Will we ever figure out how to alter people's bodies "at-will" in any way possible?

Will we ever figure out how to alter people's bodies "at-will" in any way possible?


And how long would it take for people to abuse it?

soon i hope OP, i want to grow wings and put eyes on my hands and my elbows

Plank time.
Also, furries.

I can alter your body "at-will" using a loaded shotgun. You probably won't like the results though.

It would get out of hand so quickly

Tough guy

In the most fun way possible. Like suburban moms having a Tupperware party, except with that kinda thing


I'd like to alter her body, if you know what I mean.

Too late

your post is not very descriptive nor restrictive on what should be achieved.

I guess it's about the possibility of figuring out how to cause physical changes quickly and without work. Muscular development, secondary sexual characteristics, skin color, height, etc


>It would get out of hand so quickly

Exactly. Imagine if that woman could make herself look like whatever her crazy mind thinks is amazing

second life?
recreate the world in your image?

She'd end up as some sort of overgrown caricature of feminine features unable to fit her freakish hourglass figure through a double-wide doorway

>tfw a hundred years from now you'll be able to literally cum inside Rainbow Dash
>tfw you won't be alive to do it

>Tupperware party

You mean social engineering to get women to accept serving their family food from plastic containers laden with hormone disruptors?

Glad I am not the only one who thought a set of prehensile eye-stalks coming off your wrists or hands would be great.

Booo. If anything there should be more hormones for everyone

kill yourself tranny

Not a tranny, just an expansion fan


for you

also, big

You can painful


Can even do it when you have to, will or not?

*looks like pic related*