Thoughts on Numberphile, Mathologer, 3Blue1Brown and other math channels

What are your thoughts on channels like Numberphile, 3Blue1Brown, Mathologer, PBS Infinite series, Welch Labs, and other channels dedicating to explaining/discussing topics in Mathematics? Is a channel like Numberphile misinformative at explaining topics like Infinite Sums (Specifically towards their videos on the sum of all positive integers equaling -1/12) or are they just mathematical showmen whereas they talk about topics in an interesting (but not completely rigorous way) so that people who find interest in the topics they discuss get the inspiration to look for rigorous explanations or learning those said topics entirely? Also rank these channels from best to worst so there's plenty of arguing in this thread too.

[spoiler]And do make sure to post more meme images of numberphile, I live off of them[/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:

Goddamnit the spoiler shit didn't work

not every board has that feature

they're comfy for a brain warmdown before bed

Twas my mistake, shitposter from r9k here.


Primes are like weed


you know, numberphile is inspiring people to think about maths .
I didnt have a clue about the - 1/12 thing. turns out that the evaluation of the analytical continuation of the riemann zeta function for the value -1 is -1/12.

I think of it like assigning a value to the sums of divergent infinite series.

And in my maths, its allowed.

They have made some mistakes but I think they are the best math channel. Not only because the editing and presentation are top tier, but because they have many connections that allow them to bring different speakers from all sides of math. In numberphile you get to hear about a topic from a Ph.D. who leads the field he is talking about. That is amazing. I think we all ought to talk Brady and all the mathematicians that participate for being able to coordinate this amazing project.

He has fewer credentials as he only has a Bachelor so his content feels less "amazing". You know, it is not as good when there is the possibility that the guy just googled a proof and now is just reading it to us. But what he doesn't have in credibility he has in presentation. He puts the most work into his video's visuals and that makes him stand out. I always watch his videos because they are fun, despite already knowing everything he has said.

Similar to numberphile here we have a real researcher and professor of mathematics. The real deal. I like that he has covered topics much more in depth than other channels. For example, the -1/12 video of mathologer is orders of magnitude better than the one from numberphile. But I see mathologer as lesser to numberphile because he is only one guy. Numberphile has Villani, Tao, Conway, literally everyone.

>PBS Infinite Series
Here is another channel that thrives almost from visuals alone. The speaker is okay, but she only has a master and I think it is in applied math so she might as well be an undergrad. Fortunately, they have an entire team behind them so they can make really nice videos that look almost as good as the ones from 3Blue1Brown.

Those are the only ones I watch.

I only watch 3Blue1Brown, and sometimes Mathologer. Though I do believe Welch labs is reliable too.
Numberphile seems to be accurate yet inaccurate if you know what I mean.

My favourite is njwildberger. He explains things really well and has a very unique approach to mathematics (with which I agree).

Thanks for bringing up a math youtuber I haven't heard of, I'll check him out.

Out of the ones you mentioned, I like watching some episodes of Numberphile the most.
I'd still not put my hand into the fire for any of those folks, mostly because I don't like how all of them sometimes sell their opinions as facts.

Agreed, he's the real deal.

I just recently started wathcing this guy's videos. SOme of them are alright, tehy talk about basic stuff but in an interesting way. Here's a link to one of them:

How come we aren't talking about the math kino - blackpenredpen?

can you linke the mathologer video for -1/12? can't find it..


That was amazing

look for his videos about ramanujian

Pic is of screenshots I did some ago, I don't know if this continues to be the prevailing sentiment of Veeky Forums

the japanese guy on numberphile is great.

Numberphile teaches virtually nothing besides historical shit that you can easily learn anywhere else anyway. 3B1B is interesting because of the work done for visuals and his constructive approach (kind of similar to what you get at uni). His π mascots are cringey as fuck though.

There's a keyboard shortcut that's active on all boards though.

Fuck old Veeky Forums looks so much smarter than this "LOOK A BAIT LET'S BITE AS HARD AS I CAN" shithole.

10/10 youtuber

Whether or not your sentiment is ironic - Veeky Forums and wildberger genuinely made maths in general much more interesting to me.

real numbers aren't real

*throws tomato at user*
*crowd erupts into booing and shouting*