Sore throat

I've had a a sore throats for a couple of days now and I snapped this pick and saw what's inside. Could anybody help me out in trying to figure out what's up?

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sorry OP you have turbo-aids.

>Yesterday's cum

Rinse and spit

It looks like diptheria. You should have gotten vaccinated, now you're going to die. That sucks.

Looks like wisdom teeth. You should have gotten them pulled.

Ruptured peritonsillar abscess.

>Ruptured peritonsillar abscess
Wrong location though?

Looks like bacterial infection.

I'm really glad I drink lots of water daily.

i had the same thing it's just plaques
hurts like a motherfucker tho

Looks like the thing Ted Cruz coughed up during the debate

Can't believe I'm the first one to say this, but bite the bullet and get out the spoon.

looks like a tumor to me.

Probably is Bacterial Plaques from and infection, but could even be signs of Mouth Cancer, either way you should see a doctor so he can give you the right antibiotics or chemoterapy.

Tonsil stones you lucky SOB..

Just push them out and savor their rich pungent odor.

go to the GP dude

tonsil stones
mostly harmless

smell incredibly bad

OP you're a retard, you should be checking for tonsil stones regularly, and you DEFINITELY should from now on because you have a big ass ridiculous nest of them. Get a q-tip or waterpik and get them out manually.
After that you can go to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist or a regular doctor, to tell you if you've got an infection.

drink water with some vinegar in it. It'll taste bad but will help.

It's space AIDS

[absolutamente asqueroso]

Everyone else is an idiot, it's just pus op. you can remove it or let it stay but it won't change much


Bacterial infection. Go to the Doc and get antibiotics.

its tonsilitis, probably just bacteria building up on your tonsils. I get this sometimes

they're just tonsil stones my dude. get a spoon or a toothpick and push it out

and then squish it between your fingers and smell it

They're called tonsil stones. They're plaque build-up like on your teeth, except in little pockets on your tonsils.

Try gargling salt-water. If that doesn't work, go in after them with a small spoon or something. I like using the handle end of a plastic spoon. You should be able to break them free and cough them up fairly easily. If that fails, you might need an anti-biotic. Sometimes tonsil stones are a symptom of an infection like strep throat.

this is america bois, the land where you ask for medical advice on a malaysian laundromat forum instead of going to the hospital.
>A M E R I C A

>the land where you have to go to the hospital for fucking tonsil stones

could also be mono.

Nobody has mono anymore, only stereo.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn right boy. I'm just need a couple bullets to shoot em stones off and y'all gone be seeing me like new I tell ya yeehaaaaaah

Holy fucken shit

Fuck I'm glad I saw this thread

How do you get this angle??

Those are called tonsil stones aka these:
You can try to dislodge them with a Q-tip.