Where could we go after postmodernism?

Where could we go after postmodernism?

You know what, fuck 4chab and all it's inhabitants I'm hojghvj fugkxrnccmtmm

Probably Neo Modernism or something along those lines. Irony is out; sentiment is in.

I see you've been reading my diary

To the used bookstore for some good ol' classics.


One possibility:

Robotics. Acceleration. Infinite self-optimization. Skills. And, the alternative; human obsolescence.

That the computers are not going to need us. I think it's mostly going to be about staying ahead of the curve. For sure, there will be infinite subversion stuff and other groupthink, but I think the right thing to do will be trying to avoid letting a robot become your boss. In a sense there is a kind of robot there already - capital - but my guess is that that mechanism only intensifies and becomes more clear.

>tfw landian hyperstition

Whoops, I guess OP meant in a literary sense. Heh heh.

>i'll show myself out now

the end of literature, part 1
following a brief intermission, literature part 2 will begin with a 10,000 line epic poem about drug wars in Papua New Guinea

A recovery of the ideas and literature of the Middle Ages in the public consciousness, a "Renaissance of the Medieval," as I think Spengler put it.

This will also be accompanied by a rediscovery of genuine religion, especially Christianity. I expect that one or more major miracles will occur to mark this.


We're not going to last that long as a society. We are experiencing the fourth turning, millions will be purged, society will be rebuilt from the ground up.


I wouldn't bother with this question, unless you feel post-modernism fails to describe today's world.

If you ask me, Society of the Spectacle and the Medium is the Massage still adequately describe the world we live in. Technology might have new forms, but the underlying principles are remaining the same. Relationships mediated through image and text.

By your image you seem to misunderstand postmodernism by putting DFW and Eggers with the postmoderns.
It's already going to new sincerity - post postmodernism, the coming back of sentimentality while still recognizing the "fakeness" of art and literature. Read about Performatism,


Also 100x over (can't speak for Eggers though)

Pre-emptive modernism. Everything has already happened (eternal recurrence) Artists simply have to realize this and study it enough to create visionary work.

Utopian Catholic Theo-Socialism


Based Patchen


we have to go back

> unless you feel post-modernism fails to describe today's world
Heh. Post-modernism fails even to wipe his own ass, looking at shit stains instead like a retarded kid.

It is a beaten idea that we are heading the new Medieval era in which many unconnected groups divided by new estates system and inability to work on common language exist. Smart people have no option to organize the ever increasing stream of knowledge to make any big picture of science (as it's not just not encouraged, but also considered unneeded) and resort to working inside the existing borders of their narrow fields (which also isn't good for science at all), and common folk are safely sheltered inside the consumerist heaven having no need to communicate with anyone about any meaningful difference, slowly rotting because of their own uselessness (and producing dangerous mental diseases).


But you're right.

Maybe not in the next movement or the one after, but AI is going to produce art that will be directly tailored to the reader.

William S Burroughs already existed

You use those pages for literally wiping your ass. That's where you go from it.

I also agree that it's New Sincerity. Proof is that the Facebook page "Wholesome Memes" is thriving and although its one of few I think it represents an attitude that suggests a longing to deviate from cynicism, irony, nihilism, etc. as a means to find comfort in genuine / sincere attitudes.

New Sincerity will be the comfiest zeitgest to live in. No more of this selfie culture crap.

i hope this happens. can't wait for all the post-ironic bullshit to end. i want to be sincere again.



Back to Modernism

no shit

i think we'll go back down the slope we came up, following the historical artistic movements that led us here in reverse until we return to the primitive works of our distant ancestors. I personally look forward to a return to melodramatic naturalism.

Knausgaard is the prophet of New Sincerity we need.

yup. it's already happening.

You actually need to be on several layers of irony to truly appreciate "Wholesome Memes".

Not really. It's just understanding that it counters the general depressive discourse this generation relishes in making it absurd and therefore funny. I supposed funny in an ironic way but I think there is a longing for sincere wholesomeness in that ironic response. Because I think depressed people generally long for "comfy" things.

