Does anyone else wonder why nobody else seems to realize how weird it is that there is anything at all?

Does anyone else wonder why nobody else seems to realize how weird it is that there is anything at all?

This most definitely falls under the purview of math and science because math and science are the tools we use to determine how this thing works

There are topics like religions, general philosophy, and physics which are claiming to be trying to figure it all out. Clearly physics has the clearest grasp. But even if we figured it all out through physics, what will the result be?

Once we figure this all out through physics, assuming it is possible (and it very well may not be), the result will be a collection of textbooks and scientific papers, and data sitting on a collection of hard drives somewhere. So what will this even really tell us? It would imply the universe is somehow recursive, that it can contain the entirety of itself within itself

But even if we reach this theoretical situation where we have these papers and textbooks and datum describing how it all works, along with the therefore implied knowledge that we are capable of knowing how it works, what will it then mean that we can reach this point? And how do we go about determining how we reached this point, the theoretical reason for why this was all even possible? What is the end game?

I worry that the end game of this all is something weird, something that is unexpected, something that doesn't match what any sentience would find reasonable or straightforward

It seems the the nature of this existence is the fact that it will at some point come to an end due to entropy, that is all that is certain. But then why are we at this early point? How the hell are we not already at the end if the majority of time will be in a state of heat death?

I think this is the most interesting topic, maybe I'm just a brainlet. Anyway...

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe I'm an idiot and there are straightforward answers to all of these but I've yet to read them, it's what I'm searching for, trying to learn and study to figure this out before I die

I want answers and nobody has them and I feel incapable of finding them out myself because I'm not that smart, I'm not some PhD Physicist or anything. And even they are missing pieces of the puzzle, nobody has all of the pieces because we are all limited - PhD Physicists will not have a depth of knowledge regarding philosophy for instance and PhD Philosophers will not have a depth of knowledge regarding physics.

Maybe no one person can ever figure it out and we can only collectively, as a culture, figure it out through the creation of a decentralized system of sociological organization which allows us to reach our maximum potential as a species and then disseminate the seeds of truth to the lower branches once they percolate to the top through our collective achievements

Quite frankly I don't even know the path of where to begin looking for the answers to these questions. Maybe I'm being selfish to even think it's remotely possible for one individual, me of all people, to have even a glimpse of the answer some day and feel at peace, when so many millions have labored towards it as well and fallen short then died.

What if it's the ultimate irony of all time that even if we find out the answer to these questions they won't result in a collective cathartic release and instead will result in organizational chaos as the reality of these epiphanies sink in. Maybe an individual who realized would go crazy due to the realities of the situation being so fundamentally at odds with those put forward by our culture, which itself is a product of the coincidental biological accidents that took place over the course of our evolution and therefore the evolution of our minds, wants, and desires.

So what is out there to search for and find? Maybe nothing. Maybe there is nothing and this deep yearning exists only as an evolutionary advantage itself. To push humans towards the future, which at one point was just a future involving the collection of more food, or eating meat one night instead of berries. But now these psychological remnants could almost be thought of as vestigial if not for their immense power in pushing us towards the intellectual and technological conquering of the universe, which we have thus far succeeded at so well

I'm not at the point where I worry whether this is just schizophrenic rambling so I will stop. I don't think it is, it all makes sense to me even when I re-read it multiple times. I would love to hear your thoughts anons, even if just as a confirmation or dis-confirmation of whether anyone else is puzzled and existentially troubled in this same way. I feel alone in many aspects of life, and this one is the most troubling

An essential question brought up by this thread is, once the worldly necessities of our species are provided through advanced technology and automation, why will we continue studying science and mathematics?

For shiny toys? To indulge ourselves collectively in more and more elaborate and satisfying hedonistic activities? Or something else? And if something else, what is the aim of this thing? A Star Trek like future utopia?

If so, why not start trying to do that now instead of allowing leeches to ruin our society?

