Why did he marry a Jewish person even though he was an anti-semite?

Why did he marry a Jewish person even though he was an anti-semite?


Look at him. Look at his face, goddamn it. Who'd even want to marry that thing?

Lovecraft's racism is overblown, he was a man of his time.

Give me a break, he was Klan-tier. Had he been less autistic he would have probably hanged black people with his friends. His racism was visceral, there is no wya around it.

Because Jewish girls are baeee

So in other words he was a man of his time?

Racism is a spectrum. He hated the idea of other cultures corrupting the glorious purity of anglo-saxon America. He didn't hate every individual member of every other race before even meeting them. If you were to present him with the opportunity to kill every black in the world I imagine he'd say no. If you were to limit that to exclusively within America on the other hand...

So yes. You agree he was a man of his time.

He died in 1937, not in 1810.
A man of his time would have shown contempt and would have rationalized the racial segregation with the "white man burden" narrative.
The racism that Lovercraft displayed would have been considered bad taste even in the second half of the 19th century.

t. Ephraim Silverbergwitzsteinman

He was a beta male

why was some KKK grand wizard secretly getting banged by black dudes?
hate and love are 2 sides of the same coin. milo gets fucked by black dudes and richard spencer's girlfriend will probably fuck some black dudes on the side.
moral of the story: indifference is king

Ephraim the retarded Rabbit?

Why did he like antisemites so much?

firm handjobs

I think he is cute

Do not know much about Ginsberg. Please elaborate.

Woodrow Wilson was showing birth of a nation in the late 19teens, so frankly, that is bullshit.

No matter what era you're from, you almost necessarily must be either a satirist or a full-blown racist to sit down and count out syllables about how "niggers" are inferior.

He visited both Pound and Celine.

So what?

Have you ever seen Birth of a Nation? Wilson for certain treated blacks very differently to white Americans, but he didn't hate them in the slightest. The wrongdoings perpetrated in the movie are treated more like tragedies of circumstance than anything else.


This. Joshi made the same point in his biography. Lovecraft only revealed his racism powerlevel to his good friends, and even then most of them saw it as a quirk of his and not something to be taken seriously.

they were both known antisemites

>Wrote stories with Arab protagonists that were heroic
>Wrote stories with Asian protagonists that were heroic
>Wrote stories with White antagonists that were inbred, bestial monsters
>Wrote stories with White protagonists that were corrupt and evil
>Wrote stories with White protagonists that were monsters/corrupt/etc
>Wrote stories with obvious Jewish characters that were money grubbing and deceitful
>Wrote stories with obviously Jewish characters that were talented and brave
It is almost as if trying to distill the actual attitudes of a complex person with a nuanced perspective down to a 'Super-racist/non-racist' false dichotomy doesn't work very well.

I remember back in the 1970's discussions of HPL were about how he lived at home his entire life, never left his hometown, was afraid of women, and died a virgin.
Yes, really. I have an APAzine and some fanzines in storage alllll about that.
Then, of course, it came out that he travelled quite a lot especially when younger), was banging women here and there, and was married for quite some time.
Ever read King Solomon's Mines? Late 19th Century fiction written by a White Brit about explorers in Africa. If you pay attention it is the story of the return of an exiled king to his kingdom, his defeat of a tyrant usurper that killed his parents, and the beginnings of his own benign rule. The returned king is presented as noble, honest, brave, strong, fearless, and wise. The returned king was held up as an example of what young boys whould strive to be for quite a few years.
The returned king, Ignosi, was a native Black African - Alan Quatermain and the other White adventurers are, effectively ,just witnesses to Ignosi's return, like the hobbits to Aragorn in a book written by a fan of the book.
Did the author say things wwe'd call racist? Hell, yeah, in his correspondence and a lot of other things.
Did he hold up a Black African as an exemplar of all that is good, true, noble, and admirable in Man?
He was a complex, nuanced person with attitudes different from yours.

Lovecraft's racism softened during his life.

You can tell that was written by some PC type faggot, because its false and they included that fourth line.
Or maybe just a troll. Its all the same these days.

Gay. Although he does seem very likeable and he had a nice smile.

Jewish girls are so hot though.
>tfw no Jewish gf

I'm pretty sure Pound renounced his anti Semitic views in an interview with Ginsberg.

Humongous underbiters can't be choosers

He literally looks like a vampire. He's pale, has those pointy ears, and his mouth looks like it's hiding some vampire teeth.

There is nothing wrong with racism. You are 'men' (might have misgendered you there, xirs) of your time. If you are white and not racist you are a mass man.

If he was Klan tier, then why wasn't he a member of the Klan when it was at its most powerful?

Lovecraft wasn't a racist in how we define racism today. He was a bigot back when Italians and Irish were seen as Wops and Apes, rather than lumped together with every other European and labeled "White."

Lovecraft feared everything he didn't know, and he didn't know about anything he wasn't. He barely attended school or left his house for the majority of his life. When he started to get out and talk to people more, his Xenophobia slowly started to decrease. Had his life not been cut short by cancer, the amount of hatred and fear he held inside of him would have likely tanked, and his writing with it.

judge actions eternally
but judge men conditionally

Racism is good.

It can be useful.

It's very good, I would encourage all my fellow white people here to be racist, because every other race is. Be safe, discriminate - unless YOU want to be the loser in collective evolutionary behaviour!

You sound like a tired old car salesman.

Racism is a ferrari, friend.

he got dem big jewish tiddies
alpha af