Evolution BTFO by one of the top 5000 visited websites

Evolution BTFO by one of the top 5000 visited websites

>. If Darwin’s theory was correct, then the simple, clear results of his law suggest that there should not still be living creatures that are still at the starting point, no matter how slow we may assume the progress of evolution to be. But we see that the starting point is still crowded with various weak creatures that are still living their lives, with their own characteristics, just as their ancestors also lived their lives in exactly the same manner. Conversely, we see that some highly evolved animals, such as the dinosaurs, have become extinct whilst insects such as flies and fleas still survive, as do others that are even weaker than them.


You don't understand evolution, do you Samir?

>no matter how slow we may assume the progress of evolution to be
then how about that it won't happen at all unless there's pressure to evolve? praise allah

Curious how literally the only people on this planet to stumble on all this evidence against evolution are fundamentalist Christians or Muslims who just happen to be raised believing in a book that claims all reality is as old as human written history (given that the universe is kinda sorta about us, or more precisely (((God's))) relationship with us)

It's because Allah knows what is best user.

Uhhhhh...evolution has nothing to do with strength/weakness. Those suited to their environment survive to produce more offspring with those traits than those that do not.

In the case muslims, clearly their environment seems to select for stupidity and selects against intelligence.

>tfw fedora tipping was dying off
>Muslims start becoming a hot topic
>it starts all over again

sand niggers

What's wrong with fedora tippers? They managed to make both christians and atheists the butt of every joke

>clear results of his law suggest that there should not still be living creatures that are still at the starting point
holy fuck this guy is a brainlet

All Muslims are brainlets.

What in fuck's cunt does Saddam mean by "starting point"? Does he mean "simple organisms"?

At any rate, usually hypothesized "starting points" (if we take extreme early ancestral gene pools to mean "starting point") really ARE gone according to most hypotheses of what constituted the starting point, and even organisms like bacteria have a quite complicated structure governing their genetic material (for instance, a 23 amino acid alphabet).

And what in the hell is meant by "weaker"? Well, is AIDS "weaker" than humans despite it being so simple that it's classification as an "organism" is disputed? Infectious diseases pwned the ever living fuck out of humans, and still does to large animals with humans being a RECENT exception.

Islam, not even once, fucking religitards are the worst. Out of a bad lot this religion is the most retarded.

ur a fucking brainlet of the highest order and i hope you get banned for this post

These kind of threads are literally not allowed
No we're not

You're a fucking brainlet of the highest order for refusing the wisdom of Allah. You shall be beheaded infidel.

Why sand niggers, though? A larger percentage of Americans live in or near the desert than the percentage of Muslims. Why don't you refer to Americans as sand niggers? It would be more fitting.

I don't really like to be the fedora tipping guy, but goddam I'm glad i left that shit of a religion


no, you can not blow yourself up

>theory was correct

lol show me a corretct theory troughout human bean lifes

Because the most widely version that has a lot of fun activities associated with it lives in the desert.

>Can see every electromagnetic wave in existence
>Starts with basic colorless exterior
> Evolves in real time to absorb minerals through the skin over time and add them to its constantly molting body to become rainbow colored.
>Can see through this post's is BULLSHIT

What on earth makes them think dinosaurs are "more evolved" than flies?

The concept that evolution has no destiny is stupid.

Evolution produces stronger species over time. "Dinosaurus" is stronger than fly because the field of forces its volition causes more changes (flow of energy per second) in the state of its environment.

Starting point of evolution is when a molecule could catalyze the formation of itself.

Apply yourself brainlets. Read books. Do your assignments. Write. And most importantly, think. With your own brain. Sit down and think before spitting out disgusting infantile ugly theorems.

As for the nigger website OP posted, its just a troll.

>Atheshitters still keep beating around the fact that abiogenesis is 100% impossible.

>Implying that flies and fleas are at the starting point

>goatfucking FAQ

But we've not been using Darwin's theory for over a decade now.

Genomics has drastically shifted the tone, slant and focus of the theory of evolution. Currently called Modern Evolutionary Synthesis.

Is modernity going too fast for these fossils?

absolute bullshit