Barbaric methods of the future

hey Veeky Forums,

what are some current methods in science you think we will look back on as barbaric, dumb or ass-backward in the future?
you know, cause we found the deceptively easy answer or technology took a huge leap

I'm a medfag, so here's some of mine;

>Gastric bypass
>blasting levodopa through your body to help Parkinson's disease
>external radiotherapy

the list goes on, lets discuss!
other fields join in!

Other urls found in this thread:

What would you recommend as an alternative to gastric bypass for fatties?

Current transition surgery

eating meat

Caesarean section
Sex change

Change of diet and good social support system. Pretty much what everyone with an addiction needs.

I just think it's an incredibly mutilating operation, for something that's five-sixths behavioral.

when a (working) satiety chemical or fine-tunable DBS or similar comes available, i think these operations will be looked back upon as a cautionary tale of 'do no further harm'


Everyone thinks that already.

Sooo, like a non-addicting meth or something?

are you implying we will not change sexes anymore?
Or that technique will become way more refined?
Some sci-fi (Iain Banks) talks about having it gene-coded in so your body does all the work itself by just thinking about it

I've read his books. They are retarded, just like he is. He's an extremely sick individual.

something like that, but mostly just a less invasive, more elegant way to break the obsession with food.
a bypass does this with punishing you with dumping syndrome every time you eat more than a spoonful and restricting your intake until that happens.

maybe even some kind of therapy

I'm interested what you think of the Azadians (player of games)

they have three sexes, but hate sex-change.
The dominant sex has a vagina

That was just a description of an alien society. Their genders don't really matter since that is something that is to them part of nature. The only problem with that book was their government and focus on the game. Who is dominant doesn't really matter. What matters is the author's use of social degeneracy portrayed in the book.

none, they are all sensible given the technology we have now

do you think lobotomy was sensible at the time?
or how we classed almost all mentally ill women as 'suffering from hysteria'?

they might have seemed sensible at the time, but given what we know now they're incredibly crude.

im talking about stuff like that, but from now to the future

Invasive surgery.

interested to know what you think is most likely to replace it

The toss of the coin.

there is a difference between lacking knowledge and being outright irrational

Gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatment. Especially young pre-teens/teens who are being dosed with hormone doses intended for the opposite sex

Never read Banks but it seems interesting, what do you feel is 'degenerate' about it?

Tfw about to lose another thread to the
>muh genders

>eating meat

meat aint going anywhere, but it will be lab grown meat

Do you agree with capitalism dying tho?
And because we will become a post-scarcity civilisation or because other filosophies will become dominant?

post-scarcity will never be reached, since people will always want more than what they have.

>Do you agree with capitalism dying tho?

Only when benevolent superhuman AIs are taking care of everything. Not anytime soon, if ever.

but people wont be able to compete with robots anymore

I think it's fun how much the data science and statistics world have relied on machine learning instead of picking up Topological Data Analysis. Honestly. It's so much more efficient and insensitive to noise.

Mentioning it gets you moral credit.

I also want to end wars. And cure cancer.

Prescribing pills for mental illness


Stupid autocorrect changed "dim" to fun

Heres another fun one
>training radiologists for 10 years to have them spend half their days in dim rooms muttering into their dictophone

I really hope this stops in

Sexual transition surgery


>do you think lobotomy was sensible at the time?
I once had a lecture by a 85 year old psychiatrist who defended lobotomy. According to her, it was the best they could do before modern psychiatric medicine

>post scarcity society

Fuck off back to LessWrong to jerk yourself off

Yes. Thats exactly the point of this thread.

Interestingly shock or convulsive therapy carries the same stigma even though its still used.
Its alot more refined nowadays, but its still carpetbombing when it comes to tje intricacies of the brain

tractors as opposed to beasts of burden
dams and canals
dynamic systems in the life sciences

This post best post

Im not saying it is going to happen, I wanted to know how user invisaged capitalism fading out if post scarcity is still very scifi

capitalism is not dying, its supply AKA life on earth is dying. Sure it will die with us, but thats not good news.
marxists shit brains have been going on about how capitalism will lead to le ebin gommie utopia for 100 years now, its never gonna happen.
we must actively bring to light and destroy the coercive social structures wherever they may be, especially the hedgmony humans have over life and capital has over humans
free life, fuck the state, fuck any lazy crackpot that thinks that is just going to happen when production becomes so sophisticated it will just fall into our laps

>was on heavy SSRI doses for years during early adulthood
should I be worried lads

You describe a utopia as unrealistic and trash it,
But then you go on to outline your utopia with equally outrageous goals.

