What would happen if in 2050 a working nuclear fusion reactor blows up?

What would happen if in 2050 a working nuclear fusion reactor blows up?

It would... huh... I don't know... blow up...?

A (formerly) working nuclear fusion reactor would have blown up in the year 2050.

why would it blow up?

Instant plasma venting. The plasma would blast through anything it was pointed at during the rupture and then quickly dissipate because it is both very hot and has a very low density.

we'd move to a different alpha world-line

the reaction would stop. on earth, fusion isn't the runaway process that fission is. The reason we don't have it yet is that it is so hard to sustain.

Confinement would cease.
Few fallout/meltdown concerns.

It'd release DOZENS OF ...GRAMS... of radioactive Tritium.
Also they should probably catch the terrorist who planted a bomb in the facility.

Depends on how powerful of a bomb that was used.
It would have to to damn big to throw any irradiated material a significant distance.

Lets all love lain

>What would happen if in 2050 a working nuclear fusion reactor blows up?

You would have to repair/replace the reactor.

Considering that most fusion designs use a magnetically contained plasma to induce fusion events between the plasma's constituent isotopes... this would mean a prompt structural failure in the enclosure would release all of the heat energy currently contained as thermal energy within the contained plasma.

The resulting explosion would possibly damage the reactor, and surrounding containment enclosure.

Anyone within the reactor facility may be injured or killed by the initial blast.

Other than that... nothing really, the radioactive release would be quite minimal, as criticality ceases the moment containment is lost.

Nothing, maybe some dead engineers, but nothing much

you know tritium has a specific activity of over 9600 Ci/g right?
lets say there are 5 g of tritium in the plasma at breach.
that's over 48000 Ci of radioactive gas m8

so what is this? INES level 2 or 1?

4 at minimum, 5 depending on how many people die and how well the release is contained.

It would definitely be quite a

See Chernobyl & Fukushima.

>using fusion reactors in the future
HORRIBLY INNEFFICIANT by 2050 humanity will be using frozen deuterium generators with laptop size quantum computers able to generate 250000 mega joules a second

So 250 GW?


>maybe some dead engineers, but nothing much

The motives of the man standing behind this situation are extremely complex.

nice Jif thanks

Why the fuck would it blow up exactly in 2050

You know something we don't know buddy?

Your question only stands if we would own a nuclear fusion reactor by the year 2050.
But still, to answer your question, a few people would die probably.