"We're just accidents, why take it all so seriously?"

"We're just accidents, why take it all so seriously?"

Well Veeky Forums? How do you respond to big daddy C-God?

We are the cutting edge nexus of the forces of negative entropy in the universe. As far as we know, there is no structure as complex as the one behind our eyes.

nobody knows if all life is an accident or not

to believe otherwise is the consequence of religious conviction or arrogance

He had this revelation after speaking to his mother about abortion.

>We are the cutting edge nexus of the forces of negative entropy in the universe.

our existence increases entropy
order is a temPORARY illUSION

and entropy feeds order

go back to school

>our existence increases entropy
>order is a temPORARY illUSION
The illusion of order is still order, user. Entropy is surely just as much an illusion from your perspective.

I would respond in agreement.

Cioran is the opposite of comfy but, like Spengler, far from the opposite of fun. Why take it all..? The answer is, of course, we don't. This doesn't disabuse us, however, from often thinking that we do. C, perhaps even more the poet than his grand dad Nietzsche, knew his target audience. Please, don't take this 'interpretation' too seriously..

What a repulsively decadent quote.

cause winning feels so good

Cioran is shit-tier.

The opposite, actually.

>The obsession with suicide is characteristic of the man who can neither live nor die, and whose attention never swerves from this double impossibility.

>The flesh spreads, further and further, like a gangrene upon the surface of the globe. It cannot impose limits upon itself, it continues to be rife despite its rebuffs, it takes its defeats for conquests, it has never learned anything. It belongs above all to the realm of the Creator, and it is indeed in the flesh that He has projected His maleficent instincts.

nihilism is a lazy ass philosophy. i'm not interested in le absurdity of mere existence and non-existence.

cioran was obviously very intelligent but he wasted his time trying to answer the wrong questions imo.

And what questions should he have asked?

what is fundamental to a fulfilling life, how to find meaning and joy in shitty situations, how to (or whether to) foster healthy and sustaining relationships, etc.

questions of actual life rather than just existentialism basically.


but life-affirming

Good animal.

>wasted his time
>what is fundamental to a fulfilling life, how to find meaning and joy in shitty situations, how to (or whether to) foster healthy and sustaining relationships, etc.

sure these questions aren't a waste of time...


I hate these faggots who write life-denying shit but don't have the balls to commit suicide. It's always some excuse.

Nietzsche, a life-affirming,wrote about ubermensch despite he was a loser

>fulfilling life
>find meaning
>joy in shitty situations
>healthy and sustaining relationships

Those are paradoxal and irrelevant to philosophy and to life in general

They're not

I hope that you can at least see that
>joy in shitty situation
is paradoxal, if you're happy in shitty situation when will you be sad? Never?

And find meaning? If you're searching after meaning, now that's a shitty situation, not saying there can't be no meaning, just saying it's not something you'll find by searching it

Now fulfilling life and healthy and sustaining relationships are just buzzwords that you find in a self-help book, they're not linked to something real, stop searching ghosts

>Not something you'll find by searching it
If I stop the search it will come to me?

Not necessarily

>his legacy lives on years and years after his death
>in a solo effort he contributed massage amounts of damage to cultural fundamentalism, particularly of the xtian church
Yeah nah.