Anyone want to explain the appeal of this motherfucker...

Anyone want to explain the appeal of this motherfucker? He seems like a more academic version of those e-celeb youtubers that amassed hundreds of thousands of followers by ranting about intersectional feminism in children's toys.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a self-help guru with a anti-SJW spin.

hes not anti-sjw
stop this meme

He literally dismiss amy sort of leftist argument, identify every modernist movement he disagree with with post-modernism (wich he links to a bogus definition and non-existant general ideas) and, let's be honest, the only reason you inow his name is because he did not want to use preferred pronouns.

He's no alt-righter, but he's definetely anti-SJW (and more in gneeral anti-anything that is leftist)

Didn't know that. The current political climate is already so aggressively anti-left I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

He's bridging the gap between e-celeb and actual education. Also he actually teaches about Jung and archetypes while relating it to religion. Lastly, he's a self help guru. There's something for everyone even just basic bitch muh free speech people

the pronouns man
sort yourself out

Oh look someone who completely disregard WHY Peterson is disagreeing with postmodernism, and then argues that Peterson is wrong.

Sort yourself out.

he is yet another Lad that states the obvious and has facts to back his arguments. That's it. But in this day and age, this is more than enough to get a following of thousands of people i guess.

The memes.

his anti-sjw stance is "the obvious", but his psychology lectures are full of less obvious and insightful content.

Any examples?

No idea at all.

Like another user says, he probably ropes them in with this quasi-paternal self-help business.

Personally I find him so fucking boring. Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes, I find them entertaining to watch at least. This guy is just dull as dishwater. He's hardly even provocative. Maybe that's his appeal?

Bottom line I think he's just a mid-tier academic who's decided to capitalise on the anti-SJW sentiment. Maybe he even got dragged into it because he refuses to use pronouns but hes definitely exploiting psuedo intellectuals online a lil bit

oh well its better than zizek and stirner posting

nothing that i'd want to condense in one post, but check out his "maps of meaning" lectures on youtube. he does them every year, 2017 has the best production.

>ITT: fags who are to intelligent for JP


I think it's mostly people who have had little to no contact with academics who find him most impressive. Nothing I've heard him say is particularly new or interesting, and his perverted brand of pragmatism is untenable.

If you're on Veeky Forums for any amount of time it's probably because you're fucked in the head. Enter JBP saying being fucked in the head is quite normal and postulating a way out.

To be truthful, he's a legitimately insightful person. Read his book and watch his ACTUAL lecture content (not his content on SJWs etc.).

Veeky Forums just doesn't like him because he doesn't suck Marx's dick. And that's that.

>the only reason you inow his name is because he did not want to use preferred pronouns.
This is hard evidence that you are making an emotional attack against what is popular. Please internalize and dwell on this fact.

but that's not an emotional attack

In relation to the rest of their post and against the backdrop of contrarianism surging up these past few months it's nothing but one big emotional reaction, spiting the trendy intellectual figure because they derive satisfaction from thinking of themselves as above the hoi polloi. People have been posting and loving for example his lectures on depression since at least 2010 but oh, there's a perfectly rational reason why all of you would complain now, of course there is. "B-but he dismisses all leftists as postmodernists". Like that babble has any bearing on the content of his celebrated lectures. I could go on but I'd prefer not to. Contrarian types are predictable as hell to me and I'm not a big fan myself. I just wanted to say nigger please.

You are just jelly because you didn't come up with it first.

>Like another user says, he probably ropes them in with this quasi-paternal self-help business.
It's literally a cult, it has all aspects of it. I watched his lectures and appearances on popular Youtube channels, and he seemed a bit weird and obsessive to me, and only then I found out about his cult bullshit.

He has this sort of 'unifying theory' of everything that is convenient for people who don't want to talk think too much.

sheltered millennials with daddy issues and no idea how to navigate the real world need a strong pragmatic father figure to make up for the incompetance their lazy gen x helicopter parents

>Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes, I find them entertaining to watch at least.

Holy shit, please kill yourself pseud

You're full of shit, you can search through the archive and you'll find there was literally zero threads discussing Peterson until the big Tranny scandal broke out on /pol/ and spread to here like AIDS
All there was before that were some scant mentions of his name like any other irrelevant fringe academic with no original contributions.

i swear to god i found out about him on Veeky Forums at the beginning of 2016, before he blew up. i was looking in the archive for psychoanalysis stuff and found 2 posts mentioning his youtube lectures and decided to check him out, and it really changed my life. then later in the year he completely blew up. serendipity desu

I like Jung, Dostoevsky, his synthesis on meaningful postmodern living through symbolism, and he sounds soothing.

