Organic, all natural, grass fed beef, pasture raised animals, organic no pesticides fruits and vegetables...

Organic, all natural, grass fed beef, pasture raised animals, organic no pesticides fruits and vegetables, is it just a meme that these foods are better and taste better? Are they worth the price tags?

people have theorized that the pesticides, shitty chemicals, and processing are doing this...

>Fruits and vegetables
Not worth the price hike, no really discernible difference.
Worth the price hike, tastes significantly better. Personally I feel better knowing I'm not contributing to factory farming, a practice I believe is unethical and excessively harmful to the environment.

This, organic produce is harmful as well due to the alternate pesticides they use


i want to have sex with this girl

No you don't.

Look man, how did we eat animals/plant all these years before spraying pesticides and giving animals corn? Exactly. You don't necessarily need to add shit to make it better. Like water. Perfect drink.

Not everyone was able to afford to eat, people died of easily preventable diseases and malnutrition, many foods such as fruits and meats were luxury items for most people.

If you want to go back to a largely grain and vegetable based diet be my guest.

yes, i do


Why is her right iris bigger than the other?

For meat
Organic has absolutely no bearing on quality. Grass fed tastes different to grain fed. Pasture raised is a bullshit marketing phrase that makes you think it is grass fed but actually means the beast was raised in a paddock before being fattened in a feedlot. All natural means nothing.

For veggies.
Organic has no bearing on quality.

>good morning user

>Organic has absolutely no bearing on quality.
For eggs it does. For eggs to be certified organic the chickens have to be raised cage free and have any health issues taken care of. This leads to eggs with a lower chance of salmonella and other pathogenic infection which would make them better suited for raw or undercooked applications

She has a dick

So she says good morning and I get a good choke. What's the difference?

Buy a caged chicken breast and a free-range-non-antibiotic chicken breast
Cook them the same way and look by yourself
You'll be afraid

is that you?

>excessively harmful to the environment

There's actually some evidence that pasture farming may be even worse for the environment than factory farming for the amount of meat produced.

Why would you lie when I can look up your claim with a simple google search?
>Le her xD
Shits old, dude

What world are we living in where this isn't considered an international crisis requiring immediate and drastic action? Fucking crazy.

You could just pasteurize the eggs you want to use for those applications.

Why would you Google search a girl with a dick? Seems pretty degenerate desu

>chickens have to be raised cage free and have any health issues taken care of.

I don't know enough about the regulations surrounding egg farming where you come from to dispute this. I will say that "Organic" in its basest form has nothing to do with whether an egg is laid in a cage or whether the hen is healthy.

If the organic certifying body in your area requires these things then that is a handy way for the consumer to know what they are buying. However it is possible that there are non organic standards that also require an egg to be laid by a healthy hen outside a cage. I know that my local regulations require all egg layers to be healthy so I can buy any egg labeled "cage free" and have the same certainty that you get from buying eggs labeled "organic".

the world that wants white people to go extinct

She does, I've seen her on cam and she has a huge dick that cums gigantic loads.

If traps really looked that good and convincing then there would be a lot more bisexual men about

>inb4 liking traps isn't gay

This is also a topic I'm really interested in, but I just never seem to get non-conflicting answers.
Honestly I don't care that much for a 2% taste difference, but are there organizations that make sure the people labeling "ORGANIC" aren't just inflating their prices for no reason? Can I be sure that the meat I bought actually comes from a chicken that lived a better life than some hormone pumped mutant in a battery?

My father bought a side of grass fed beef a few years back, and I can say that was some of the best beef I've had in my life.

Anyone that has eaten Japanese Kobe beef or Argentine Pampas beef knows that grass-fed beef is on a whole other level compared to the feedlot trash normally consumed in America.

are you actually dumb enough to think the largest difference between those beef and feedlot beef is just the food?

>normally consumed in America.
Argentina is in America.

You know what he meant

where your food comes from always impacts flavour.
for veg/fruit/meat/fish, that doesnt necessarily mean the tag of "bio" means itll taste better, but youll see, smell and feel the differences between a high and a lowquality product. Id say "organic/bio" improves the chance of you getting something good, since the higher pricetag means the farmer doesnt have to operate in the most costeffective, least timeconsuming way.
But yeah, its no automatism, the beef i buy lacks the "bio" label and is significantly cheaper than bio, but tastes,smells and looks way better than any bio-butcher i know (except for the very highest priced ones). If you ever ate,smelled...a ripe tomato/lemon/... that wasnt treated with pesticides youll know the difference instantly.
you probably get more flavour out of one untreated lemon compared to 4 normal ones you get in the supermarket