I.E: R9K's obsession with "comfy threads"

Wew, is Rupi Kaur the first prophet?

Not a Rupi Kaur fan but I agree with your post.

Postmodernism 2.0 could simply be Iterative Modernism. As a society, we intuitively know that we have solved a great many problems and we are going to continue to do so. Something is happening that is larger than us, and it thirsts for capital. Perhaps that is all that is required, to pay attention to that.

And not to become complete psychopaths in the process, that would be nice too. Just good practitioners of whatever it is that we always-already enjoy doing.

Hey, if you read Lyotard's "Towards the Post Modern", he has pretty much this exact same position on knowledge and the state of science. Specifically societies drive to create "experts", who know increasingly more and more about less and less.


Esoteric Vishnu Hitlerism

My God, this.

The Last Psychiatrist.

fuck off reddit, modernism is equally as dead, its been torn apart by the post modernists to the point you can never have genuine sentiment again without it coming off as incredibly naive.
traditional/romantic revival

You havent read DFW, have you?
We go to bunburying

new sincerity is delusion, self administered tranquillizer.


The whole point of post modernism is to tear down but it offers nothing in return. A little irony and cynicism never hurt anyone but don't throw sentiment and authenticity out with the bathwater.

>The whole point of post modernism is to tear down but it offers nothing in return
tear down modernism
what we do from there is up to us
the issue is we are still clinging to the ideas of modernism and unable to let go
only by completely reverting to the pre-modern can we again move forward with sincerity.
I agree with the medieval revival (at least in though/style) in that this is the only way we can bring ourselves to a sort of balance.

New Idealism

Humanist relativity.

You're telling me literature is going to take a page from Who's The Boss starring Tony Danza, Lifetime movies, and Saved By The Bell as model for teaching generations what to want?

If we consume the Neo-Modernist anaesthetic, our culture and nations are going to be in for a bad time. I don't think true Veeky Forums standard bearers would allow this. pomo's not dead yet.

Redditors are desperate for new sincerity because it presents an idyllic worldview


Fuck no. It's to restore balance.

>It's to restore balance.
though illusion
only way to restore balance is to tear down modernism and the enlightenment all together.
in this respect surrealism is very powerful.

Sure, they're willing to pay for it too. But what does it offer besides stagnation? Is a daily reaffirmation of Our Values something that is going to get us killed? What happens when an artist creates a work that questions the genre?

I'm reminded of Garrison Keillor and Lake Wobegon. It's a farce, but people don't know it. It fetishizes the past and does nothing to move us into the super fucking dangerous future. We're going to choke on our Buttermilk biscuits.

>It fetishizes the past
it creates a false illusion of the past
the past was never sincere and nothing was so straightforward.
I honestly believe that without a spiritual revival post-modernism will continue to remain relevant/dominant, which in the least is enough to keep the ideologs at bay, and I'm unsure if this revival can honestly come from Christianity or any Abrahamic tradition at this point.

I would be all for a New Surrealism. Perhaps because of increased scholarship on Surrealism it will happen.

Veeky Forums itself is the surreal/hyperreal incarnate

It can come from Christianity but it could also end up being some wave of empty new age spiritual self help. I hope for Christianity.

i'll take saved by the bell over infinite jest any day

>but it could also end up being some wave of empty new age spiritual self help
it can never come from there because it's empty as you said
it can come from Christianity but I have my doubts, there is just too much baggage there and the structure its built on is rotten.
I hold out hope for Buddhism coming into0 its own in the West, maybe even a "Christian" Buddhism recognizing the role of Jesus as a buddha, a much healthier and frankly more authentic role for him.

I'm honestly surprised by all the IJ in shelf/stack threads. DFW was a well marketed meme.

No, that's called retardism.

>millions will be purged
>the population of the planet is north of 7 billion

So what we're going to have a decent sized war?

define postmodernism


id be okay with post-modernism just continuing forever...
