Tfw insecure in your taste in books and overall literary knowledge/intelligence

>tfw insecure in your taste in books and overall literary knowledge/intelligence

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. you are a fucking faggot


>tfw you realize talent is not something you learn
Why can't I even come up with a plot ffs
I wanted to write a novel about a war journalist who has a mentally ill son who ends up being a criminal but I realized I just can't handle something like that
I dont know anything about war or being in a war zone or being a criminal or paternal love
And I just can't write without using stream of consciousness, which I dont really want to use
Just fuck my shit up I will stick to write pop songs, bros

Then read more, including secondary sources.

get filtered cuck

kys pleb

How can you be insecure in your taste of something? You like something or you don't, why would you like that you like something, or not like that you like something?

I'm not trying to be mean but I think you just enjoy the feeling of being ass-raped by your own head.

To be honest, if anybody tells me I have poor taste and I can't beat them up I just belittle them publicly.

Yes, beating people up is my first option; it's more ethical and less hurtful in the long term.

He just has no confidence so he doesn't know if he likes what should be liked

walk in nature, my man

it may seem too simplistic, but it's the best advice you'll ever get

Why would you care?

You may not be able to acquire talent but you can learn about war. Have you done any research?

you need to grow some balls or stop trolling

I can relate. I often wonder if I'm even "getting" what the authors say, or if I'm missing something that I'm supossed to be aware of, and other such things. It's dreadful really.

>should be liked
There's the problem, right there. Should is a nasty little fucker.

Yes but you'll always have an image of what intelligent people like and if what you like doesn't match this image you will have confidence issue

I think that if you don't get what the author says it's not your fault but the author's fault. Unless you're stupid

how do you know which one is right?

Well, at first glance I might not; but what if I think about it, still don't get it, and thereafter read secondary literature explaining it all? It's all interpretation I guess.. but still. The difficulty of grasping an author's oeuvre/placing him or her in a particular era of literature makes me feel like a complete dunce. Unsure why.

No, please reccomend

Really? I mean for the most part the reason why people don't understand the author is because they lack the proper context to do so (whether it's vocab, historical references, etc.) That's not the authors fault

>Yes but you'll always have an image of what intelligent people like
Nah. One of the few things I like about this place is how much it encourages me to break these images. My life experience confirms it too. Most people are fucking idiots. Especially intelligent people. Present compaby included.

This. Being unapologetic about what you like is the only way to live (inb4 what if I like killing people). If you're unhappy about what you read, you can work your way up to what you want to read. Your tastes and interests will change and evolve. The real world is not Veeky Forums. Nobody is going to make fun of you for enjoying certain books. People will make fun of you for being a pussy tho, so work on that.

Don't try to quantify your taste. Don't make lists or charts or anything like that, you'll just drive yourself mad. Building an identity for yourself is painful and not very fruitful. Check out some /mu/ chart threads to see how fruitful a process it is. This are people trying to establish an identity for themselves via taste, and the result is usually boring or an imitation. Don't observe what you love, DO what you love. :^) Peace out senpaitachi

i was taking a shower and came up with a scene of a man at a diner smoking a cigarette, and his hesitation at responding to the welcone of the waitress caused her some concern, she asked what was wrong and he reveals he had been waiting for her to ask for thirty years, i spent time imagining her face, showing wrinkles of both tears and smiles, the old man's peppered moustache, the ribbon of smoke drifting into oblivion, then i thought it'd be cool if he had telekinetic powers he shows her by coalescing the smoke with pressure he exerts on the air, while explaining that he feels a hand like appendage, then drifting to a story about the day his wife died those thirty years ago, as the woman's face contorts from wonder into horror. then i got out of the shower and read about that VX poison shit. so my suggestion, read the news and take a shower.

If you even post here, your tastes are probably better than majority of others in the world. Hell, even that sci-fi general probably has better taste than most people out there. Just don't sweat it man, feel free to be yourself. Don't bother with matching lists of taste, and just enjoy what you're enjoying right now.

I actually always get all hypomanic when showering and thats when most ideas (that are shit anyways) come to me

shame that yours are shit, i end up liking mine a lot.

How many books have you read? I used to have this problem where everything book was "good" but some books later I knew what I liked in a book what was bad and just ok and what I really liked and favored.

Read more reread some too.

Sometimes you need author's context. That's your homework.

Always go for first. Always.

OP here, this is an example of why i feel this way.

these are my fav thinkers after 10 years of study. and yet these are all ive been able to really enjoy;

stop showing off and write your shitty book

>bottom right

i'm on to your games, muppet.

i just write short stories, user, no book until 36 y.o.