>Babies first absurdist crisis
I too remember reading Camus for the first time

By leeches I am referring to corrupt politicians, middle managers who provide no real utility, and people who take advantage of others in all manners. Why do we put up with them? Why are corrupt politicians, who do more harm to the world than any individual small time criminal could do, receive far less punishment than them, if any?

I don't mean to ask this in a simplistic manner, in which case the answer would obviously be "because the entrenched cultural systems of organization that our culture has found useful for a while and which have seemed to work so far, allow people who manage to find themselves in positions of power to value their own personal short term wellbeing over the long term wellbeing of the human species and all life in general"

I mean to ask it in a way that more resembles "why do we continue to let it be the case that that is the answer". Whether this necessarily implies a rebellion or overthrow of the current systems I don't know. But all I know is that there are things that need to be done, that truly need to be done and it is plain and clearly cut to anyone paying attention, and they are not being done.

Campaign finance reform, for instance. Accountability for policy changes that result in the deaths of many, for instance. The responsibility to not blatantly mislead the voting base, for instance.

How can this conundrum be fixed?

You are basically talking about:

>It would imply the universe is somehow recursive, that it can contain the entirety of itself within itself
That's jumping to conclusions. Maybe you can explain your reasoning?

Then you kind of repeat yourself, but this time call it scary and unexpected. The unfinished theory-of-everything already encompass many things that sentience doesn't find straightforward, but there's no reason to think we would find something unreasonable, that contradicts itself.

> How the hell are we not already at the end if the majority of time will be in a state of heat death?
I cant understand this. What do you mean?
There are plenty of answers about whatever you want to learn, you dont need to be a PhD Physicist to google or wiki.

The puzzles of physics and philosophy are completely different. Maybe physics is relevant in philosophy, but not the other way around.

>Maybe no one person can ever figure it out and we can only collectively, as a culture, figure it out through...etc

>Quite frankly I don't even know the path of where to begin looking for the answers to these questions.
It's all around you, like i said before, wiki or google, or ask clear questions. Also, there's no reason to think the physics of everything will bring you peace. There could be some terrible truth, like if existence could blink away at the speed of light, or if this only happens once.

>What if it's the ultimate irony of all time that even if we...etc

>So what is out there to search for and find? Maybe nothing.
We've already found plenty? And you've mentioned it, physics.
>deep yearning exists only as an evolutionary advantage itself.
probably does
You seem troubled in many aspects, have you thought about talking to a professional? Psychology might not be a strong science, but it can help people, especially if you want it to.

I didnt read it all but merely skimmed it so tell me if my answers are completely wrong or off topic. I believe humanity and for that matter the individual is striving for a constant state of equilibrium, we will never reach it as i believe it is in human nature to continue to produce disequilibrium and we will always find more avenues to pursue once we have reached a certain intellectual level. It is wholly possible that this is the continual cycle of things and we eventually reach a state of godhood in that we have complete knowledge of our universe and we start to become its master. In that case i believe we will turn to ai and attempt to create our own civilizations that we can raise and they will treat us as gods. For it is our nature to look up and manifest into the unknown and articulate the findings. Once there is no more unknown and we are essential one with the universe we will then begin the entire process again.
I dont know if this answers anything but my thoughts are that while in a state of living we are constantly trying to achieve equilibrium and for me (take this with a grain of salt) i have achieved this equilibrium through reaching points of near death or "ego death" (i realise how absurd that sounds). Once you see things from a different perspective it becomes completely obvious and makes total sense to why we are what we are, and why we will become what we will become. Again take this all as a subjective opinion as i am just a man and could be completely insane.

I've thought about it now and then and rationalize it this way:

The only reason we question it all the way you do is because everything is relative to us. Our science, math, reason for existence, it all makes sense and matters only to us. We grossly over emphasize our importance in the grand scheme of things because it's all we can do. We're merely a byproduct of an event that is still occurring. Whether we create weapons that annihilate our planet, or find cures for cancer and disease, none of it is any different nor holds any more importance than anything else occurring in the cosmos. Our reason for existing is to merely observe and admire the fact that existence exists. That's it. We have no say when things end, just as we had no say when they began. We're a blip on radar more vast than anything we could possibly fathom. And that's okay, because we get to be a part in something, even if we're just extras.

