Do magic mushrooms give you an alien consciousness...

Do magic mushrooms give you an alien consciousness? When I took them it was as if watching human thoughts from an outside perspective. It made me see what it is like to have a consciousness outside of humans.

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>he does drugs


Spotted the guy who reads literature to learn new things

>Videogames are not art.

Yeah, it does. I know this feeling and I know what you're saying.

>>he does drugs
>he does drugs 5000% cheaper not sold to him by the pharmaceutical-industrial-complex provided naturally by God itself

I had this experience. It was worthwhile the first time or so but I began to overdo it, chasing that otherworldly thrill, and it had a very disconcerting effect on me that I think I've only recently managed to overcome. It also ruined weed. Oh well.

>It also ruined weed
time is long my friend, hopefully you will be too

I actually would like to eventually revisit the stuff but I think I'll need to wait a long time. Much longer than the 1-2 month periods I've allowed myself thus far.

sparingly in moderation, if at all

Yep, shrooms seem inundated with sci-fi themes. Sometimes, at high enough doses, you can even get a "mushroom voice" with some hilarious creative insight.

That's also part of the plan

When you take a drug that is produced naturally (thc, psilocybin, dmt) you're mending minds with the exact plant/animal body it came from. All those spacey, psychedelic feelings you get are reminiscent of their living experience except filtered through your mind. So when you're high, your mind is sort of like a vesica piscis of conscious awareness. Why do you think each high is always a little different? Of course it's your own emotional and experiential states varying, but it's also because every plant or body the drug is retrieved from has its own mind as well. And when I say mind, I don't mean "yeah the plants are talking to you and influencing your thoughts man" I mean that your base state of awareness and the plants base state of awareness blend molecularly in your bodies perception of chemical reactions causing your base state of awareness to have a temporary blend.

Obviously sounds like a bunch of pseudo intellectual bull shit, and I don't really expect you to believe it. But existentially it makes a lot of sense to me and would to you if you think about it in depth. Some plants share fruit to keep them alive, others, their seed. But it is entirely possible that some plants (such as marijuana and the psilocybin mushroom) share their state of mind. Would you not consider the effects you experience from caffeine, or tobacco, or pot or whatever to be a form of "mind control" or "mental partnership" to assure their survival by our protection and sustenance?

Or, to add, by allowing you to see "God". Sure it feels enlightening to you. But that plant just made sure it keeps it's genetic material alive.

Just some food for thought.

When I took LSD I did feel that my "experiential self" or my consciousness or whatever it's called was definitely separated from my body, and to me, it did not feel like I was an alien consciousness, but rather it felt like "I" was watching a movie, with my body as being the main actor.

Really makes you question how much authority you actually have over your body when your body acts automatically does things such as talking to people without the consent of your consciousness.

lmao...dude... its just chemicals man.. just atoms and molecules... the body and brain are molecular processors: It is a machine that requires various 'fuels' and 'oils' and 'inputs' to churn and function.

Certain potential inputs, make the machine unable to function (literal lethal poison); some is called a 'relative poison', because there is some degradation to the mechanisms (thank God/evolution, our bodies and brains are rubust and hearty, as sensitive as they are and can be, to handle such roughess and variety), some molecules that exist in nature, when passing through the mechanisms of brain/body/mind, cause the circuits and programming and 'imagination' to go a bit fritzy.

Taking shrooms is called/considered, giving yourself food poisoning. There are many toxic mushrooms, and of varying degrees. Your body freaks out and goes into survival mode "wtf wtf wtf this is not banana... Greg!! what the fuck did you put in me!! get it out! get it out! system overload... beep beep boop... welp... this is the type of shit that kills... so may as well put us in 'try to accept death mode', give you a nice little show before the final curtain... but also, fucking try to sweat this shit out of us, or puke it or something, great... now its fucking flowing through our blood and everything, its fucking everywhere... sheesh.. ok, ok... well it looks like we may be able to get things under control... we may not die after all, so just, just hang in there, stay tight, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, ah doesnt that vibration feel nice, ya,, hmmm, alright, yeah I remember that memory... nice,,, hehe.... ok yeahhh,, yeahhh, just,, lets ease it out... yeahh... everythings settling down now... nice... alright...

