Be me, in college

>be me, in college
>have roommate
>massive STEMfag
>make fun of him for that
>one day he tells me he bought some real Veeky Forums material
>proud that he decided to stop being a brainlet for once
>one day see him reading
>ask to see what it is
>he started with the fucking germans

He already had his fair share of the greeks since he's in STEM (Democritus, Pythagoras, Eratosthenes etc)

The Germans are the best OP.

germans are end game of all greek conceptions techne, just look at the compounds

All the regions that have great philosophers also have great mathematicians/physicists/chemists/biologists.

Except for Asia.
The only ones they had were some Astronomers and out of Babylon came some great theorems but otherwise bleak.

You two could watch Der Ring des Nibelungen together, (serious suggestion), I recommend the Barenboim 1991 version in blu ray. Get together and the surround sound up and prepare your anuses.

At least your roomie will have the capacity to read literature once he's graduated from his own place, where he can support a comfortable lifestyle.

Unless you're one of the rare humanities majors who actually networks in school and has a specific trajectory lined up

>ou two could watch Der Ring des Nibelungen together, (serious suggestion), I recommend the Barenboim 1991 version in blu ray. Get together and the surround sound up and prepare yo

Or read it?

>asia is a region
'By this usage, the very region to which "Asia" was first applied is now Europe.'

>A third definition emphasizes transformation in place from one continent to another. Fahey at first defines Turkey as transcontinental by virtue of being in both Anatolia and the Balkans, neglecting the historical circumstance that the Balkans as part of the Ottoman Empire were once Asian, as was much of North Africa. He then hypothesizes that Turkey, accepted into the European Union, is defined by that circumstance to be European.[24] By this usage, the very region to which "Asia" was first applied is now Europe. If it is, Turkey cannot be transcontinental by being split between two continents. This sort of paradox only underlines that Asia has no precise definition in the same way that nations do, to whom a mere 100 yards of border may be of great concern.

>reading before seeing how it comes together in music

That comes after user. It's like Greek tragedies.

so what

you can start anytime anywhere as long as it isn't shit

LOL you fell for it

The Greeks started philosophy, the Italians improved it, the germans ruined it, the french fixed it and then immediately ruined it again, and then the Anglos finally finished it.


>The French
>doing something good
:Lies all Lies

>you have to read books in historical order
are you trying to have less fun?

Which Germans?

>Implying that the French aren't some of the best premodern bad asses?
What's it like being so wrong?

Where's your nearest amphitheatre?


non stemfags should be gassed prove me wrong