He's in right now. He knows what people want to hear, and then he tells it to them. Their is a certain overlap between Peterson and, I don't know, contemporary right wing thought, or at least popular reactionaryism or illiberalism, which is a result of a fraudulent mainstream leftism. So yeah, it's in those interstices that certain kiddos that have no historical depth outside of the moment revel in delight at every word this guy has to say.


feminazis will be destroyed

love mad seventeen-year-olds with opinions.

Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist, which has undergone a shift in the last year.

JP is popular because he understands these thinkers and uses them to explain the world in a way that is simple enough for the layman to understand and complex enough to apply to the current state of affairs.

Anyone with their head screwed on properly will have detected the shift in the currents of thoughts. We are looking at the beginning of the 21st century proper, as an entity distinct from the 20th century, culturally and ideologically. If you don't like what you see, you won't like this century (I for one welcome our Jungian overlords)

JP is a moderate traditionalist, which gives him mass appeal. He isn't an alt-righter, and he will eventually fall away from that crowd. At the moment, the inroads he's making with "free speech fundamentalists" like Milo are embarrassing, but they will pass (which is not to mention the fact that the alliances which make up the alt right will tear apart of their own accord int he next few years and form ideological battlegrounds far far more vicious than their conflicts with the left--if you are a right winger, take a look and who you consider your ideological friends and know that they're going to throw you under the bus when the time comes to maintain their interests).

*missed a comma here and there, a few typos, but hopefully still makes sense

Imagine being so childish that you are only interested in provocateurs.

His metaphysics are pretty iffy and he goes waaay too deep into some of the pop culture stuff, but his psychological insights are really interesting and have practical application even if you're not interested in the rest.

He'd be terrifying if he decided to start a cult.

>At the moment, the inroads he's making with "free speech fundamentalists" like Milo are embarrassing

He hasn't had anything to do with Milo, has he? Closest I've seen is his interview on Rebel Media, and imo there's nothing wrong with that since they're based on Canada and focused on pushing back against regressive safe space culture.

It's not that non-academics find him impressive; it's that the small sub-cult of walled off academics who jerk off to Harold Bloom and Slavoj Zizek will immediately deride anything outside their department's reading list as 'pleb-tier shit.'

I'm beginning to think all these JP hate threads are started by the same disgruntled psych professor, jealous of the attention Peterson's been getting lately.

>If you don't like what you see, you won't like this century (I for one welcome our Jungian overlords)
I bet Lacanians are mad. Then again, when they aren't?

he said Milo was a Joker archetype after the pedophilia stuff came out, presumably as a tacit defense.

He made some comments about him embodying the "trickster archetype" and stuff. Seemed forced to me and more like networking anything else. Mostly the connections on my mind because both Milo and Peterson are nominees in my uni's rector election this month and the SJWs have been lumping them together for propaganda purposes.

I just want to have more memes in positions of power in my university to be honest with you senpai

You're a bunch of pompous pseud lefty fags, Veeky Forums. Sort yourselves out.

>small sub-cult of walled off academics
All of academia is a walled off sub-cult.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a fag
Le froggy frog

>All of academia is a walled off sub-cult.
No it isn't.

I didn't take that as defending Milo , just commenting on what was going on through his usual ultra-Jungian lens. Peterson doesn't seem invested in either end of the political spectrum to me, more about countering extremism from either side.

Not anyone, just you, Veeky Forums.

>Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist
You need millions of normies for anything even resembling a zeitgeist. The revival of traditionalist ideas is restricted to psychosexually demented vloggers and fifteen year old gamers with twitter avatars of Greek busts who don't personally believe in god but do believe that medieval society was more meaningful than what we have today because in medieval society there weren't any evil feminazis. These people aren't your neighbors. They're the cringing carbuncular recluses you avoided in highschool.

Yeah but he artificially heightened Milo's significance by using that kind of language in the first place. Milo's not "The Trickster", he's a banal quasi-celebrity. He doesn't deserve any depth of analysis.

Catholicism is currently undergoing a revival of traditionalist ideas though, Latin mass is becoming more popular than normal mass in some parts.