Gotta meet us somewhere in the middle, friend.
Only then will we make a society worth living in

I don't get this argument at all. The more developed the technology, the cleaner the society. Solar energy, effective nuclear energy, water power plants gets more effective each day. The emission of freons, carbon dioxide, dangerous emissions from cars etc are all decreasing.

Give it ten years and western society will probably pretty sustainable. Other societies will probably follow suit as soon as they get their wealthy middle classes.

Also, arguing against capitalism from a environment point of view is crazy. The communistic societies we've seen didn't care at all about the environment (see: Aral Lake, heavy metal pollution in ex Soviet states, fissile fuel etc etc etc)

i dont want a utopia, i just want to get ride of the coercive bullshit like, private ownership, states, usury, absentee ownership, any hierarchical concentration of power
i dont want to create a utopia i just want to destroy the dystopian social creations that have subverted and externalized the real world. Then i want to be free in the real world im dont into doctrinal bullshit, im into anarchy


what would a colony of ants achieve if they didn't work together

>Also, arguing against capitalism from a environment point of view is crazy. The communistic societies we've seen didn't care at all about the environment (see: Aral Lake, heavy metal pollution in ex Soviet states, fissile fuel etc etc etc)
Developing countries in general dont care about enviroment, no matter if communist or capitalist

Machine learning based marketing

>I don't get this argument at all. The more developed the technology, the cleaner the society. Solar energy, effective nuclear energy, water power plants gets more effective each day. The emission of freons, carbon dioxide, dangerous emissions from cars etc are all decreasing.
bullshit, steadily rising on the global scale, we build new cars, dams, and roads all the time
>Give it ten years and western society will probably pretty sustainable
more bullshit, you have no idea how global markets work
a society that sustains itself from the destruction(capitalization) of other societies is not sustainable, more imporantly al of the actual living world is what is being destoryed.
>world bank gives Congo and Indonesia a loan to chop down old growth rainforest for hardwood extraction
>sells the lumber on the international market
>bought by global capitalist consumers in the west and far east
"look how sustainable we are yall"
>the rest of the biomass is made into charcoal by the people that moved in after the forest is cleared
>native populations violently displaced and lose everything they have
>forced into abject poverty in a strange world
>massive amounts of biodiversity loss
"they will follow soon"
>cleared land planted with oil palm to be sold to the international market to make candy and chips
all done unilaterally by the state and finance, people where robbed of their homes and we permanently lost a large chunk of life, the glue that holds the world together. This pattern is pervasive over the entire planet, there are no longer marine ecosystems capable of supporting large fisheries for long, its fucked.
>from a environment point of view
i dont believe environments actually exist, they are just the virtual byproduct of a system that has been abstracted from the whole of reality.
>The communistic societies we've seen didn't care at all about the environment
not a communist, im certainly not a statist either

Sex change on children. Ig Gender dysphoria comes back as an illness then sex change altogether
Non-chemical late abortions

Camps, but instead of gates we use slightly narrow corridors

>Caesarean section
And what exactly would the alternative be? Letting the mom and the baby die? C-sections will always be a necessary backup for abnormal pregnancies.

