Finish eating a juicy steak

>finish eating a juicy steak
>gather up all the cut off fat bits and suck on them

Are you talking about fat or gristle


If there is excess fat, I like to cut it into small pieces and add it to the pieces of lean meat from the middle of the steak as I'm eating it.

Hey I just jerked off to that

I do that too, but I like saving the parts with crispy edges as a little end of meal treat

That artstyle.. It's from that artist that draws shemale porn, right?


Yeah it's him alright lol.

Incase of what artist?

>cutting the fat off instead of enjoying it along with the steak

alright I chuckled

admit it, you just wanted an excuse to post that image

No, it's been on my computer for over half a year

Bro you gotta clean up that folder those filenames are all over the place

I know, but there are over 500 items with multiple folders two and three times as big. It's a lost cause at this point.

Haha what is this picture haha like what if you posted the whole thing

>has picture of link being fucked in the ass
>doesnt name his files

Could you be more autistic

>not eating the fat

>liking gay sex
I bet you don't even have a penis yourself

>naming Veeky Forums files
why even bother, webms are the only thing worth naming so you can identify them easily

>has picture of link being fucked in the ass
Actually it's a picture of Link's face experiencing pleasure. I've never seen the rest of the pic, but you clearly have which says a lot about you.

Why are you cutting fat off of your steak. It's supposed to be eaten ya bozo.

Source pls

Ask me how I know you're new here.

How do you know I'm old here

Its an InCase picture of Ganon fucking Link in the ass while he makes out with Zelda on top of Link's back. Link is biting the blanket and ejaculating on the ground.

>when you get your favorite flavor of fruit leather

I went to the website and I could not find the picture. Pls send 2 me

Gross the female in it ruins it

wouldn't it be more autistic to methodically rename all your bullshit Veeky Forums pics?

Sent ;)