Im gonna head to wal-mart cuz i just got restocked on weed

im gonna head to wal-mart cuz i just got restocked on weed

what snacks should i get?

just normal white trash walmart snacks

my current go-to weed snack is those frozen pot stickers, fry up a batch of those boys and whip up a quick sauce from soy, vinegar, sweet chilli and sesame seeds

>inb4 "a bullet" 3x
>inb4 "le epic response"
>inb4 "/thread"
>inb4 OP samefags the entire thread and posts it to reddit for upgirths

damn, that sounds good. i got everything but sweet chilli to make a sauce, too

I usually just crush a bunch of peanut butter toasts with a load of strawberry preserves when I'm coming down and realize I haven't eaten for hours.

a bullet

Buy a 12er of ferrero rocher

I always eat fucktons of Ruffles but you do you

Get a bag of rye chips if they got.

well guys i decided on frozen potstickers, store brand chunky peanut butter, store brand tortilla chips + con queso and a 50 cent mini pecan pie

oh, and some sugar babies

thanks for your suggestions!

You should eat this thread for a snack, OP.


Get some apples my man. I tell my brother every time he smokes to eat some healthy shit but he don't listen. Now he gotta lose weight.

thanks for the suggestions guys

How much did that cost you? Holy shit

you're asking for diabetes by even buying that much.

only like 2 bucks my man
my dad works at walled mart


>Posting pickles in a thread about diabetus

What sort of monster has god created?


fruits.. especially mango

This guy gets it
A huge jar of pickles is like 6 dollars where I am and I usually get one every time I go out
Pickles are god tier snacks

Tea and some biscuits

Ritz buttery round crackers

Peanut Butter

Sliced sharp cheddar or havarti cheese

Dijon mustard

Summer sausage

would picnic with
no devil's lettuce though, hophead

one of each from your picture

sunflower seeds and chocolate milk

>maintaings a proper following distance
>never drives drunk
how the fuck are these even supposed to be bad
what kind of poor insecure soul actually thinks driving drunk is a sign of manliness




It's a joke you autist.

baguettes and a tub of butter
not too expensive and it's effective

Combos, the cracker kind, not pretzel.

Whatever's on sale this week.

$2.50 EBT rotisserie chickens

you can only buy cold chicken with EBT