The imagination is sooooo complex, its vivid potential, and rates of speed and change, and multi faceted multi tasking, and multiler vision; so if you think of like dreams for example, how you can hit the snooze button and feel like you had an hour long dream but its only been 5 minutes, because the electrical signals in your brain can zip and zap so quickly, that your experience of time is 'relative' (to your rates of variety of thoughts, and attention to such), like I had a dream the other night, it was super complex, like at one moment there were like 20 things I was thinking at once, and witnessing like many different things occurring at once;

I think psycha experiences, in some sense, might 'push your awareness' back into that 'dream state zone', where thoughts ideas and senses more in rapid real time sway and interact with one another, to get more 'rare' and 'away from pure clear vision of the external world' and more overlapping the imagination section onto your vision section, ala feeling you are seeing visuals 'outside'.

>When I took them it was as if watching human thoughts from an outside perspective.

that's a preview of a more permanent insight you will make through meditation practice: thoughts are objects, like all other phenomena in your environment. They are not "you" or the "I"

when I started meditating I was really struck by how much my sits resembled mini mushroom trips

I thought I couldn't read anything more autistic than this but then

They are, but they're also unarguably the worst medium that man has created to date. Very few actually utilize the form

What did you fill the gap with?

Don't worry I will.


Ingesting hallucinogenics(mood/mind altering drugs) is altering the electrical signals in your brain by means of chemical reaction. But let's look at alcohol. Alcohol is not a drug that is derived by the ingestion of another entity. Notice how when you take a drug such as alcohol, meth, you feel more in touch with yourself in a very critical/physical or open way. They're still just chemicals reaction in your body. But when you ingest thc, psilocybin, and plant derived, mind/mood altering drugs, you're still experiencing chemical reactions, but these are more intimate to the world around you and your existence. It would be mighty coincidental if these chemical reactions were not intended by the plant itself to cause us to want or need it in our lives. Though we share DNA with plant life, they're still an entire different world of existence than us. Still. Steady. Patient. Observatory. Much like being high right?

Just as dogs were willingly domesticated to ensure survival, and just as other plants and animals have evolved side by side with each for millions of years, it is entirely possible that some plants or fungus, the oldest lifeforms of this planet, have developed a way to domesticate people. It is entirely possible that the high you experience isn't the result of fight-or-flight, but a dissonance caused by altered perception--aka an overlapping of existential awareness. It doesn't seem strange that a certain chemical compound in a plant (tobacco) can have an addicting effect on us for seemingly random purposes? Wouldn't it make more sense, looking at the nature of life, that this was the plants intention? To ensure its genetic survival through a mutually sustained existence?

We're just chemicals and atoms also. But somewhere all these random particles formed together to create something aware of itself and the world around it. The universe is never as simple as a=b because it's just as well a=c, yet b=/=c. Yes, I agree with you completely. But either opinion seems viable until proven one way or another. Which, who knows how likely that'll ever be.

Yeah don't worry. They're just plants, and we're a bunch of pseuds. Congrats. Now go shit post in a thread where no one else can care what you think.

I think shrooms and lsd are the only worthy drugs, but please be careful, they are like playing with fire
try to anote stuf you get from the trips and dont fall for the "dude they are the key to the secrets of the universe (even tho they could be) lmao"
psychedelics can be really benifitial in a lot of ways, but they can also make lots of damage
>When I took them it was as if watching human thoughts from an outside perspective. It made me see what it is like to have a consciousness outside of humans.
can relate, i've experienced similar stuff, not everyone experience psys in the same ways, imo thats the best one way
anyways, good luck in whatever you are doing in your life
Veeky Forums hates drug users, so that this thread isnt that hard for you I'll gift this tune i always like to listen to on acid
hope you like it!

Well, alcohol is made from plant material tho? Wheat, barley, hopps? Your entire theory depends on 'how conscious plants are'? Do they have thinking/aware minds?

