How many numbers are between 0 and 1?

How many numbers are between 0 and 1?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_paradoxes#Achilles_and_the_tortoise


[math] 2^{\aleph_0} [/math]

Like seven or something

idk lim 0 -> 1 or some shit

leave the serious maths to the big brains, you brainlet

Amgam Rager

1 because 1-0=1

Surely you could answer such a simple question.


or in brainlet's terms, uncountably infinite

>assuming theorems that are undecidable in standard mathematics and unproven in non-standard mathematics
vsauce fuck detected.

>1 because 1-0=1
*ding ding ding*
what's that?
it's time for you to leave this board!
no, seriously! your post is so retarded you must now leave the board according to the No Brainlet Act of 2010!

Just kidding, but your post is still fucking wRoNG

Does that mean the concept of numbers as a whole is impossible? Because the space between them are technically infinite?

>How many numbers are between 0 and 1?
That's three letters.

How does that follow? Is it requisite that the space between numbers be finite?

>Babby's first weed-inspired math theory

And two spaces, brainlet.

The set of real numbers between 0 and 1 is uncountably infinite.

As many as i wish.
Math is a tool. I shape that tool for the problem.
If that context requires integers thare are no Numbers between zero and one

If that problem requires the rationals there are countably infinite if that problem requires reals there are... more.

If that problem requires 1/32 there are 31.

There are exactly as many numbers between 0 and 1 as i please.

If we go by 0.1 and so on possibly infinite

many as we can represent using all matter in the visible universe. Finitism for the win!


where ж is defined to be the answer to this question

can't even be bothered to hide the Jewish tricks

Didn't define "numbers", "1", or "0"

So undefined

I was told there would be tendies and cute girl feetsies?

it's an axiom in my mathematics

ive never watched a single vsauce video and this was my conception. [math]2^{\aleph_0}[/math] is taught as standard in an analysis course.

3 pounds


*notices bulge*
OwO what's this?

...of which kind?

Nobody is ever going to represent some big number using all matter in the universe. So why would that make more sense than infinity ?

for 0 >= x >= 1 what values can x take in Z space

> the answer is 2, the values 0 and 1
an arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification.

As many as you want to define, or I should say, allow, with an axiomatic system.

Because that would mean infinity exists if it does.

So if you move your finger 1 inch you have just moved through an infinite amount of coordinates in space. Correct?'s_paradoxes#Achilles_and_the_tortoise

read it baby

Was Zeno the greatest troll of ancient Greek philosophy?

His arguments remind me of the flat earthers on /pol/.

thats not diogenes

>It was in Corinth that a meeting between Alexander the Great and Diogenes is supposed to have taken place. [...] while Diogenes was relaxing in the morning sunlight, Alexander, thrilled to meet the famous philosopher, asked if there was any favour he might do for him. Diogenes replied, "Yes, stand out of my sunlight." Alexander then declared, "If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes." "If I were not Diogenes, I would still wish to be Diogenes.", Diogenes replied.


How does the number of numbers between 0 and 1 compare to the number of numbers between 0 and 2?

3 mana 4/1

[math]|\mathbb{R}|=2^{\aleph_0}[/math] is well-known.
The continuum hypothesis is whether [math]|\mathbb{R}|=\aleph_1[/math].
