Veeky Forums answers the big questions: is race real

Is race real?

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Is OP a faggot?,8599,1993074,00.html
>Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue

if race isn't real then racism can't be real

The unique thing real about race is that Amerindians are superior to europeans.

No, its a debunked 19th century idea. There are differences between groups of humans, but race isn't an adequate description.

>If god isn't real then religion can't be real

genetic differences are real, race is a bunch of arbitrary lines drawn around genetic differences to make ultimate determinations where they are really more continuous.
Over the centuries, people move race around all of the time. It's certainly not completely fake, but the hard boundaries it consists of are really imposed by humans.

>if anime isn't real than autistic weeaboos aren't real

There's already a containment thread for this topic: 9206366

Donald Trump will make anime real.


>but the hard boundaries it consists of are really imposed by humans.
You could say the same about species

Categorization of organisms into species isn't nearly as arbitrary. It's based on the ability of individuals to interbreed. Race as we think of it ("black", "white", "asian") tends to be based on superficial features.

Blacks, Asians, and Normal people are the same species because we can interbreed and are very genetically similar.

So why are Neanderthals a different species? We interbred with them pretty heavily.

No /pol/.

Genes differ among people and due have real and measurable effects, but race little/nothing to do with genetics. People with similar genetics are put into different race category by racists. People with highly different genetics are put into the same race by racists. Race isn't a scientific category, it's a superficial one.

It's like saying all blue things are one type of thing and all yellow things are another. That's the level racists are on.


> It's based on the ability of individuals to interbreed.
There are many examples of inter-species hybrids that are fertile.

For practical purposes? Yes
As a real biological term? No, not really

>(((scientific american)))
of course not you goy, race isn't real, now go and racemix with a nigger you fucking racist.

No there aren't.

Not him, but how about neanderthal-human interbreeding? Denisovan-human?

Between Neanderthals and Sapiens were 300.000 years of isolation. They were almost another species. For this reason only Neanderthal female+Sapien Male configuration worked. That is why there is very little Neanderthal DNA (4%) in Sapiens.

>homo sapiens chad
>neanderthal virgin

do niggers real

Damn, I thought it was hotter with it being Neanderthal male on Sapien woman.

No /pol/.

Every time you try to slide this board we have to explain that genetic differences are real and exist, but race has little/nothing to do with genes. Race is an unscientific superficial category laypeople assign by "just looking".

we should just have a sticky that explains this

Is this what your wife told you to explain why your kid is black?

How is your race extinction relevant to this board? Get replaced already, subhuman. Deal with it.

this thread is off topic and should be removed

if you're not part of the groupthink, you get aggressively moderated, so reiterating the groupthink is superfluous

Yes, race is real. Pajeets and Mexicans on this board don't want to admit it, because they know they're inferior to the hwite man.

In high school biology class we talked about this very topic and the teacher explained why the people in the field concluded that there are no human races. Homo sapiens sapiens is already a subspecies and since race is the taxonomic equivalent of subspecies, that basically means only one homo sapiens subspecies is still alive and it is homo sapiens sapiens.

So race is real but there is only 1 human race.

>inferior to eurangutans

The debate on race is much more of a philosophical nature than a scientific one, even if the discussion is circumscribed to biology.

What about the mitochondrial dna that makes humans humans? Ithanks can only be passes down to female h sapiens.

are you fucking serious?
have you ever taken a biology course

There are hundreds of species who are capable of interbreeding and are only prohibited from doing so by geographic barriers.

No, race is an abstraction from reality and symbolizes a certain part of reality. It is an inaccurate abstraction from blurry, poorly defined and overly broad boundaries, race is even worse than species, the proper abstraction is populations of individuals. Race offers little relevance as a hueristic and it certainly isn't a good model of reality

>Race offers little relevance as a hueristic
it seems to work fairly well when comparing Africans to just about everyone else

Race is obviously real as a synonym for phylogenetic groups of distinct phenotypes within a common species, I mean you have to be almost blind or utterly crazy to think that a Congolese and a Japanese are exactly the same organism. This topic is marred by politics though, and it is almost impossible to discuss it in a neutral, reasonable way. So I guess that the best option is simply to ignore it an let the various groups with diverging political agendas fight about it, there are countless other interesting subjects after all.

>"Everyone else"
Brain dead, wew lad, fuck off

>>"Everyone else"
>Brain dead, wew lad, fuck off
what did he mean by this
>africans are just as intellegent as europeans
really gets my noggin joggin


fucking pol trolls shitting up everything they touch with their reverse midas touch

>How is your race extinction relevant to this board? Get replaced already, subhuman. Deal with it.
If the white race isnt real then how can jews be real

Of course it's real, you have to be deluded by Marxist propaganda to believe otherwise.

>race doesn't exist
>but some form of race does exist
Race is a spectrum.

