If you woke up after 1000 years what would be your first science question?

If you woke up after 1000 years what would be your first science question?

Where's the bathroom?

Where are the sex bots?

probably something like where did life come from.
do they already really know why life exists

Today, after having been frozen since 1000ce
>What is the world

In 3000ce
>What is the mind

Do we have a proper name for dark matter yet?

Can jet fuel melt steel beams?

'Have we contacted aliens yet?'

How many genders are there this time?

Why the fuck am I alive, you son of a bitch?!

Yes: fantasy.

Why would you do this to me?

How about that P = NP am I right?
*laugh track*

In three space dimensions and time, given an initial velocity field, does there exist a vector velocity and a scalar pressure field, which are both smooth and globally defined, that solve the Navier–Stokes equations?

Why would you revive a fucking white male?

How right was Futurama?

Why the fuck am I not dead?

Do we have VR Kurisu Ai waifus yet?

"Is Half-Life 3 out yet?"

Doesn't the fact that water can be water and shit prove there must be?


How many genders do exist?

To make him pay for your welfare?

Did you solve the Last Question? No? Put me back under.

Or first post

How did I manage to sleep for 1,000 years?

wuh happen?

What doth life?



How to use the three sea shells

Have you guys perfected dick enlargement pills yet?


Was climate change real?


>What is the mind
Doesn't exist. Is just a meme used to explain behavior.

How the fuck did we survive this long?

are there any organics left?


Have we finally smashed the patriarchy?

How many genders are there?

Ayy lmao?

¿dónde está la biblioteca?

Groggily asks:

Fuck off please?

*gropes for the snooze button*

Are we a space faring civ yet ? Where are the dyson spheres ? Can I be plugged in a paradise simulated on one dyson sphere ? Why do you have three boobs ? Singularity much ? On what tech are based your weaponry ? Can I have sex with the robots ? Are we still dominant ? Can I have sex with the aliums too ? Are there space-STDs ?

Sexy aliens?

Did we figure out the theory of everything

how could i survive 1000years?

It didnt. Your memories are faaake aaahahahahahah! Now take this cock organic scum!

has fermats last theorem been solved????

Actually every one is assuming it's one thousand year from now, when it's clearly not stated in OP's post
Say you were to awaken in 30000bc after falling asleep in 29000bc, you wouldn't learn much from your questions

Thanks so much, time traveler from 3017! No, seriously fuck off. We don't know shit about the nature of the mind and you clearly know even less.

Do not respond to shitposters

You don't know yet?