Coffee Consumption Associated with Lower Risk of Death from Multiple Causes

Apparently a coffee a day keeps the doctor away. So user, have you made sure to fill your daily coffee quota yet?

i can have a small coffee in the morning when i wake up (430am) and still have trouble sleeping when i go to bed (10pm) i tried just putting up with it so my tolerance could increase but after 2 weeks witb no change to ultrasensitivity i gave up. now i drink green tea which still makes me jittery

Gain some weight unless ur a girl(male)

Do more exercise.

I have a 500ml Kalita pour over in the morning and after lunch.

Didn't work for this guy. What did Tarantino mean by this?

Meme doctor already made me aware of this.

No because green tea still has far more benefits on top of being the superior choice of beverage.

Green Tea tastes like garbage. White Tea is Masterrace.

Coffee is good, but it's a missed opportunity for green tea. I like both. I get 1/3 kilo bags of mediocre sencha.


I do both.

I assume they mean "take it black" anyway.

Black coffee chased with a pastry, cake, cookie or candy bar is the best.

>associated with
Literally meaningless, just like virtually every single other "food study" produced.

This was the fastest and easiest way of losing weight before I became a female (male).

I drink coffee in the morning and green tea in the evening.

Why funny you asked OP, I'm drinking one right now!

dammit, why this have to come now? it's too damn hot to drink coffee

hey fucko, ever heard of iced coffee?

im tired from work, i forgot it exists

i never drink cofee. give it to me straight doc. am i a gonner?

Hi Tired, I'm John from Los Angeles.

another joke like that, and you'll be grounded until you retire!

I'm the opposite. I feel like caffeine has pretty much no effect on my sleep. I can chug down espressos and sips all day and go to sleep at any time with no issues.

Another weird effect it has on me is it increases hunger (sometimes dramatically to munchies levels) when it supposedly shouldn't.