What is the most scientific 100% reliable method to defeat procrastination?

What is the most scientific 100% reliable method to defeat procrastination?

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Just do it.

Fall in love and do it for her.


the nike method
>just do it, faggot

>Just do it bro
>Implying that has actually worked reliably for anyone ever

Don't masturbate until you get your shit done.
By masturbate I mean leisure activity in general.
You need discipline.

Stop procrasturbating.

you have a good experience doing homework, and youll want to keep doing it over and over

It does work actually.

It works for people who don't procrastinate.

Force yourself to do shit, there are no cheats to this, you have to build discipline and be introspective (to counter your own self's tactics). Get into the habit of always reminding yourself that you're procrastinating and need to get shit done. Don't spend too much time planning or deliberating either, just do it even if it's messy/confusing.


I'm in my second year of college and I cram for everything, how to I stop procrastinating?

That's the ultimate issue here.
Honestly nothing anyone says here can force you to procrastinate. It has to come from within you, and you have to realize it on your own.
OP's question is just as retarded as asking "how do I become ambitious???"

Have stuff to do that you enjoy so you won't put it off. Or, like another user said, be motivated to do stuff for someone else, like your love

But what if I study and don't do well?

i can teach you a foolproof method, but you have to be dedicated for this to work

pick an easy to visualize symbol. a pentagram would work fine. what you will do is mentally vow to do something, then visualize the symbol. this is a contract you have made, it is inviolable.

you must "charge" this to give it strength. start with easy things, for instance "i will tap my right knee with my right index finger 400 times" . be careful with what you select, whatever you vow you must finish or this will not work.

after you do several easy things, you must do something difficult. for instance, "i will walk in a circle chanting ______ _______ for a period of one hour, without stopping". after you do this, your vows will have real power due to momentum of effort.

you can then use them to vow to start working on something at x time, and you will do it because next to chanting for an hour it's nothing. this is a way to transfer will power through time to whenever you need it, and can be used for far more than stopping procrastination.

but you won't do any of this i think, because you're lazy

Go away Satan.

Do not fall for this meme. Women are the worst time sink. Newton was right.

It actually works, our life is based on rituals, doing something dramatic, even if you don't believe in magic helps you focus on the matter.

The more elaborate and meaningful is the ritual, more you will feel that you have to do what you need in a better way.

After some time you will attribute values to the simbols used in the ritual and that's how you start to believe in magic, but in a rational way.

>I'm in my second year of college
It's too late now. Drop out.


you have to stop sucking at life so you have more time to study

Haha this is what I do, except the symbol is my crush. I think of her when I'm doing something really difficult, she gives me strength.

Is she a qt?

Do it For Her

tfw no Kurisu GF

Absolutely solid.

There is no method. Even drugs won't help you if you can't start. They just make you a better procrastinator.

In my experience there are two ways to motivate me.
The first one is fear. Living under the crushing fear of failing or "not being good enough" always fill me with a desire to do work.
This has the obvious downside that it might result in depression and a feeling of utter worthlessness if failure occurs.

The other is this but only for 2D girls for the obvious reasons.

>tfw to intelligent to fall for anti-procrastinating tricks
Shit sucks. I can't get anything done because my cold crystalline discernment of reality sees through any attempts to alter my laziness.

Just think about how your life would suck if you keep postponing something. If your life won't suck because of that postponed smth - just forget about it.

This is the method I use unconsciously but it's not rigorous enough. I need to be more mindful about my future.

This is the least effective method, it just trains you to be progressively more willing to let things slide until you're no longer keeping up with anything anymore.

Leisure AFTER effort.

Personally the moment I get home from uni I set a timer at 2-4 hours and I work until it's finished, while stopping it for small breaks (5-10min/2h).
And more importantly, while the timer is not over, no screens (or no internet if you work with a computer).

I used to be a lazy fuck and it actually works.

Harden the fuck up

Haha same except instead of walking in circles and chanting I went on a 12-hour-long masturbation marathon. If you can commit to completing that, what COULDN'T you commit to?

start the day with easy warmup exercices , that you wont get stuck on , and that would not hurt repeating, maybe memorizing hotkeys on the software you are using,

then in the long run keep schedule/calendar written, where you put in lots of free time first, and gradually make it more and more work heavy as you manage to stick with it.

It's literally the ONLY thing that has ever worked

no fuck that, lets stay in this thread a bit longer. maybe someone come up with a real solution

>procrastinate on a piece of work I should really be doing
>deadline looming
>now i have to rush through it and half ass it
Just fuck my shit up

remember that if you let yourself go, then you're gonna have to become some snaky jew's slave
best motivation ever

The most reliable way is to do something important to put off doing something even more important. It's reliable but I wouldn't really call it effective since you're still procrastinating.

