to an unacceptable level (either acutely or chronically)? OP, how much fluoride can you intake daily, on average, before you start to experience unacceptably negative long-term effects?

oh man this is harrowingly true, 3 feet is indeed the minimum required distance, too. That comment of his made me thinking today, too, like, man that douchebag doesn't know yet that he's rotting on the inside and stuff is feeding on his rotting decaying body... fuck man..

You're actually not supposed to rinse afterwards, just spit out the toothpaste until it's gone. You can rinse like 20-30min later though if you still have the taste.

sorry jew, not falling for it

I floss after brushing every night and there's almost always some visible food debris on the floss, so it's definitely doing something.

You know there is this very toxic stuff called Dihydrogen Monoxide and I'm quite sure you are one of the people that should completely stop their intake of it, for your own and every one elses sake.

What the actual fuck do you even expect, literally everything is toxic at the right dose, even oxygen you fucking mongrel.
I hope this is so bait.

Can I use about one and a half liters of Vodka per day instead of mouthwash?

Alcool is very bad for your mouth.

Good thing I drink it and asked how good it is as a mouthwash before trying that shit.

every thing is toxic to the point of toxicity

You have to go back.

>I hope this is so bait.
not bait, and 100% valid.

it'll get out gross food debris, sure, but it doesn't do anything for plaque buildup

cacao/theobromine is better than fluoride at rebinding the crystal shit on your teeth, just use that.


2 tablespoons baking soda
4 tablespoons coconut oil
6 drops clove essential oil
2 teaspoons organic raw cacao (preferred) or cocoa powder

Consider what popular brand toothpaste is for a moment; it's been evolving as a product for how long now? Competitors had to keep changing what worked to make their product stand out, continually adding new chemicals with tartar/bacteria/plaque/whitening/whatever properties and flavors/coloring. Are they necessary for cleaning your mouth? No. Are some of these things even harmful, especially if continually used multiple times a day, everday for decades? Probably.

But like other anons said, it's your choice. There are plenty of other solutions. The main thing to do is just clean them after eating and ensure the bad shit doesn't have time to build up. Don't sterilize your mouth each time because that isn't necessary if you don't let it get bad. Also stop eating bad shit that promotes bad bacteria in the first place.

dude, "toxic" dosnt mean toxic for you, it means toxic for the bacterias in you mouth


I'm fairly certain sodium cocoyl glutamate induced panic attacks and night terrors for me. Happened three nights in a row, ceased using the toothpaste, stopped happening. Has never happened again.

This. Also refreshing to see that someone else is aware essential oils aren't made of useless inert compounds that just happen to be in a plant.

fish has mercury in it; the fuck do you want?

Something that isn't trash.

>bad teeth isn't a problem for 95% of human history
>suddenly in the 20th century dentistry becomes a thing, and is coincidentally shilled constantly by the media and extremely expensive
Just start eating real food instead of processed garbage.

>bad teeth isn't a problem for 95% of human history

And isn't a problem for 100 % of animal (-human).

Having some kind of paste if you'd want to get things clean is only reasonably. You use liquid/gel to clean shoes and surfaces aswell.

However, the most important part is getting rid of food remains, because those decay and form very nasty toxins that kill your immune system.

baking soda will destroy your enamel...

Everything is poison in large doses boi

ah didn't know that, my mom uses that shit all the time. The other ingredients should be fine though