You seem to be suggesting plants are like small business entrepreneurs, like the young strawberry patch is rubbing its hands plotting, looking at the humans like grapes saying to its partners "hey...Gus...add more sugar this time..."

yeah i agree with this, meditation is like the second half, psys and meditation complete each other, they need each other
the perfect daily rutine imo woud be, meditete just after waking up, then breakfast (hopefully with eggs and coffee involved, oats seem to have lots of good the stuff to your body and brains, but they get kinda disgusting after eating them for more than 5 dies), then lnifting weights, checkt out Veeky Forums for a casual funny post, then reading until launch, take a short nap/meditation, then keep reading, take little breaks to listen to some of your favorite tunes (eyes closed, laying in bed) to wake up your soul. then keep reading more , then take a shower again, then get to wrtiting until 7am

adjust this to your personal reality
stop watching porn
stop watching samhyde tier bullshit, charls is superior
and get a fucking job, money is really power, importnat if depression is really taring you inside out get on lamotrigine ror whatever, benzos can help from time to time, stay away from SSRI
also, donr forget about your friends and family they know and will support you, and if not, fuck them, you wil find your way
sorry fi this sounds like a buch of nonsense and bum im really waster right now+i domt know it anythigi said in here makes in sense
im to hight om benzzos

>It made me see what it is like to have a consciousness outside of humans.
It made you see what it's like for a human consciousness to imagine it has a consciousness outside of humans.

I'm talking about alcohol, not beer. I'm talking about alcohol, not liquor.

No. I literally said before its not like that. But just as pollination between pollinating insects and flowers, there are other methods of domestication other than what we know of with dogs and cats or birds.

Well, if psychedelics are "designed" to domesticate humans (evolution doesn't really work like that, but let's assume you used it as shorthand for a nonteleological process) they're doing a pretty poor job. Most natural psychoactive compounds are defense mechanisms against insects and such

>stupid answers to questions nobody asked

I'd like to start by saying that how would the plant know it needs a defense mechanism if it can not think and isn't aware? Somewhere on some level the plant knows what's going on around it.

I feel like you don't understand the concept of evolution very well, and you're asking me to explain evolution to you to preface my idea. Humans didn't knowingly evolve from quadrupeds to bipeds. We didn't knowingly lose our tails. But factors of our environment caused those things to change, disappear, lessen, increase, yadda yadda evolution 101 here. I'm saying its the same for the plants. It may have started as a defense. But when the mushrooms or plants were continually grown for drug use, I'm saying its likely that they have developed along side us. A domestic partnership, since their defenses don't work on us, or don't work as intended.

>Most natural psychoactive compounds are defense mechanisms against insects and such
But evolutions hidden hand is dumb and blind to the consumer, as long as consumption occurs and seed spreads, if it wards bugs, and attracts some psyca enthusiasts, all the better for it.

>Veeky Forums - Literature

I wish I could do psychedelics again. But I'm in a horrible depression at the moment. Have no friends. My dad is a cop. It would just end up really bad.

mushrooms are being investigated to help with depression. google it.

While I also think this is bullshit, it's also a very interesting perspective. You have creativity that the other anons here lack.

And of course, I see just as much validity that it is a happenstance of genetic mutations which caused harm to certain creatures, resulting in them not eating the plant and thus the plant survives. And that the effect doesn't "harm" us, but it fuck with our heads a little and we think it's fun so we experiment a little.
But I fully believe that drugs spark our mental capacity to fathom the unseen and inexperienced. That our belief in spirituality and science are opposite sides of the drugged-mind spectrum. And without drugs, I find it unlikely we humans would be capable of the abstract thought we are today. Whether it helps us overall or not is beyond me though.

It's all just ambiguous thought space I'm putting out here, nothing I believe to be etched in stone.

>You have creativity that the other anons here lack.
Yeah...because 10,000 and 5,000 years ago the primitives didnt believe in the fern god and the apple spirit and the water fairys *rolls my eyes so hard my eye ghosts nearly escape*

What does that have to do with the creativity of random people on Veeky Forums in the present day?