Procrastination is a habit. Something must motivate you to break said habit. Learn how little time you have in your life and look at how much of it you're wasting. Realize how much you could get done if this habit is broken. Realize how happy you can be. But break the habit slowly. What is one thing you procrastinate? Cleaning your room? Doing the laundry? You name it. Only break your habit of procrastinating that first. And really break it, don't half-ass it. Then go onto another small thing. Slowly, everything you do will be done as soon as possible.

I remember that from the 'stop procrastinating' flowchart.

Why should the routine be so ritualistic?

>just don't overeat, fatty!
>just don't be sad, depressed kid!
>just avoid the shore, poor beached whale!
Ostensibly, yes, this is the solution. But achieving it isn't that easy

>tfw it actually werks

Make whatever you want to do a habit. Always do it at a set time or after/before/during something.

I'm super lazy (uni dropout), and yet I can manage to grind japanese vocab everyday because I forced myself to do it long enough for it to become a habit

>and yet I can manage to grind japanese vocab everyday
well maybe you should stop

I want to see that flowchart.

Incredibly cute. I want to talk to her, but I haven't done so yet. She doesn't find me unattractive, I find her looking at me every now and then

>I'm super lazy (uni dropout), and yet I can manage to grind japanese vocab everyday because I forced myself to do it long enough for it to become a habit

Great priorities

I have an absolutely foolproof method for defeating procrastination. I'll type it up and post it later.

>What is the most scientific 100% reliable method to defeat procrastination?

One extremely simple and effective method is to put a picture of someone's face over your workstation. Doesn't matter who the picture is of, just that it's clearly a face with visible eyes. This tricks your brain into thinking you are being watched, which greatly increases productivity by making use of the pro-social instincts to appear to be useful to other people.

I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this shitpost is too narrow to contain

Forcing yourself to start is the biggest hump. CONVINCE yourself "I only need to work 10 min", 10 min later you'll be engaged enough to keep going on whatever task it is.

>CONVINCE yourself "I only need to work 10 min"
Yeah I'll work 10 minutes... tomorrow

This is solid advice, if you can get started. A lot the time, even if the first step is opening some text file, I'll somehow delay that an entire day.

I hope this is a joke with all me heart

This definitly worked for me.
Falling in love with a girl that happened to be ranked 30 out of 5000 in her med school made me realize how far I was behind her.
This was not pleasant though, it did not gave me "positive vibes", motivation or whatever. The fact that I was not as good as her, and that she was perfectly aware and frank about it, was almost physically painful at some time.
It worked, but definitly a terrible experience.

Well this sounds promising. I'm gonna give it a try. My chosen symbol is Psi.

I'll start with vowing to spend 2 hours working though the chapter on harmonic oscillators in Shankar. But ultimately physics is just a hobby for me, and my real goal is to sharpen up on my programming, practice for interviews and start applying for jobs as a filthy software dev.

I choose a CS job because I'm too cowardly to attempt a career in mathematics or physics. Oh well, I'm sure the big paychecks and low difficulty of the work will be worth it in the long run. I believe the stuff you love is better done as a hobby anyway (unless you are truly exceptional I guess).

Motivation should come from within, and not out of desire to please other people. Unless of course you are a real man, and have a wife and family that depends on you.

If you do this shit in the hope of winning a woman's favour then you are a sad beta fuck. Chad never needed to bust his ass to convince her to take it up the butt and do ass to mouth.

Ego profilere exego. Exego morsor de luna temp.
Exego non somnere ergo exego hatere somneriii homini. Exego possibel in france causa descriptere procrastination. Movere ad arrest.

leave Veeky Forums


Set a timer to do the thing for 5 minutes. Do the thing for 5 minutes, then stop if you choose.

no please don't do this. she'll break up with u and ull go on a killing rampage.

Can I get that in English?

When I was preparing for a levels, I wanted to score better when that smart Jewish girl.

That's my end goal though


Replace stress relief with a different form that doesn't include food. Remove excess food from your surroundings (maybe replace with water)
Don't get upset at things outside of your own control (stoicism)
Don't care for stupid/unfortunate animals


it works!


>Doing it for france.
He fell for the meme.