I can't believe people are mentioning Milo and JP at the same time, even potentially lumping them in the same "movement" or something.
If I didn't know literal high-schoolers post here I'd think it's a clever troll. I don't want to sound nostalgic, but Veeky Forums has seen better days.

>Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes

Veeky Forums now a days

Jordon Peterson is a great entry point for existentialism but it can get a little repetitive after a while. The guy is an ideal teacher but not an original thinker in the purest sense but then again, who is ?

Tell emmm

>Jordon Peterson is a great entry point for existentialism

A Jungian? Are you fucking kidding me?

He does that with everything though - goes off on sidetracked rants about archetypes. It wasn't specific to Milo, that just happened to be what was making the news at the time.

He's a clinically depressed Kermit the frog that has embraced being a living meme as a profession and has a traditionalist bend.

Prime Veeky Forums material now that /pol/ is the main board of this website that decides the culture.

Which is the problem with the bullshit idea of archtypes

Milo is pretty significant in terms of popular politics for a certain demographic. He has lots of followers, his talks are sold out. He probably helped Trump get elected.
He's academically irrelevant, he's not an intellectual, and if you're reasonably educated you won't learn anything from him.
But that doesn't mean his influence can't be analyzed in depth. He's the anti-SJW poster child for the masses, seizing the moment, the zeitgeist.
He has nothing to do with JP, though, other than the common sense views which are shared by most of the population anyway. (Let's not pretend that disliking SJWs is an extreme position.)

>child for the masses, seizing the moment, the zeitgeist.

Jesus Christ, he's just a faggot e-celeb, he's not Kanye West. You're really living in a bubble if you think he represents the attention of the "masses"

>just a faggot e-celeb
How many "political commentators" have millions of views on Youtube or full college halls?
He found his niche, an opening. He doesn't need to be a world star to be influential.

He sure fucking does need to be a worldstar to use the language you are

He's a man vigorously advocating for his right to be a jerk to whoever he pleases even though the fine print in his university contract probably says he should be nice.

He's framed his argument as a defence of free speech. He has a valid point about the dangers of legislating what can and can't be said but he's gone far beyond it at this point.

Sadly, the only people who have tried to debate them have all either been emotionally compromised boobs or for whatever reason, unwilling to provide evidence to back up their claims even though they have some.

>ITT: A bunch of bloody neo-marxists desperately trying to discredit the new Zizek

I'm not a 'neo-marxist' I'm a Marxist

his best material is in his class lectures, watch those instead of the meme interviews

down with the bourgeoisie

>American Leftism

No thanks

>South American anything

No thanks

>he can't even read French

I don't think you belong here bud

Alberta is in Canada bud. I guess basic geography isn't necessary to understand dialectics though huh

He's charismatic and his personal "philosophy" (more like the set of his thoughts) is robust and worth implementing in your life, if only partially

Where does jay pee tell people to venerate their fathers?

The people that only care about him due to the gender pronoun controversy can be disregarded, his prior work is much more interesting anyways

>that blonde in the back

wtf i support a subpar economic system now

He supported the NDP, and has made comments sympathetic to the left not long before he became a semi-public figure.

>America necessarily means the nation
>Americans in charge of geography

That's fine. The left isn't SJW, SJWs are liberals who think they're leftists.

found the bourgeois feminist

>Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist, which has undergone a shift in the last year.

tf are you talking about

He's a real intellectual which is rare these days
He avoids talking about politics and tries to stick to science and philosophy

He defines post modernism pretty well, he just uses a lay man's definition in interviews

What is his secret good definition then?

This is the most concise refutation of post structuralism I've ever seen

Thats not what post-structuralism refers to retard

Jordan Peterson

i really want to know what you mean with Jung composing the current zeitgeist.
i intuitively see something there .

Sometimes I think the only reason why Communism hasn't worked is because only leftists have implemented it on a state level.

Various Christian sects operate under a totalitarian Communism and are ridiculously successful.


>opposes state control of markets
>proposes theocracy

I'm not a smart philosopher.

say my name baby

He means he's LARPing as a prophet for an obsolete school of psychology because its the only one that doesn't hurt his feelings that fairy tales aren't real

What a waste of 10min. What part was the good part? Where he refers to a study that found out boys and girls are different in how they perceive things?

A fairy made you say dat doe

>These people aren't your neighbors. They're the cringing carbuncular recluses you avoided in highschool.