The universe is deterministic and everything is ultimately a result of the initial conditions preset at the big bang

>the universe is deterministic and everything is ultimately a result of the initial conditions preset at the big bang
>the universe wasn't conceived to host humans and life is just an accident

How do fedoras reconcile these two positions?

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You are retarded both of these things are false

Quantum mechanics kills a deterministic universe

The universe doesn't have to be "conceived" to be fit to host human life

No one is saying "life is just an accident" whatever that is even supposed to mean

Quick rundown on the Quantum mechanics aspect?

At the quantum level nothing can be predicted with certainty regulations of how much you know about the system. You can only speak in terms of prbability for things like position and momentum of subatomic particles.

The determinism argument seems really dumb considering even just a double pendulum is a chaotic system.

Surely just because we can't accurately predict or measure something doesn't mean it's not acting consistently according to unknown rules?

Anyone who says this "learned" about quantum mechanics through documentaries

>the universe
>conceived to host humans
The Earth alone has a diameter 6,371,000 times greater than the size of a human, and the observable universe is 1.9 X 10^22 larger than Earth. That would be an extremely shitty and wasteful design if it was meant to just be for hosting humans.

I never said ""just"" humans you faggot. You can't deny humans have a place in this universe.

We do have a place in the universe. It's just that this place is many, many, many times less significant than the place a bubble has in the Atlantic Ocean.

No. Nature is inherently probabilistic. It's not a matter of accuracy. This is the reality of our observations. Your doubt is one that physicists have struggled with in futility time and time again. We don't know why nature is this way, but we have demonstrated that it is.

There's no point having this discussion because we've done the experiments, and we've shown that nature IS probabilistic. I don't mean that there's a 70% chance it rains. I mean that nature, on a quantum level, exists in a state of uncertainty. This is the baffling reality of modern physics.

I recommend watching some of Feynman's lectures as he explains the concept and some of the experiments in an accessible and eloquent way.

Or maybe our understanding of it is the uncertainty

There is nowhere near the necessary confidence in the experimental evidence nor the mathematical machinery involved to claim any sort of assurdness that you suggest. If you don't have any skepticism whatsoever to any of it, you aren't a scientist. That you seem so sure of your claim shows how little you know what you're talking about. That you link a YouTube video further shows your ignorance.

Have you even heard of Richard Feynman retard?

You think because it's on youtube it's wrong omfg people like you...

Also where's your evidence that the universe is deterministic?

>michio kaku
it can be predicted if you actually studied the uncertainty principle, in which it and it isn't at the spot you are touching because of how it moves faster-than-light. And incapablity to measure is not proof of a a lack of determinism. The fibonacchi sequence is proof enough that determinism exists in this universe along with a creator God. The rest, like quarks, haven't even been proven to exist and might as well be spooks for atheists to wroship as holy artifacts they've never seen with thier eyes and never will. Same with string theory.

Get out of this thread. You're disrespectful, and your critical thinking is almost non-existing. You are right in some of your claims, but these are not definite evidence that the universe is probabilistic.
If you had any knowledge on scientific theory, you would know to question everything, since our current paradigm is nowhere close to explain the universe.
Ps: Manners maketh man.

he had low iq

Every correct position has some retarded slightly above average fuckers denying it trying to win the award for most edgy.

It would be great if god and all that existed, if that meant we could learn more about god or whatever. But even if he did exist, he's clearly not something we can connect with in any way. We have a better chance of learning about alternate dimensions.

For the record i hope all u godfags suffer horribly and die young. You're ALL fucking idiots of the highest order and the fact that it is so easy for you to believe with all certainty is just dirty and disgusting. It's like when a guy is interested in a girl and for whatever reason he assumes her interest is similar. You come at atheists like you know deep down god exists n u love him. Talking to a theist is literally equivalent to talking to a rapist.

Not that theists are the only people similar to rapists. In fact my whole family and my dumb bitch ex gf act the same way. It's just revolting how you speak.

I know this is probably bait but i do actually have an ex friend who would literally claim all atheists are just theists in denial. Rustles my jimmies i tell ya

>the 'theists' (lel) are rapists!
you should suck more cock like a princess you pansy-ass faggot

ITT: anons acting like the philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics is a settled issue

Spoken like a true theist (rapist)

Quantum mechanics ultimately has little to say about determinism, only people do. The appearance of "randomness" at a given scale doesn't equate to true randomness, either. Use your head for a moment and you can break the solidity of that statement in many ways.

Quantum mechanics is literally the most successful model ever constructed. There is almost no part of physical processes that haven't been explained by it (gravity being the exception).

The confidence level of many many experiments from light to atoms to conductance,biology,chemistry is as high as you can get without being absolutely certain. Science can't tell us if our understanding is correct, only that it is consistent. And qm is consistent. We will need a lot of evidence contrary to the model to be able to move away from it.

Skepticism is fine, but you can't deny the accuracy of the predictions of probabilistic nature without coming off as a massive retard.

Antropic principle.

Schrodinger equation is deterministic, it says everything about determinism.

What is there to reconcile? The second thing logically follows from the first thing.


>QM has no predictions
Daily reminder that copenhagencucks are literally retarded.

What did you mean by this

Same for flat earth.


If the universe is deterministic than you can no longer say we are the byproduct of chance. Atheists have to renounce to one of their religions, namely determinism or god-doesn't-existism