Problem with this kind of thinking is that you are essentially referring to things that don't exist.

Your main argument seems to be "universe has no purpose"

But your argument depends on the use of word 'purpose'. Such thing doesn't exist. There is no such object or event in the universe. It's a word you use to somehow describe your own emotions as a humanoid. You are trying to apply a humanoid concept to the universe.

I fail to see any interest in this line of thought. Grow up man and do productive and economic science.

Jesus Christ what a simpleton brainlet. Heed your advice and take your meds (the whole bottle).

>I would love to hear your thoughts anons, even if just as a confirmation or dis-confirmation of whether anyone else is puzzled and existentially troubled in this same way. I feel alone in many aspects of life, and this one is the most troubling
I'm with you here. I felt this way before and it's only gotten worse since my mom committed suicide recently. You won't find many people who can relate here, over half of the board is underage highschoolers who got no concept of anything, the rest are distributed between trolls and hardcore robot-like autist who are content with writing down equations and not go any deeper.

Very sorry to hear that user

am i a philistine for believing negentropy might exist?


>If so, why not start trying to do that now instead of allowing leeches to ruin our society?

well Hitler tried, and given how he's been rewarded, not many people are going to try again

Would it be too direct to state that the purpose of existence is to exist? This not meaning that the purpose is not really a purpose at all, but instead that time spent looking for a purpose is purposeless. Existence is granted by way of randomness and order and humans must derive meaning through order (the only means by which we can understand the surroundings in our universe, patterns, predictions, and estimations). By way of nature, humans lack the ability to logically determine both, origin and randomness. What if that randomness is disguised as meaning, as directive, if you will? What if the randomness of the birth of the universe merely begins the cycles of the order to follow. More simply put, it makes no sense to try and capture the "why" of being here. The "why" can only be interpreted after understanding chaos and, currently, impossibilities.

>There are topics like religions, general philosophy, and physics which are claiming to be trying to figure it all out. Clearly physics has the clearest grasp.
It's ridiculous to think physics would be the discipline to say why there is anything at all.
Physics can't even say why there is anything physical--whatever reason it cited would be non-physical.
Physics can't even say whether there is anything physical, since the physical could just be an illusion (as many philosophers and mystics have held).
The concepts of physics are "body," "matter," "energy," "force," "charge," "particle," "field," "velocity," etc.
The concepts of physics do not include "something/nothing," "existence/non-existence," "cause/effect," etc; those are concepts of metaphysics.
The question "Why is there anything at all?" is straightforwardly metaphysical (its constituent concepts are the three just mentioned) and by definition unanswerable by a discipline that concerns itself with a more specific subject matter than reality in absolute general (being qua being).

What I meant is that physics seems to be giving the most concrete information so far. You're right though, philosophy is what exists on the edge of science but it potentially just Wittgensteinian language games that have no real meaning. Then again in this case my post has no meaning

Man, this is confusing.

I feel you user, but I'm actually content about it. It honestly makes enjoying the now the only thing you can do. The universe will figure itself out matter what you do. So might as well follow who you are and discover as much about your journey as you can.

> I am 12 years old the thread.

No-one knows. Maybe no-one will ever know why there is something and not nbothing.

This book might give you some ideas though

"The Comprehensible Cosmos: Where Do the Laws of Physics Come From?"
by Victor J. Stenger

Good brain candy anyway.

>I’m a bald space ape on a giant blue mud marble hurtling through an endless void around a gigantic ball of gas, life is meaningless, consciousness is not real. A filthy animal can never have all the answers, let alone an ape.

>I’m a child of stardust, an eternal soul, a designed being, whos place is amongst the heavens through culture and art and knowledge. Fallen from heaven, cast from Eden, I tell my story through action and interaction with the world around me with endless potential and can do/learn anything

Choose one, it’ll make grappling with these absurdities easier and help you make a decision