Procrastination is a paradox: how does it make sense that you don't do something you strongly intend to do? The answer is that a whole bunch of competing desires get in the way, and effectively you have not convinced yourself 100% to do something. If you are capable of basic structured reasoning, the answer is to methodologically argue to yourself on paper or a word processor, arguing against competing alternatives and why a desired action is the most rational. Once you have convinced yourself fully, you stop writing and do what you have planned to do with no resistance. If you can't do something immediately, set an exact time using a cell phone timer. If you encounter resistance, go back to your journal and explore why.

Once you have completed a task like this, go back to your journal and wright your results. You have successfully acted exactly according to your will, so you must feel accomplished and good about yourself, even if a little bit. Plug this motivational capital back into the process to initiate another self-argument session and another task. Continue this in an unbroken chain, and if you falter then just go back to the journal and examine the problem - this turns a setback into a success.

It takes something like 1-2 months to make this a habit, but eventually you will burn this into your brain as a habit and won't need the journal, though it is still invaluable for planning and examining life problems. Moreover you can use this argument process to try to begin to push against emotional reactions you know are irrational, or to fight against addictions, bad habits, and impulses.

Mindfulness meditation is excellent to practice along with this. It sounds like you have some degree of depression, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy has been shown to be as effective as medicine for it. "The Mindful Way Workbook" is highly recommended. Mindfulness meditation is "merely" training yourself to control your awareness.

>100% reliable method to defeat procrastination
There isn't one. Literally, by which I mean there are many, not just one.
Which is a problem, because some of them might work for you, some won't, or even none of them will. As banal as it sounds, everyone is different, so your best bet is to try different things on you and observe what works and what doesn't.
That process can be time consuming and take years. People call this time period elementary, middle or even high school.

>This has the obvious downside that it might result in depression and a feeling of utter worthlessness if failure occurs.
Done exactly that and been down this road. Now I don't care about anything and I don't do anything with my life, because I'm afraid if i go back on the "fear of failing" path I'll succeed at taking away my life this time
There has to be a better way.

>This is the least effective method, it just trains you to be progressively more willing to let things slide until you're no longer keeping up with anything anymore.
This is so me. I didn't even knew it was until I've read what you wrote.

stop talking about procrastination like a disease, it isn't a disease.
if you chose to play video games or shitpost on Veeky Forums instead of studying, then that says something about you.
maybe whatever you're studying isn't what you want to do in the future and you should stop.

each act of self discipline makes the next one slightly easier

>Great priorities
Learning a foreign language as a dropout is one of the best things he can do. Not sure about japanese though

>put a picture of someone's face over your workstation. Doesn't matter who the picture is of
hm... I can't decide between the pope or stalin. I don't know which I want more, to stop masturbating or to work harder.

>each act of self discipline makes the next one slightly easier
each time I think "I've got this" and I finally entered the right path I then fall miserably. It's like a total reset to the starting point each time I try.

I think it's one of those questions which is too complicated for internet to solve. There are too many variables, underlying conditions and cases to consider. It would take a therapy to help an individual with this kind of problem, not to mention giving a general solution. We can share some tips or advice you could try, but nothing 100% reliable.
Simple answers can be given only to to simple problems, and this is one clusterfuck hiding behind a simple question.

the basis of your claim i perfectly grounded. However, does it translate to pictures too ?

>i can teach you a foolproof method,

to stop proscastination

>but you have to be dedicated for this to work
>I will teach you how you can hydratate yourself at desert

>but you will need water

>>just don't overeat, fatty!

Even lazy sluts who procrastinate constantly have bursts of willpower from time to time. For this method to work you just need to really want to stop procrastinating and be willing to put effort forth on one day. OP needs a come to Jesus moment, but one of those by itself won't stop procrastination, that method will

Worth a try innit

who's the handsome funny bunny on the right?

Herr Dönitz.

gee, this guys over here productivity must be off the charts

I've read about this or something similar. A pair of eyes is enough to behave differently


You will probably masturbate less with either one

Duty is what makes men work.

You have a duty to your friends, family, and country.

Bullshit defeatist attitude. The mind always takes the easy route, procrastination must be treated like a disease.

How to defeat procrastination?

Just say you'll be lazy and procrastinate all day tomorrow, and do the work right now.

I have a great method, I'll write it down just after I watch this one youtube video

Caesar est terminator. 5 look at your table. 4 breathe in deep. 3 count to 10. 2 stand up. 1 obey my order as send.

You seem similar to me, I have a great method too, but I can't write it down because my 30s of being unproductive are almost over

chew nicotine gum while doing the activity you need to do more often. if its making appointments or phonecalls you ask a buddy to make them for you(you can do his stuff). this adds mild social pressure.

1. Deep breath in
2. Hold for a couple seconds then slowly let it out
3. Count to 5 slowly and on 5, you begin your task