Genius stories

Do you have any stories where you have encountered a literal genius? One of my friends in my class turned up to literally 0 lessons, he played Runescape 24/7 and came in half an hour late when the Physics exam started. He got top 3 in the entire year and he looked like he could not give less of a fuck.

How do they do this? I'm sure I'm not the only person to meet these people.

Other urls found in this thread:

>guy on my genetic algorithms class
>Medicaly tested IQ of 160
>He is a big fan of rick and morty
>I tried to watch it too
>tfw can't get any of the jokes

Its called cheating.
Some people are open about it and for that I respect them.




Sophomore in my department. Hired as an engineer for JPL while still in high school. Recently personally negotiated a multi-million dollar research grant and got himself a lab in the engineering college, and is currently hiring professors and graduate students for it.

it's disgusting.

I dunno if this makes them genius but some people work so freaking hard it's crazy. I'm not one of those people but I wish.

>Making fun of Rick and Morty (fans)
You must be super smart

Many of those are just lying to themselves and being just overly enthusiastic and much less capable than they seem.
Do work but do it smart.

TO be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Yeah I literally look down on everyone that doesn't know tiny rick.
Just by knowing about the show I am better than you.

I don't believe that, I couldn't handle a fraction of the workload these guys take on. They can't be lying to themselves.

You would be amazed.
Ive seen two examples like this over the past 5 years.
But each to his own.

Being intelligent must be super fun. Often before falling asleep I like to dream about being smart, understanding material easily, not struggling learning new things or languages and being able to actually achieve something significant and satisfying. Sorry about the blogpost, but had to get it off my chest. Have a bump though.

>know this guy for years
>good friends with him but I can't help but be ridiculously jealous
>gets into top 3 med school without ever doing any studying
>i would know since he's playing WoW or factorio 16 hours a day
>had him for a linear algebra class
>only showed up for tests, lowest test grade was a 97, rest were 100s
>cripplingly handsome but completely asexual
>girls come on to him all the time and he doesn't even react, tells me that he hasn't gotten a boner in years and never liked girls or boys
just what the fuck

Yup. Guy comes up drunk to the highschool physics finals gets 98/100, published a maths theorem in some Harvard newsletter while he was still in high school, would usually get the answer before the teacher could finish writing the question, medically tested 150 IQ, whenever I get into the delusion that I'm high IQ I just take a look at this guy and my delusion is cleared

Smart people are just smug and snarky all the time.

I'll keep that in mind

>yet another thread romanticising the "lazy genius" life
When will you stop masturbating to high IQ and realize the only way you're going to get anything done is through hard work?

I met at leasy few. One had iq of 150 it's easy for him to remmember everything, every model, every material, particualr things ant facts, theorems, he gets highest scores in every subject. And yet he doesn't seem so far away. It's like I have to spend twice as much time studying and tend to forget things, but it doesn't seem that it's imposibly far to catch up with his level of knowlage

>How do they do this?
He already knew the material.

>it's disgusting.

Intelligence actually correlates pretty tightly with misery. To quote some star trek episode "the greater a person's ability, the greater their ambition." To actually have a grasp on what's possible, and the ideal, and to know and accept why it isn't reality and what does and always has stood in the way, is frustrating bordering on maddening. You know what you have to become and the means, and often that doesn't mesh with a person's actual desire and value system. You are eventually left in between worlds, and there is no good place to land when it finally tips.

There is nothing out there that isn't trash, and even nature is devoid of self evident beauty.

you sound ridiculous. intelligence correlates highly with happiness and success, not teenager nihilism

dude started at 16, was doing 3rd year physics(in first year), did analysis 1 in first year (Its a 2nd/3rd year course at my uni) and did analysis 3 skipping analysis 2 (2 semester years) in his second semester, started doing physics honours subjects in his second year and finished his degree a year early.
Is now doing a phd at princeton at the age of 19.

that doesn't make people a genius

genius isn't "omg he passed 7th grade math without studying what a smarty" I did all those things, I'm a PhD candidate with high scores and publications, and I am not a genius

Real geniuses are publishing papers in Nature, coding ridiculously complex things, or breaking open industries. I've met probably two geniuses in my life. One is an MD phd, and the other excelled in everything he ever put any effort into. Top of his class in chemistry and math, but now does architecture at Columbia University because he likes it

Some of the stuff he comes up with is mind-boggling

There's being smart and already knowing material, and there's being an actual genius

Why arent we forcing people like him to get hundrets of children?

