Veeky Forums is a hell-pit. Why would you let discussions about literature, wondrous literature...

Veeky Forums is a hell-pit. Why would you let discussions about literature, wondrous literature, occur here of all places?

Is this post perhaps the first recordable example of post-post-irony?

because only demons voice the truths that god fears

It's called insincerity.

Why would you call post-post-irony "insincerity"?

HOLY- *breaks laptop*

I wasn't being ironic, I promise.

it's a trip negative right

irony is a negation of explicit meaning, post-irony is it a positive, post-post is a negation of that positive, insincerity

Literature as a topic has become too sanitised. This board is the nutcase that runs into the book club and smears faeces on the couches.

Where is the book club, please, I've been looking for it my whole life. When I try to ask people they keep looking at the faeces in my hand and not telling me.



moot accidentally made this board so here i am

You can see the writing on the wall, brother

Veeky Forums is garbage .

back to the reddit

mfw the lead isnt a white male

Veeky Forums is 90% humour/shitposts and 10% serious.

This is in fact, scientifically speaking, the perfect balance. Should a literature forum be any more serious than 10% serious, the pretension gets too much and the whole place starts to smell of smug.

Plus the anonymity really helps, along with the transience of threads.

>Veeky Forums is 90% humour/shitposts and 10% serious
ok, but
Veeky Forums's 10% serious posts are 9% retarded teenagers and 1% actual discussion.


You're in it.

perfect post desu

i want my qt3.14 Veeky Forums waifu back

99% of everything is shit tho

i really want my qt3.14 Veeky Forums waifu back

Because we are the negation of the negation