Quick question from /v/

What's the Dark Souls of cooking Veeky Forums?

What is the Dark Souls of gaming?

I apologize. This board is full of what you might call "adults" who aren't knowledgeable about kids games and such. Sorry to disappoint you.

making roux for gumbo


Bread making
It's something idiots think you are impressive for having done, but is actually piss easy.

Fugu sashimi.

You will die a lot while learning to make it but eventually you will git gud enough to not die.

Baking without measurements

>grilled cheese
Why? Cause dark souls is easy

I heard macaroons maybe


This is what happens when you didn't see the "Grandma's Kisses" episode of Spongebob as a kid.

It wont be that long before posters are talking about stuff you vaguely even heard of, like its the best thing since sliced bread. brace yourself.


Not all of us are millennials

>you are either old or are going to become old very soon

why live


the citizen kane of movies

Cooking in general is like Dark Souls. Most peope think it's hard, but that's because they're either not really trying or just doing it wrong. Being good at cooking is mainly about practice, persistence, and learning from your mistakes. Veeky Forums is the message system: most of it is just jokes or malicious lies, but some good advice can be found.


gotta be scrambled eggs desu

hi new person

French onion soup