Tfw you watch Bon Appetit magazine's videos just to see this one hot chef making food

>tfw you watch Bon Appetit magazine's videos just to see this one hot chef making food

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Is he hot on video? Never watched. Judging from the unwashed or second day mousse in that hair, I'm pretty skeptical about what I would find hot. I have a hygiene standard that kills the sex-o-meter scale. Also, that sweater, no undershirt, pushed up because he's overheated look, kind of has me doubting his sense. Some home training missing. Might not scrub in all the right areas. Am I wrong? Do I need to go watch?

Some people find the unkempt look attractive. More rugged or something. I keep myself shaved and clean, but I end up with girls telling me I'm hot when I have a shitty beard. Too bad it itches and looks retarded.

alright, I watched

"Alls you need is foil to clean your cast iron" "Lookie that"
"ya know"
"not gonna clean these shrimp or nothing"
"you guys know what to do, yada yada yada"

He's got a pleasant demeanor, but has some of the doing before thinking problem (thought he was going to lose a finger on that wood chopping step). Yikes, he's not a rocket scientist grammatically, has trouble finding his words. But, I can definitely see why you'd keep watching. It has a unique hook, beats the BBQ guys, I guess, and some serious tips, even if they are not delivered verbally but edited in later.

He's a little infectious.
I transitioned to the breakfast video:

Does Vinny ever talk?

Tepache makes me think of our old poster here on /ck, named Tepache :)

I always wondered why Tepache has never been bottled for mass production, or even served in bars.

he's the mac demarco of Veeky Forums :3


Inb4 grill, there are no grills on this webzone.

majority of Veeky Forums are female

Do you keep posting this hoping it will come true

I'm a fat version of this guy

You mean you're unattractive.

The majority of Veeky Forums is reddit and I'm getting fucking sick of it

Reddit fag detected. Head on back tumblerina.

sad but true


I like Brad because he's got a pretty carefree approach to cooking while avoiding coming off as whatever the male version of "ditzy" is. He's just a dude who enjoys having fun in the kitchen and has a fantastic in-laws personality which makes the videos, as edited as they are, feel incredibly natural.

I'd watch a whole series on TV of him doing the same kind of fermentation-related stuff he does with BA.

>fantastic in-laws personality

should be "on-camera" idk how my phone made that happen; sorry

Still works. In-laws personality could mean someone that the in-laws like immediately.

Why does Vinny get no respect?

Because he left in the footage of Brad fucking up the siphon for the kombucha and spilling it everywhere in the very first episode after Brad told him not to.

Oh, he does come across ditzy. He comes across like Keanu Reeves surfer dudeeee mentality if you married it with Italian Down the Shore. Prolly I don't recognize regional accents as well as some would, but he obviously has working class parents and didn't finish his own education. That grammar...oh my.

He seems nice though. He has a great companionable dynamic with all those people working around him. I wonder if they're all CIA grads, and he's like this cool guy they found on youtube saving the magazine, but ugh, so raw.

Quick google, and there's no real bio out there, just curated question "interviews" and his LinkedIn is one item in Experience. He just might be a quirky find and not a traditional path kind of guy. Publishing people tend to be writers. This guy has been there 5 years and can't find his words.

>Prolly I don't recognize regional accents

this explains your entire post and its classist stench

he's a white guy from Philly. dudes like him could not care less about correct grammar if they tried, even if he did graduate from college (which he probably did, somewhere)

here's a tip: go look up a recipe for Humble Pie, make it, and have a slice. then maybe you'll stop unironically using "..oh my" and "ugh" in your posts on a Babylonian vase-sculpting forum

This guy is what's considered attractive now? A drug-rug wearing hipster with a bad case of bed-head? Fuck me, I wish I knew women with standards this low.

He's really tall. That's why he's considered attractive.

>tfw he has a gf and a babby

That guy's comment was really nice to this fucking idiotic goofball.
Poor white people don't necessarily talk like retards any more than black people do, but it's really funny that you think that just identifying that someone's not well-educated is "classist" when the defense you feel the need to present for his lack of education is "He's poor and white so FUCK YOU for holding him to the standard of intelligence you'd hold everyone else to!"
Why did you even bring up that he's white? Is /pol/ trying to appropriate IdPol from the sjws again?