What our local spacetime is structured in the following way:

What our local spacetime is structured in the following way:

As you go out into space away from the center of the earth, you are moving toward the singularity of a black hole. The moon and mars are literally the actual earth in its future and/or past, depending on where they are in the sky. The direction of time inverts every time you have an asteroid belt, so maybe Neptune and Pluto are really just the Earth and moon again, only smaller / bigger / closer / farther

When we got a moon rock from the moon, did we create a nearly closed timelike curve?

Then when the moon casts a shadow over the earth like it did a couple of months ago, maybe that's a cone or frustum of pure shadow power coming from another dimension entirely!

There is some kind of near-scale-invariance argument to be made here too.

Maybe physical viruses invert the direction of time as well.

This would also explain how people used to be able to read the future from the stars - if the entire night sky is just the future wrapped around us, then maybe around 0 AD if they lit a big bonfire on someone's birth/death day, they could identify them appearing right in the night sky and could track their entire physical path through local earth spacetime that way. Maybe we just can't do it as well with the naked eye anymore because the surface of the sky got too far away for a brief period.

U WOT M8? Wot da fock di u jst say abot my mother? I'll klok yer focking head m8!

Maybe the sun's orbit is slightly wobbly due to an actual small black hole orbiting right next to it, but that black hole is the shadows of mercury, earth, Venus, mars, and various moons and asteroids?


I don't know anything about British convicts from the dark side of Saturn m8

What part of this sounds paranormal to you? It's just general relativity bro

These posts are all me btw
This is my phone IP I'm on the way to Wells Fargo to withdraw more cash


More proof


I don't get it, why is this /x/? Just because of the Cthulhu picture, or do you have some actual problem with my idea?

I like my magics not scientifically explained, go to bed please user.

Don't worry, black holes are magic enough. Have you ever seen this movie?


etc, can't you read the bingo pic? /x/ is for everything that's not science or math. like flat earth or time bullshit like the OP

Are you even real?

This could be elementary school level idea if you build a toolbox of GR metrics for your bag of black holes out of a toy construction kit

Like, you could take a bag of marbles and call them black holes, let down with the earths gravity be toward the supposed center of the universe, and drop them through an erector set abomination of your own design

An ordinary erector set may not be enough, you may also need servo motors, sensors, and a standard arduino or something to simulate a metric that responds to the motion, weight, and spin of your black holes

The really fucked up question is what would happen if you swapped out the pipe to the arduino with a cloud connection to Google's quantum computer

Careful though, you'd better do this first on a conventional simulation of a quantum computer, because I'm pretty sure there's some law of quantum mechanics that says that doing this with a live pipe to Google would LITERALLY physically destroy the entire multiverse

Another question to consider - with your current SDN defined network topology, how many hops away from Google is a "live" pipe to Google in some bizarre quantum mechanical way?

The obvious safety measure here is just to literally turn all the damn quantum computers off just for a bit and replace them all with conventional simulators, even if that reduces the available compute capacity

But here's a REAL quantum puzzler - could hooking up a machine like this to a conventional simulator briefly turn the simulation quantum enough to still destroy the multiverse, or at least most of its universes? Like imagine one of your marbles gets accelerated somehow so much that it literally railguns itself right through the entire earth's core?

Conversely, this is also both an extremely long range asteroid interceptor, missile defense system, and DNA based long range assassination ammo production method

You could even modify it to shoot down drones with a machine learning algorithm that identifies the drone's flight pattern and radio signature, spins up a corresponding marble in real time, and fires on human command

Depending on the shape of the barrel from which these marbles are emitted, you could even mostly simultaneously fire a bunch of marbles in a predetermined 3-4D pattern

To make it truly close to a 4D pattern, the marbles themselves could be actual electronic drones, but then you have to worry about radio communication between drones at relativistic speeds