Heres my list
>drugging kids diagnosed with adhd/add
>cutting the corpus collosem for severe epilepsy patients
I know that one is already pretty rare but once we can cure epilepsy with a single injection its going to seem insane
>sex changes
>organ transplants from other humans followed by a regimen of immunosuppressants
We will get much better at growing organs and/or preventing the body from rejecting them.
>diagnosing depression
This one is controversial but ive spoken to a few people who were diagnosed as clinically depressed and every single time it was because some other part of their life went to shit first. In most cases once that gets back in order the depression goes away. Feeling sad/depressed constantly is perfectly normal for someone with a shit life and turning to drugs to solve those problems is exactly what addicts do. We are instilling this belief that drugs can be used to cope with lifes problems when counseling, physical assistance with said problems, and even something as simple as having someone to confide in would be exponentially more helpful.
>but muh chemical imbalances
No shit. What the fuck do you think emotions are? The brain scan of someone who just heard a good joke is going to be vastly different than one of someone at normal baseline readings. Does that mean we should devise a drug to “fix” comedy? Fuck off with your neurotransmitter chemicals causing depression. Depression and a change in brain chemistry /activity should be expected to go hand in hand, you can see it happen in real time by showing someone upsetting images in an MRI.
>but muh persistent seritonin deficiency
Thats because the pictures in the MRI go away when you leave the MRI, problems in your life dont.

Sex changes for sure. They are the equivalent of telling a schizophrenic person that the voices in their head are perfectly normal and they should listen to what they have to say.

they work together because it is their nature to cooperate, just like humans
ants dont need a state to govern them, they get by with mutual cooperation, they dont follow orders from their queen they feed here when she is hungry and move her if she is in trouble, and they all cooperate to feed eachother and keep their home safe its a beautiful proof of mutual aid.
behavioral ecology is the study of anarchy
humans were the same way before all of the bullshit(neolithic), now that we more knowledgeable and technologically sophisticated, think of how great we would be if we would just cut the shit and go back to living in the real world.

I get your point but I stay hopeful. Todays car emit way, way less than cars made only 15 years ago. Electric cars are starting to hit the market big-time now.
As for deforesting, I'm not too read up on that so I can't really make an argument. But my belief (or hope) is that it will decrease as countries like Congo or Brazil or wherever gets a more stable economy.

energy, electricty and materials that go into electric cars still need to become sustainable thought.
but i agree it is a step in the right direction

>And what exactly would the alternative be?

Your asking to predict the far future medical technology? Who knows, maybe they will have some sort of gene tech that reorders infants'/mothers' bodies so that you never have such problems in the first place.

There's a huge list of stuff. He basically tosses in things just for shock value. Though, I'm not sure it is for shock value in other books since some of the stuff is really fucked up. Basically, /b/-posting in book form for sci-fi cultures.

Nanobots and gene alterations obviously. You take a pill and an hour later you are pissing out that brain tumor or your left kidney is replaced.

Which technologies should you invest in now, to help the future?

>But my belief (or hope) is that it will decrease as countries like Congo or Brazil or wherever gets a more stable economy
i cant blame you for hoping but the worst is the case, the economy is destabilized because autonomy has been transferred from the hands of the people and into international finance and transnational organizations, this has a very destablizing effect when outside influnces detirmined soley to maximize profit control your resources and have control over what is produce, it causes wide spread famine when corn and cotton are planted instead of millet because the international market pays more for them despite the fact that one doesnt feed people and the other cannot handle drought, this is why there are so many starving people in keyna when drought hits
the west pushed "market liberalization"(destablized traditional economies and erosion of democratic control of the economy) onto the rest of the world
the economic stability of the west and china come from destabilizing the third world
deforestation is atrocious and every worse, most fishery are over fished, most coral reefs are set to die, water no longer flows in a predictable pattern due to human obstruction and adaptive capacity of our ecological systems is at an all time low. This wide spread ecological destruction along with free energy in the climate spell doom for human civilization

i can guarantee that manufacturing those cars will bring far more harm then they will ever save in full economy over people just driving used cars
if we where smart we would have begun to rip out roads, dams, and have replaned our infrastructure from a landscape perspective, we should let auto manufactures go out of business instead of bailing them out, and we should use far less energy, agriculture and industry need to be overran by Luddites and corporations should go back to being illegal.
more importantly we should smash the state and the capitalist hegemony it protects

anything space related
specifically space industry

getting that up and running would benefit everything across the board

Biotech, but there aren't any particularly spectacular companies. Honestly, biotech/gene engineering is the future, but it could be anyone's game at this point, even a literally nobody right now.

>slightly narrow corridors
That's pretty ingenious. I wish we could get our healthcare system to fund something like this. Drop them in, have some exercise equipment and water and they can leave whenever they fit.