The secret of success:

Working hard

Want to get to the 1%? Do what the 1% are willing to do. To become a 1%er, you have to work like a 1%er.

I know it really speaks to my arrogance, but I consider anyone who can unequivocally beat me in an academic endeavor (essays, major assignments, SAT scores, etc.) to be a genius. How much they study or how they handle things outside of school is irrelevant; if I have to admit they beat me, they're a genius in my eyes. I don't have a better frame of reference than my own, after all.

I know. I'm a real self-absorbed cunt.

I knew a guy in high school, one time he basically finished his calculus final in 5 minutes. The teacher graded it on the spot, it turns out he got a perfect score.

However, he was not favored by the niggers who ran the school. Though he could have been valedictorian he was expelled over a false hacking allegation.

We're talking about a different sort of intelligence. Mentioning the nebulous "success" makes this pretty clear.

How often does that happen, though? I'm still waiting.

I've met a decent number of people who I think were approximately as smart as me -- perhaps a little more in some aspects, less in others. I've never met anyone who I took an honest look at and thought "Fuck, they're smarter than me no question".

In general I don't think there's that much of a difference between people once you're past a certain level of intelligence.

>How often does that happen, though? I'm still waiting.
Have you been to college? Somebody will beat you; it's guaranteed. If you're getting top marks in all of your classes you are vastly overqualified for your school. And there's always some asshole with a perfect SAT and ACT score, or at least close to it. I had like 9 friends in high school, and one of them got a 2390.

Yep. I do get top marks, and I should have gone to a better school. Maybe you're right and if I had gone to a prestigious university I would have met someone like this. On the other hand, maybe not.

I'm not going to claim no one has ever come up with an answer to a question before I did, or gotten a higher grade on a test, or some shit like that. But I always come out on top just as often as anyone else. In order to say for sure that someone is smarter than you, they'd have to display complete dominance that's not attributable to any other factors. I've never encountered this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming to be the smartest dude ever. Like I said I've met other people like me, just not that often. If I had to formalize what I'm trying to get at, I'd say at the top end of human intelligence, any ranking of people is just splitting hairs. The vast difference in outcomes is attributable to things other than intelligence past a certain point.

I was that genius in school, always excellent grades without doing any work.
Then I got into university and here I'm just average as fuck. Maybe slightly above average considering I start learning a week or 2 before each exam and rarely come into the lessons, but then again I have very average grades. Being around other smart people really gives you a better point of reference for your own abilities.

It's still better than having this, but not having ability to achieve that goal. You shouldn't say it's better to not have legs, because when you do you discover running is tiring. I realise it might be really stupid, but I was never good at comparisions.

That's funny, I know a guy who skipped high school and is doing a math PhD at 19. Smart guy, he's a few years ahead of me even though it'd be the other way around.

Knew a guy in school who was doing university maths from the age of 15 or so. No surprise he is at Trinity college. Nice guy too wasn't even an autist

>vast differences of outcome are attributable to things other than intelligence past a certain point

Such as emotional investment?

some people have more memory recalling power

I have met precisely zero geniuses, and I go to Oxford. I've met a lot of very clever people.. but no geniuses. Zilch.

That pickle part as rough man. I don't understand who priorites are being manifested when the cartoon guys get the reference and I still don't.

I like Rick and Morty because it makes me laugh but it is irritating if I dwell on it because it seems like the whole premise of the Show is for them to make money of my unfinished novel that they stole.

The funniest show I think is Always Sunny. That episode that made fun of Dark City a few years ago was the funniest one. I think the Walking Dead is the the worst show on TV. It sucks.

maybe you never met the genius because you're the genius??

I think being a true genius goes well beyond having top grades with little effort. I've met quite a few of those. I think true geniuses are incredibly rare and I wouldn't use the term lightly. It has to be someone who can see something that others can't see even with monumental effort. Also, they know how to produce results and can literally rework things inside out. Even people who where top classers I've known were not like that.

tl;dr no it's very rare.

scrubs get on my level

Yeah, among other things. I think love of a subject is very important. If someone loves a subject enough to work --and I mean really work -- hour after hour, day after day without slacking off, they're eventually going to build up to a level of accomplishment that is far higher than people with normal motivation.

There's also luck, a.k.a. being in the right place at the right time with the right idea to have an outsize impact. Take Alan Turing for instance. No doubt he was about as smart as a human can get, but I would bet there are dozens of people in CS and Math right now that are just as smart as he was. Turing was in the right place at the right time to midwife a whole field of knowledge into existence.