Making policy based on it might be ill-advised, but there are genetic differences between humans and that's the most important thing of all.

It's a bait post.
But white men are superior to Pajeets, Pajeets are the lowest of the lowest.

No you can't faggot. The definition of "species" includes that all members of a species don't reproduce with non members.

Yes, and if you disagree you are an idiot cuck. Race not existing was always bad science. The hacks would look at genes that control height or nose width individually. Then they would say there was more variation within groups than between them. Ignoring this was a fallacious conclusion, it is an idiotic set up: you want to look at genes that control height and genes that control nose width together. You want to look at clusters of genes and how they correlate. When you do this, race is obvious.

tldr: you're a liberal cuck and should stop masturbating to interracial porn

>If you disagree with me you are a cuck

Basically. You have to both accept absurdly bad arguments from thirty years ago and ignore current statistical research. Only someone with a bizarre sexual fetish would do that.

No. All variations of humans today are the result of breeding. Over generations different abnormalities from the original source group has created the so called races...except OP who is a faggot.

Short answer yes, but social scientists love renaming and redefining things to confuse the general public.

See: Gender

>See: Gender
You literally can't scientifically study gender or sexuality nowadays. Kinsey, who wasn't even properly scientific, would be skinned and hung today.

No, we are all exactly equal and the same in every way except skin tone.

Ok, what about subspecies?

>Categorization of organisms into species isn't nearly as arbitrary. It's based on the ability of individuals to interbreed

Graduated Hi Skule in the '70s. did you?

>Genes differ among people and due have real and measurable effects, but race little/nothing to do with genetics. People with similar genetics are put into different race category by racists. People with highly different genetics are put in
You seem to be saying that race is real, but racists apply it incorrectly.

Taxonomically, race me subespecie is the same thing, we use to call race when we talk about a subespecie of domestic species.

>cover makes a david star

Gee i wonder if that article used Lewontin's and Lyssenko's fallacies.

No, it's not. Categories like subspecies have specific standards based on genetics, and humans don't meet those. For example, humans half less than a 1/4 of the genetic diversity of chimps. Humans have less genetic diversity than all other primates.

Those "fallacies" are not real, just bogus claims by morons. Lewontin's data is observable fact.

Only if you actually think the amount of melanin in your skin matters at all

Superior in the sense that they're uglier, shorter, less intelligent and more violent?

No superior in the sense that they had a higher development rate than eurangutans.

"Race" has never been about skin color, the genetic differences between human "races" are greater when it comes to some cognitive traits then skin color.

Skin color is irrelevant the other traits (eg. IQ) are more important and more pronounced.

Yeah, but they can't produce a fertile outcome you fucking brainlet

Yes and there are differences, however each evolved to suit their environmental pressures best and so none can be said to be superior. Literally the best argument you racists have is that everyone should live in their genetic homeland.

Are humans real or are we just animals?

Autistic weaboos can still be real. The same line of reasoning works on Christians
>If God isn't real then Christians aren't real
Except they are, whether god is real or not


Yes and miscommunication is our speciality which is why the lot of us carry on like asshats over every little thing. Everyone should be assigned a dictionary at birth for what ever languages are most common in their country of birth and be required daily reading for everyone until they can maintain a residence for a solid three years with an additional year mandated to their time of study for every copy their dog are. Even then it wouldn't be enough at least we'd be able to insult one another with the eloquence and grace that only a human can posses.


Not even autocorrect can save us from this gobbledygook.



There are no races, only Jews and non-Jews. Non-Jews are all the same race, so stop worrying and enjoy cuckporn and diversity and remember that you are intelligent if you don’t believe that race exists but believe the white race should be taken out of existence.


>is race real?
I don't know you tell me.

>Skin color
>Facial structure
>Minor metabolic diferences
>Dick size
Sounds like a plan for me

>Sounds like a plan for me
Are you American by any chance?

Race is obviously just a concept.

what youve said basically applies to the entirety of biology doesnt it?

Yeah, all white people are models, and all black people are basically chimpanzees

If you seriously believe that skin color and race are the same thing you are retarded.

Race is connected to FAR more genes then those for skin color, even further some genes related to the brain are a significantly better indicator for race then skin color.

>Literally the best argument you racists have is that everyone should live in their genetic homeland.
I believe that is exactly what the "racists" are saying. (At least in Europe) Obviously anyone who is aware of the "race" differences in IQ has to admit that "whites" are not the most superior race.

Latin American
I just want this Haitians out of my country


Glad to see that Veeky Forums is not completely overrun by pol bullshit.

Well, you're not a native either.

And I want eurangutans out of this continent. How is this hard to get? Amerindian superiority is a historical fact.

It's actually an aboriginal Australian, and therefore genetically more akin to the white model than a negro.