Stop disrespecting the canon

Stop disrespecting the canon

fuck u harold canons killed many people

your canon is unbelievable garbage, fuck off

But like I don't understand like why are some books in the "canon" and some aren't? i think eragon has as much quality as that pretentious shit by ts eliot and other dead white males. why do professors force us to read sexist, racist, and transphobic literature? is it because the professors support these things? shouldn't literature change get with the times already? and why can't eggs be eaten for dinner?

>and why can't eggs be eaten for dinner?

To continue with this point, Why are breakfast food breakfast foods? Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?

I mean seriously, how did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich. It's embarrassing that we all just walk through life blindly accepting that scrambled eggs are fundamentally associated with mornings.

And before you say "user, you can just have breakfast for dinner", I don't want to have breakfast for dinner. I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime.

Sorry for the rant, but I guess I just feel kind of bad for scrambled eggs.


>people actually think the canon is about quality

The canon is about endurance: it simply is. Music, too, would change, but it hasn't budged in almost 40 years.. And art? Art's a nervous little 'cadre' -- if youre in it, great; if not, oh well. You can, however, go to a museum and view yourself some canonical sculpture, painting.... In fact, you can consume whatever crap you want to-- there's more accessible variety of consumables now than there's ever been before! But if you want to change what's called the canon actually read it-- know your enemies!-- then change it yourself. Good luck.

Literature that is "with the times" is called a "period piece". Look at most genre-fiction for example. Although there is an argument for post-postmodernism.
True literature is timeless.

They say I need some rogaine to put in my hair
Work it out at the gym to fit my underwear
Oakley makes the shades to transform a tool
You'd hate for the kids to think that you've lost your cool

Imma do the things that I wanna do
I ain't got a thing to prove to you
I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if I make a scene
I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy with the me inside
One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think



>and why can't eggs be eaten for dinner?
What the fuck? I do this all the time. Anyways, what were you guys' thoughts on Kafka's The Trial?

Okay, since we're on the topic, can we talk about pancakes?

Why do pancakes have to pigeonholed into being a food you only eat on lazy saturday mornings? Sure, if you eat too many you'll feel a bit drowsy, but why can't pancakes be a bit more exciting? Like, CRASH, it's time to eat some pancakes! Why are only other foods (like fajitas and hibachi) considered exciting?

holy... i want more...

Waking up to a hurrah rarely means pancakes aren't happening. It's never "HURRAH FOR KARAMAZOV! Now let's not throw a pancake party"

The western canon isn't inclusive to women and minorities, it needs to be destroyed.

I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that a scrambled egg-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime.

Please let this meme catch on

>Goethe, Freud and Kafka for Germany

Good lord dude! Pancakes take time! Just blame the Industrial Revolution on all this associationist bull shit.. now, however, that we are largely de-industrialized I suppose.. well, I suppose.. damn.

Stop stretching your legs

>A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.
Several pages later.
>With a clattering of chairs, upended shell cases, benches, and ottomans, Pirate's mob gather at the shores of the great refectory table...crowded now over the swirling dark grain of its walnut uplands with banana omelets, banana sandwiches, banana casseroles, mashed bananas molded in the shape of a British lion rampant...pale banana syrup to pour oozing over banana waffles
This is BLATANT anti-pancake prejudice.
Also, take a look at this captcha


Stop having talent.

Anna Karenina is TRASH fuckoff



that's not what a period piece is

Sad potato is sad.

That's precisely what I tell all the ladies, Harold.

I should have said they will become period pieces.



How do they respond?

Goethe is good tho

Prove it

u spooked breh?