I also think that problem solving is a skill that can be improved drastically, and that most people never do so beyond low-hanging fruit.

I work in a building loaded with autistic computer programmers.

Ask him for sperm samples, then impregnate women with his sperm samples and claim the children as you're own. If even one of them turns out to be a genius the entire thing will pay for itself since you won't have to care about saving for retirement since you'll have a multi millionaire to take care of you.

Not really a story, but one of the things I notice whenever I meet geniuses is that they may be incredible in one or two things, but they are downright retarded when it comes to everything else. For example, I knew a girl who was brilliant in biochemistry, top of the class in Cambridge and everything, but could barely spell. How she got her doctorate, I don't know. Another guy who was getting his phd in network systems was next to hopeless in everyday living, couldn't drive, couldn't cook, wash, etc. It's experiences like this that make me dismiss the opinions of "geniuses" whenever they talk outside their field of expertise.

I did this all the way through intro QM and I'm not even close to a genius.

coming in with a solid math background makes most low-level STEM easy as fuck. the qualitative stuff isn't exactly demanding either.

I think one of the only exceptions to this in my first two years in undergrad was my stat mech class, and that was only because the teacher was one of the no-bullshit best working physicists in the entire field. Having him teach it was an honor.

I regretted it later on. not so much for the material, so much as the missed networking and socializing opportunities. that and most of my teachers hated me for being a no-show asshole. in retrospect, it really was pretty disrespectful.

didn't stop from me from passing all the way through, though.

How can one man be so much of a chad, life is unfair user

>tfw to smart to be happy

>Was like this until university
>Then became just average
>Then became average while working my ass off

The last years of university felt like struggling to stay above the water, horrible feel , especially since i never learned how to work and saw bugmen just try hard and do better.

I guess things are fair after all.


I'm always the smartest person in all my tutorials but there's this guy who studies on his own and learns the entire course material at the very start. When talking to him he recommends books or talks about science in a way that's sort of bragging. I think he plays reddit games while waiting for assignments and in group projects he just uses us as tools in otherwise complete silence.

Look up literally any legitimate study on happiness and intelligence. The smarter groups will, on average, unequivocally report being happier than the dumber groups. This is true for any type of intelligence being tested; it is not ambiguous.

The super-genius outliers don't show up very often so it's hard to find a paper that uses an appropriate sample size, but there is reason to believe the outliers tend to be less happy. And "outlier" here means rarer than 1 in 1,000.

because IQ regresses to the mean, brainlet

he probably saw the material before like when a native Spanish speaker signs up for Spanish 101.

What's your major?

This is why I can't stand Reddit. Literally every post is like this.

I had an uncle who had 160 IQ, he designed electronics packages (mainly radio equipment) for satellites. They wouldn't tell him what he was working on just give him some thing to design or figure out, then on to the next thing. Guy was a raging alcoholic and violent too, blamed all his woes on his parents. He once stabbed a guy nearly to death. He died from a brain tumor. RIP uncle Jim

All these people talking about grades in high school and undergraduate ISHTYGDDT

Talked with a friend's youngest cousin, kid was like 5.
>None of the usual logic trap jokes are working on him
>He roasts me at every turn
>Very ahead of his age in terms of intelligence

Friend told me the kid took an IQ test, scored 148 or some shit. He's fucking five!

>tfw my 130 brainlet is put in it's place by a child

>that kid?
>was actually einstein

>tfw thought I was pretty good at math
>went to uni and realized that I'm a fucking brainlet compared to the actually bright people
>mfw I can't even talk out loud about the topics because I'm so slow with this shit, while the smart guys barge on the blackboard and discuss/prove shit on the fly.

It hurts. At least most other people are in the same boat and we can circlejerk together in the corner with out heuristic picture representations of the problems while the actually brilliant people rub their intellect on us.

I can relate
>those motherfuckers

everyone replying that they're jealous is just afraid to put in the hard work to become smart. catch yourselves on and do some studying nigga

>tfw self-studied introductory topology courses and measure theory/lebesgue integral courses during the summer and it actually really helped me for this semester. I almost feel like a non-brainlet among my peers for once.

Maybe there's hope for us brainlets

>To quote some star trek episode
stopped reading there

>defending my PhD
>closed defense went flawless
>waltz through most of public defense as well
>finally, question round at the end
>some audience member asks something weird about pickles
>professors start smirking
>I stammer and say huh
>exam committee instantly pack their papers and leave
>I got outed a brainlet and was the first to fail his PhD in years

Happened to me too

>>the last years of university felt like struggling to stay above water
>tfw just nuked a test so hard I'm considering either dropping out, changing majors or killing myself

Its called burnout.
Happened to me too and I barely managed not to harm myself or someone else around me.
I even got in a huge fight with a chef of department but with a little luck i managed to slip though and save my neck.

