Why aren't you Vegetarian

Beyond the thousands & thousands of proven medical benefits of fresh, delicous 'bug free' vegetables, being a good vegetarian also supports America's hard working farmers.

So why aren't you eating your 12 servings of fruits and veggies every day?

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Why aren't you killing yourself right fucking now?

According to V8 I drink 2 full servings of vegetables per cup. Checkmate cuck.

>Terrence Malick is a farmer

I prefer to give my money to the meat industry as opposed to a bunch of hippie commie """""vegetarians"""""

>Why aren't you killing yourself right fucking now?

awwww You're just butthurt because too much meat is rotting your brain.

Try eating fresh veggies every day. You'll be healthier and smarter too!

>So why aren't you eating your 12 servings of fruits and veggies every day?

WTF? 12?!?!? Wasn't it just, 4 servings a day?

Omnivore here.
I've never met a single vegetarian who eats anywhere near as much veg as I do. Not. Even. Close. EG, for breakfast I had a fuckhugic fruit salad with cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberry, blueberry and kiwifruit, a pumpkin risotto for lunch, pasta with chickpeas just now for dinner, a green salad as a mid-afternoon snack and I'm about to go grab a plum from the kitchen because fuckyeahplum. Oh, and I had a pork hotdog with ketchup earlier today because fuck you, that's why.
For naming themselves after vegetables, it seems very few vegetarians eat any whole veg at all. All they ever seem to do is choke down horrific-tasting meat analogues and lie through their teeth that it doesn't taste of broken promises.

Fuck, how much money do you have?

Meat is fucking delicious and so many ways it can be done. Plus it supports farmers as they grow, sure they have crops for all of you vegetarians out there but they also raise livestock. Have your opinion but don't be a stuck up feminist vegan in my face or I'll knock you out. Thanks -user.

Enough? Not a whole lot. Why? Vegetarian meat analogues are expensive, not whole veg. Today's eating must've only cost me about $5, including the hotdog.

Most vegans wouldn't recognise a farm even if they were taken on a tour of one...vegans tend to live in little enclaves in large cities...
I live south of a fairly large city, and most residents don't know that most of their dairy/beef/poultry/pork/egg producers are south of the city...
Astronomical level of ignorance, yet they all believe they are the 'smart people'...

I really like cows.
Cows haven't gone extinct because humans breed them and protect them. If they were to live in the wild, they would be gone in a couple generations. That's why I support the beef industry.
I eat beef and so I buy beef.
And because I buy beef, cows have a reason to live.

Because meat is delicious, you fucking imbecile.

I only eat meat 3 days a week

Fuck off faggot I don't care.

kek, nice bait op.

reminder that even plants eat meat, and have nervous systems. Now what are you going to do vegans?

before you shit post (vegans). It's impossible to react without a nervous system, so yes, plants do have a nervous system.

I am raw vegan. Mostly living foods on the menu for me! I can't stand cooked food anymore, unless there really is nothing else to eat.

Can you imagine a world where there is no more fresh, ripe, fruit? Where there is no more delicious teas, juices, or veggies?

Sounds like the world would be at a hellish stage without the great gift of enlightenment and those precious biophotons we need!

Water and life. Living foods. Real fresh local foods. There really is no substitute. Take yourself to the source. Be the source. Grow your own and see for yourself!

You're in for a treat!


>So why aren't you eating your 12 servings of fruits and veggies every day?

I do, with beef, pork, chicken, fish, or whatever other meat products I can get my hands on. Also dairy and grains.

but is that nervous system capable of feeling pain? also venus fly traps and such eat flies for nutrients not found in the soil not their food. they're pretty much vitamins for them. nice try tho meat eater. maybe if you lay off the cow circus you'd be as cognitively bright as i good sir.

Why do you think we evolved mate, surely wasn't all the veggies and shit, look at the monkeys, gorilla's and other apes, they're dumb as fuck and all they eat is veggies and shit

>venus fly traps and such eat flies for nutrients not found in the soil not their food

Things eat other things for nutrients you goddamn moron. That's what food is for.

Jesus fucking christ I hate vegetarians so much. Enjoy your beans and meat substitutes, I'm going to go broil some sausage at one in the morning.

Because Vegans are incredibly stuck up and annoying and I would rather not associate myself with such """people""".

we've been through this friendo. unless you get me a cheaper alternative to meat that tastes better then what we have, no amount of literature or feelings will change me.

living long is shit if you aren't living well and eating delicious meat is living well.

As the alpha species on Earth we need to assert our dominance over lesser species by eating them to show we're not to be fucked with.

I eat vegetarian 4x a week, fish 2x and then have a pub meal with meat (often a 3 meat carvery) once.

Veggies are easier, cheaper and really don't leave me missing too much.

Just by the way you type I can see that you are not an Alpha.
Lick my boots you fucking weakling.


This is either bait or you're a vegetable yourself. KYS regardless.

>Basing your way of life on people who lived millions of years ago
Surely you shit in the woods too

>vegetarians going to the effort of cutting out meat from your diet
>still contribute to the death of cows and chickens

At least omnis can claim ignorance and use their retard logic. Vegetarians actually know better.