War has been the single most important drive for humanity when it comes to scientific, cultural or technological achivements.
Without war we would be no more than animals, you would live everyday in fear of being killed by another predator when the hunger is too painful to stay hiding.
You would have a 1-10% chance to survive to adulthood, and a life expectancy of 30 years max if you did survive.

War is the single best thing humanity invented, it literally IS what defines us as a race.

eat less than you need

I think he's implying that they'll eventually adjust the brain to fix the body, instead of vice versa

Immortality. There would them be time to invest in everything.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Gaussian models being applied where they don't belong (economic forecasting)




It can lower your IQ 15 points and all it does is prevent cavities. Even it's abilities to prevent cavities is debatable.

Quads of truth.

I stopped brushing my teeth, am i smort now?

Nassim pls

>blasting levodopa through your body to help Parkinson's disease
What's the alternative? Don't say dopamine agonist you fucking premed faggot

This has been considered backwards. barbaric and dumb for at least 40 years in English speaking countries and dumb in the rest of Europe much longer.
With current methods having it done for actual medical reasons is like removing a stomach for ulcers because you refuse to take medicine. It's only done to keep (((them))) happy for religious reasons rather than for medical reasons.

I think we're going to eventually look back on xanax the same way we do heroin

- For-profit journals behind paywalls
- Mass scientific illiteracy / pop """""""""""""science"""""""""""""
- Politics having the absurd influence it does on each and every scientific field; like how hunters and ranchers are allowed to have near total control over ecology and """""environmentalism"""""
- Peer review in general
- Judenphysik nonsense - spacetime is not real
- Science "culture" - how any field gets stuck in generational ruts and all the stupid old faggots have to die off before new ideas are "permitted"
- Rampant anthropocentrism
- Technojesus bullshit

Christ, how long do we have? How about I just say "everything". Yeah that pretty much covers it. Everything.

Sexual transition operation

How do wars allow us to prosper? What did you mean by that?

Probably circumcision

>he thinks humanity will ever be past war
>he thinks market forces will ever go away
someday we could have artificially grown meat I'll grant you that one.

Uh. I wikipediaed that and now my mind is full of fuck. What does it do in brainlet terms?

You can use non-fluoride toothpaste.

The belief that trans people are mentally ill and that surgery/transitioning is bad will be regarded as backward as the belief in and persecution of witches.

do stomas count? stoma patient here and it kinda felt fairly primitive to have my colon cut out and the rest of my guts re-routed through my abdomen

wheres my cybronic colon?

You probably won't be with that many drugs in your system.

>won't give peace a chance
Imagine what John Lennon's butthole looks like... are you a dove yet?
>Thinks markets imply capital
Wew lad
capitalism and market economies are not the same thing
Isn't it funny how most capitalist say something like "muh markets", or "not communism" when you ask them what capitalism even means, they don't know, because that information has been erased from their education. Capital is private property, very different from personal possession. Markets actually work best in libertarian socialism.
Did you just assume anons gender?
androcentrism baka


Dental fillings. Cavities can heal naturally with diet.

>in science you think we will look back on as barbaric, dumb or ass-backward in the future?


What do you think would be the first steps to fix any of these issues?

Killing off stupid people. Eugenics basically.

Which by the way, mankind will always be too libertarian and pussy to do, and too stupid and evil to ever do correctly if it did. So basically there's no hope. Mankind will fall into the pit.

How the fuck would you do this in the future?

If there is a mechanical obstruction you need to bypass it.

Surgeries being done by humans will be seen as supremely primitive most definitely.

Youve never been depressed and therefore cant concieve it. That and your anecdotal evidence combine to mean your opinion has no merit.

Our treatment of people with mental disorders - dosing them up with a cocktail of drugs or locking them up, instead of actually fixing the brain. If someone has a broken leg, you dont diagnose them as having 'falling down and screaming disorder' and instead of treating the injury, locking them away so no-one is upset by their whimpering or to prevent them falling against someone.

We have artificially grown meat now, it's just expensive.

Create a miniature wormhole into your bladder.
Teleport piss out.