I hate to complain but it's not like I'm a stupid mother fucker, I was just floored by how brutal that exam was. I knew it was going to be hard, but not THAT hard. The historical average on that test was 48% and I think I managed to squeeze a 40% at best. I don't even know if he curves. It hurts to live.

You need a break man.
After finishing my forth year i sensed that the fifth will be real struggle,I just didn't have much mental power left.
People around me were not helping and professors love to make students miserable when they can.
They are lucky that i didnt shoot up the uni I can tell you that much.

I was called a genius by a professor once,then I remembered I was at a community college.

Is your friend a deity?

unfortunately you're deluded if you haven't found anyone.

The world is big and you are young, there are plenty of people out there higher than you.

past the age of around 25 you stop caring about intelligence.
You srsly think aren't 40 year olds out there leagues above you?

Tfw 27 years old, pretty great knowledge of a lot of fields, did some minor scientific research, but now realize I lack the work-ethic (even tho I work 6-7 days a week), brain capacity, and originality to contribute anything major, and I've exhausted most of my easy brain plasticity already.

I had a friend that seemed smart but I was too dumb to assess to exactly what degree he was intelligent. I just knew he could go over my head regardless of subject

Thank you for that.

Pft i am genius
I work at Wendy's chef 9.25 an hour
That's what i get for being poor as Fuck

i'd read a book if i wanted to remember something.

I knew this autistic girl in highschool who got a perfect SAT score. She used to read textbooks in class, and when the teacher called her out she'd repeat back to him word for word what he just said. She ended up getting a full ride scholarship to Yale and is lined up to work for microsoft developing AI.

I met this guy

He's next level.
>Came to US at 16, didn't speak a word of english but taught himself math/chemistry at a high level
>Enrolled in community college, two years later he was fluent in english and used his grades to transfer to UC Berkeley
>Studies chemical engineering, graduates with a 4.0, finalist for the University Medal
>Goes to MIT, gets a PhD in chemical engineering and an MBA
>2 years later he joins the MIT board of trustees at 29 years old

Some people are pretty next level

>Do you have any stories where you have encountered a literal genius?
No, and I'm forty and have NEVER encountered a genius like we are shown on television. Not even once in my whole life.
I'm calling bullshit at this point.

Do you know how much it sucks growing up with the expectations of "high iq"?
When I was 12 I got pulled out of class to go sit in a room with a psychologist for 3 hours while they tested me in different subjects. Then I got home and my parents put me through all the advanced classes cause my IQ was 145 or 149 or something.
Don't even want to start bitching about all the shit I had to deal with growing up just because people were told I was's stupid it doesn't mean I'm different.
And even in your adult life people will give you shit for it? Like your roommate telling you "I'm just as smart as you! Just cause you're doing grad school for math doesn't mean you're smarter than me!"
Well I never told you I was smarter than you. You just acted insecure and projected about it. You lazy piece of shit.

I spent my whole time at school being told how smart I was, when really I was just damn good at taking tests. And now that I'm out in the world I see that "test taking" is not a very in-demand skill and I'm kinda fucked.

Tfw got called on to present Caratheodory's theorem in real analysis today and bombed it and had to sit down. Fucking killed my ego.

t. low IQ

I'm pretty fucking smart, but I knew I had to bail on math when a legit math genius started taking courses with me and destroying everything. I figured, "welp, this is not for me. It's for guys like this fella over here."

I still make tons of dough and he's doing fine too. It all ends up well for the smart kids.

he probably cheated you idiot

no intelligent person would spend that much time playing runescape

As bad as that is, try being smart and no one giving a fuck or actually assuming you're dumb just because you're poor. Then when you get a perfect on the ACT which desu isn't a hard test your parents call you arrogant.. Not trying to diminish your shit but being smart just sucks regardless

Not as much as being dumb.

Unless you split history in half you can't be called a true genius (like being the reason for the term pre-socratic for example)


History = Calendar(Macro) vs time-keeping(Micro)

A.D. and B.C.

Gregorian calendar (blah blah blah)

This, probably self-studied that shit years ago.

kek i bet he laughed in their faces

Did you go to bear river high?

This thread depresses me. Why should a Yuropoor like me bother when there are BrainChads like these out there?

I agree, Jesus is the greatest genius ever to exist.